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Unbelievable Republican hypocrisy


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It is so embarassing to be a Republican right now. Failures at the economy, national security, the environment, the housing crisis, the credit crisis, personal rights and freedoms, deficit control.

Republicans have become great at spending, putting government into your personal life, destroying national security, and just messing things up.

But, we still kick ass at campaigning. We can spin better than the Dems all day long. Both sides of the argument were very convincing when told by Republican talking heads. We do debate a point better, no matter which side we are on.

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Republicans have become great at spending, putting government into your personal life, destroying national security, and just messing things up.

This is the platform they always say the dems will do. They always say less gov. and less spending. Total BS.

W has been the most liberal Pres. by far when it comes to gov. intrusion and spending money.

Hypocrisy suits this thread title well.

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This sort of attitude always irks me.

So that makes it OK?

Since when do two wrongs make a right?

People need to flat out grow the **** up. Saying "well THEY do it" is ridiculously juvenile, and certainly no way to behave. If the other side's tactics are so deplorable, then act like adults and set a better example for crying out loud.

Honestly, if my kid came home from school and told me he misbehaved because the other kid did first, I'd send his ass straight to his room. HE knows better, and he's only 11.


I never said two wrongs make a right. In fact, I gave no opinion on the clip at all, except to say that the same **** happens with the Dems. I don't have the time nor the desire to look for similar clips ... but I'm sure they're there.

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Both sides are heavy on the hypocrisy, for every one example you come up for one party you can probably get two more for the other. That's why I don't label myself as a republican or democrat, because then I'd be clumped together with a bunch of jerkoff clowns (which also comprise the diehard obama and mccain fans).

Although the clip is funny and certainly worth a thread, democrats speak as though their party is flawless with unscathed records. Well as I said before, for every one example of hypocrisy you can find against one party you can find two against the other... and in this case a long list.

Funny clip, though.

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Sorry to disappoint you, OP but Stewart isn't exactly in the middle on politics as well. The Daily Show has become a joke on the republicans show from more left wing pundits. It's a shame because I used to enjoy that show before Stewart got there.

Stewart is absolutely a leftist all the way. There's no attempt to hide it, really. Daily Show should be called Daily Republican Jokes.

But that's fine. I don't mind if a show is to the right or left, if you don't like their politics then don't 'effin watch the show. I don't watch daily show very much because Stewart is as funny as having your brake line fall apart while you're going down a steep hill (which has happened to me, that's how I know the analogy works).

Show is funny, but Stewart is so terrible it actually pains me to watch for too long.

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Stewart is absolutely a leftist all the way. There's no attempt to hide it, really. Daily Show should be called Daily Republican Jokes.

But that's fine. I don't mind if a show is to the right or left, if you don't like their politics then don't 'effin watch the show. I don't watch daily show very much because Stewart is as funny as having your brake line fall apart while you're going down a steep hill (which has happened to me, that's how I know the analogy works).

Show is funny, but Stewart is so terrible it actually pains me to watch for too long.

You do not watch Daily Show much, but you do know what's on it, eh?

Hopefully somebody here has some handly links to Stewart making jokes about Obama, Dems, etc for you.

As I said before, we are way past the point where being against GOP means being biased. At this point it means things like "paying attention" and "not crazy".

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For those of you who claim that he only goes after the right. Here they make fun of the wacky leftists in Berkley, people that Sarge stereotypes everyone as. I've posted this before. It was a riot.


And its no secret how the daily show is a left wing show, they cater to college kids.

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That was pretty funny.

Although wasn't Dick Morris a Bill Clintonite?

Dick Morris was the one who had to quit from the Clinton campaign because he was found to be meeting with a hooker at the Mayflower Hotel to have his toes sucked. Seriously:

"On August 29, 1996, Morris resigned from the Clinton campaign after reports surfaced that he had been involved with a prostitute. A tabloid newspaper had obtained and published a set of photographs of Morris and the woman on a Washington, D.C., hotel balcony. The Daily Telegraph reported that in order to impress the woman, Sherry Rowlands, Morris invited her to listen in on conversations with the President. The Telegraph also alleged that Morris had a preference for "toe-sucking and dominance," and that he regaled Rowlands with a version of "Popeye the Sailor Man," performed in his underpants."

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Dick Morris was the one who had to quit from the Clinton campaign because he was found to be meeting with a hooker at the Mayflower Hotel to have his toes sucked. Seriously:

I remember that. I was like 12 years old an I remember that. Do people still call him on that?

Why do politicians always go to the Mayflower?

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Sorry to disappoint you, OP but Stewart isn't exactly in the middle on politics as well. The Daily Show has become a joke on the republicans show from more left wing pundits. It's a shame because I used to enjoy that show before Stewart got there.

What IS Craig Kilborn up to these days? Uh, nothing, because he is/was a talentless hack. You lose a lot of credibility for that statement, as well as for the grammatical content of your second sentence.

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