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ODDS! Unsportsmanlike on Landry Game 1


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Landry has come a long way. He wants to intimidate receivers. As a first or second year player, Game 1 is your chance to make a statement. I think he's learned a little better by now, but I wouldn't be COMPLETELY shocked to see him get another dumb penalty. He hasn't gotten to make a play since the game against Seattle, where he was grabbing balls out of the sky. The excitement could get to him, but I think his head will be on a little straighter this season.


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hmmm, I think there is a 40% chance he does. He loves him some late hits. The league last year put him on notice. No doubt being the first game of the year, the league reminds the refs about Landry. They may call it on him for something stupid to make their point.

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Honestly, I think that Landry should set the tone for our secondary in wake of ST's absence.

The rest of the league will be watching this game and I have no problem with Landry letting the rest of the league know that he will hurt anyone that comes across the middle.

It is week 1 and we need to set the tone for the rest of the season, later in the season is when he needs to play smart.

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Honestly, I think that Landry should set the tone for our secondary in wake of ST's absence.

The rest of the league will be watching this game and I have no problem with Landry letting the rest of the league know that he will hurt anyone that comes across the middle.

It is week 1 and we need to set the tone for the rest of the season, later in the season is when he needs to play smart.

Why can't he set a tone with a clean, legal hit? As was stated earlier, he is already on a short leash. That short leash leads to suspensions in today's NFL. And that's the LAST thing this team needs.

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Although this is a pretty silly thread to make......im going to go with 50%. Laron at times lets his emotions go before his judgement.....he will improve on it. ST went through the same thing.

I just hope that if he does commit one, its in the style of the flying headbutt he put on Kellen Clemens last year.

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What ever happened sportsmanship?

It seems that most young people these days don't give a damn about sportsmanship. For them its all about individual (as opposed to team) accomplishments and these kind of people are really interested and love seeing individuals showing up another individual.

I'd rather have sportsmanship. I'd rather have every tackle be a team tackle then having "OMG BEASTLY DIRTY 30TY JACKED UP THAT DUDE !!@!1!" and a yellow flag on the ground.

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What ever happened sportsmanship?

It seems that most young people these days don't give a damn about sportsmanship. For them its all about individual (as opposed to team) accomplishments and these kind of people are really interested and love seeing individuals showing up another individual.

I'd rather have sportsmanship. I'd rather have every tackle be a team tackle then having "OMG BEASTLY DIRTY 30TY JACKED UP THAT DUDE !!@!1!" and a yellow flag on the ground.

Whats wrong with praising an individual player with the his play? We all want LL to play smart and sportsman like. Why can't he "Jack up that dude" and do it without a flag?

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What ever happened sportsmanship?

It seems that most young people these days don't give a damn about sportsmanship. For them its all about individual (as opposed to team) accomplishments and these kind of people are really interested and love seeing individuals showing up another individual.

I'd rather have sportsmanship. I'd rather have every tackle be a team tackle then having "OMG BEASTLY DIRTY 30TY JACKED UP THAT DUDE !!@!1!" and a yellow flag on the ground.

I agree with the sentiment but football is played on the edge. A major part of it is intimidation. But the taunting or unsportsmanlike conduct penalties that Landry has drawn really tick me off. The big intimidating hits are great but then standing over the receiver and taunting him really is dumb and selfish.

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Although this is a pretty silly thread to make......im going to go with 50%. Laron at times lets his emotions go before his judgement.....he will improve on it. ST went through the same thing.

I just hope that if he does commit one, its in the style of the flying headbutt he put on Kellen Clemens last year.

What ever happened sportsmanship?

It seems that most young people these days don't give a damn about sportsmanship. For them its all about individual (as opposed to team) accomplishments and these kind of people are really interested and love seeing individuals showing up another individual.

I'd rather have sportsmanship. I'd rather have every tackle be a team tackle then having "OMG BEASTLY DIRTY 30TY JACKED UP THAT DUDE !!@!1!" and a yellow flag on the ground.

I agree. I could care less who he "Jacks Up." Just make the play. A knockdown, INT or hit. Whatever does the job. Too many people get this idea that all a FS does is jack people up. Sean was having his "Greatest" season last year. You know why? He stopped trying to "jack people up" on every play and became the "Ball Hawking" FS the team needed. He was leading the NFL in INT's with 5 before he hurt his knee. I want more of the LL I saw in Seattle with the 2 picks. Screw the jacking up.

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For all of you that are saying that you don't care about LaRon 'jacking someone up'

Watch these and tell me that they don't at least make you smile:



No, big hits aren't all that matters, but they can be extremely important.

A hard hitting safety causes fumbles, scares the **** out of receivers (alligator arms), pumps up the defense and the fans etc.

Is an INT more important? Sure, but no DB will always be in position to catch the ball.

The hit on Muhsin Muhammad (I believe that was the Bears WR that he hit late) was unnecessary.

Does it send a message? Yes.

But thats not the way you do it. There are hundreds of opportunities for Landry to knock the crap out of the guy with the ball. Do it then.

We're not the Cowboys, I don't want any Roy Williams on my team.

We're not the Pats, I don't want any Rodney Harrisons on my team.

Hit hard, but hit clean. He knows how to do it, and he knows what not to do.

Sean had his immaturity issues when he started out, he grew up and grew out of it. I hope Landry does the same.

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