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Daunte Culpepper Retiring...


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When does it matter if someone retires? They can be reinstated in no time and signed to a team.

Retirement is a word that's thrown around entirely too often. Culpepper isn't retiring, I don't care what paper work he files. He's just out of work.

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When does it matter if someone retires? They can be reinstated in no time and signed to a team.

Retirement is a word that's thrown around entirely too often. Culpepper isn't retiring, I don't care what paper work he files. He's just out of work.

Haha so true. Wait til a starting QB gets injured and you will see him back with some desperate team.

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I posted the following in the "Open letter from Dante Culpepper" thread...

A close friend of mine had a long dinner with Shaun Hill during the time that Hill was a backup QB to Dante in Minny. Take my source for what you will, but he says Shaun told him that the biggest knock on Dante Culpepper among NFL insiders is that he's DUMB. The Minnesota coaching staff saw his demise coming when Randy Moss left town because it was Randy Moss making him look so good. They were all of the (apparently correct) opinion that Dante's physical gifts would disappear in the NFL because he simply doesn't have the mental capacity to be an effective QB at this level. Shaun made no bones about it either. He also thought Dante was a mental midget.

No offense intended to any Culpepper fans. It's just what I heard from a good friend who heard it straight from Shaun Hill's mouth.

... Could it be that the league consensus on him is exactly what was told to me?

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This is truly sad.

I felt SURE that he would go to Baltimore after what happened to Boller. But instead they went after Joey FREAKING Harrington and Toud Bouman as possible starters.

What's so bad about Daunte? I'd say right now he could come in and play better than 60% of the starters out there. I'll never understand it. Everybody says its because he acts as his own agent, but I would think a team would prefer dealing with an individual as opposed to someone's agent....

Oh well. I hope this isn't permanant and I hope i see him back somewhere soon.

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Yeah, he is better than Leinart, both of Buffalo's QBs, the QBs in San Fran, bla bla. I was surprised he hadn't been picked up.

"He did bad in Miami and Oakland." is an argument. But who hasn't done bad there? Not exactly set for success in both places. Miami is turning in the rigth direction at least. But as for Oakland all I got is two words: Al Davis.

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