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Colt Brennan Needs A LOT of Work


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What more would you expect from a 6th round QB in the Hall of Fame game, one week before all other players?

If you're not impressed, you're not paying attention. If you're calling for Colt to start anytime soon, you're getting far ahead of yourself.

Hooper is right, we have a promising situation at QB, and finally people are embracing what Colt may be: a QB with potential.

Nicely put Truant.

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What more would you expect from a 6th round QB in the Hall of Fame game, one week before all other players?

If you're not impressed, you're not paying attention. If you're calling for Colt to start anytime soon, you're getting far ahead of yourself.

Hooper is right, we have a promising situation at QB, and finally people are embracing what Colt may be: a QB with potential.

Well said Hear him !!!!

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you have to remember, june jones was his coach at hawaii, the west coast offense, is made to order for colt. june has used it ever since he has been coach at hawaii, they have had 3 really good college qbs that put up great numbers in his offense. i noticed colt has really put on the pounds. no matter what anyone thinks, there is always a place for the qb that has great instincts for the game. remember, little fran tarkenton, well he was a little guy, that no one seemed able to tackle, before he did a lot of damage. jim zorn will make colt into the 2d string qb over collins.

Unless June Junes has changed his systems he does not run a WCO - he was one of the original run and shoot guys when he was in the NFL.

I do agree that the NFL puts too much emphasis on the measurables - you don't have to be 6-4 and 230 to be a productive NFL QB. I was impressed by Brennan last night - but it was the first preseason game so lets keep things in perspective. Collins would have to fall of the face of a cliff from Brennan to beat him out this year as the #2.

I did see enough though to hope that Colt will become at worst a serviceable #2 with a couple of years development.

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Still he looked impressive, poised, and made good throws in the pocket.

He improvised nicely when things broke down like the TD pass to Mason. He rolled out to the right and I actually thought he was going to run. But he made a smart decision and threw it to Marcus. Clearly his stats are going to be inflated but just looking at him as a player he had a nice game.

The TD to Marcus WAS a smart decision. The only problem is how long it took him to make it. Mason was wide open and he still waited about 3 seconds to get it to him. Against non-scrubs that would have probably been, at best, an incomplete pass. That being said, he did look good in many areas. He didn't seem to get rattled too much, he made some very nice throws (the 1st TD was a beaut), and seemed to have decent pocket presence. He certainly has things to work on, but he also shows promise. I'm thinking by next year he'll be #2 unless he regresses.

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He made good decisions and was poised when things broke down. How many rookies take sacks like that in the first game? Most try too hard and end up with a bad play. I would say the HARDEST part of being a QB in the NFL is knowing what to do and when to do it, and Brennan showed that he can make the right choice. The other stuff will come. Am I saying he should start? No. But Collins needs to watch out for his job.

For once it looks like we are truly blessed with 2 young QBs that can play the game with enthusiasm as well as poise. That does bode well for the future.

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CB5 does have a long way to go, after all he took 80-90% of his snaps from the gun, so he will have to work on his drop back for starters....

but he will be fine...remember:

this is now a WC offense and to run WC the QB needs to have 2 things to be sucessful

accuracy and some (more is better) mobility, more exactly....throwing on the run (rolling out of the pocket)


CB5 threw at 70-75% comp. for his career, dont tell me about the conference he played in or the system he played in..... he still needed to make the right reads, react and make an accurate throw....70-75% is impressive even in practice for 7 on 7 drills, anyone that has played QB (anything more than your back yard) knows this first hand. 70-75% shows in ANY syestem that he is accurate!

and he ran for 13-15 TDs in college, that speaks volumes for a QB that is not running the spread O that is in FLA or Mich. this shows he can move and get the ball down field with the ball in his hand, and if you watched him at all you see him side step and avoid the rush many many times and also throw on the run and was pin point....

as for his delivery.....3/4.... =( not to worry.....like i said before, 70-75% is impressive and he did that with that 3/4 he will be fine.

the OC is going to take a while for him to fully grasp and all the QBs for that matter to get a full grasp

and lastly and might be most importantly....

Zorn drafted him, he is his QB....did not inherit him...he wanted him! so he will have a longer leash than most QBs.

CB5 last night showed the two things i said he has to be serviceable in the NFL.....Accurate the first pass and the TD were deep balls and right on point, and he moved well in the pocket and threw on the run.....(see the TD)

I know people will say that those guys will be bagging frozen TV dinners in a week, that is fine and also true.....but what it proved is that he played well durning a game (game speed can not be replicated in practice no matter what the coaches do) also remember that in practice he is also going against guys that see the same plays over and over.....the guys on D are not dumb they will see the same plays and start to anticapate routes....the colts had to play the skins straight up and he found the open man OFTEN......

the next step will to see how he does next week, cause the bills will have game film on him and all the skins.

overall what he showed me most is that he made the correct reads.....and that is most important

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Colt looked very good last night, even if it was against the 3rd and 4th string defenses.

I'm not saying that he should be starting, but I feel a lot more comfortable about his ability to be a reliable back up.

I'd say that he looked better than the Colt's backup (Lorenz) for sure, and Lorenz has NFL experience. Colt is labled as a "project" simply because of his mechanics. If he had played at any other college and put up the numbers he did, he would at least a 3rd pick. Hopefully Colt will continue to learn and develop into an overlooked gem.

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The TD to Marcus WAS a smart decision. The only problem is how long it took him to make it. Mason was wide open and he still waited about 3 seconds to get it to him. Against non-scrubs that would have probably been, at best, an incomplete pass...

I thought that too when I watched the play live ... but after seeing the replay angle from behind him, I'm more inclined to think he simply didn't see Mason as early as we did at home. Seemed to me he was looking inside as he rolled out, both at the other Skin (didn't catch the number) drifting at the goal line, and at the Colt that was breaking coverage and starting toward him.

Maybe he could or should have picked Mason up a split second quicker, but given the circumstances, I think it was a pretty damn good play by a kid QB with precious little experience with football played at that speed. The thing that pleased me most, once he did see and focus on Mason, was the coolness and poise he showed in quickly and accurately getting Marcus the ball.


Overall, I will admit to being surprised, and more than a little intrigued, at how poised the kid looked out there. I think I saw one play where he held the ball too long (where he also could have ended Todd Wade's season by running up his leg). I thought he made Collins look like the happy-footed rook, not the other way around. And the accuracy and touch he showed down the field ... that stuff isn't taught. You either have it or you don't.

To me he was clearly the biggest player story of the game. If nothing else, the kid certainly got everyone's attention.

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To me it looked like he was trying to force the DB to bite on the QB run threat. Once the DB came up to make the play, Mason had no threat. TD Wash Redskins!! That reminded me of the interception Landry made last year against the Cardinals. Its not hard for a fast DB to cover a lot of ground within the endzone. Overall I was shocked with Colt's play.

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I was impressed by Colt's game out there. I don't think he's a back-up quality QB yet, but I feel he definately earned a roster spot as the #3. Too many NCAA records and then this game to say otherwise.

The thing that impressed me the most, however, was just the level of execution by the 'Skins. They really seemed to know what the h*ll they were doing out there, which seems a bit different from past seasons, even the Spurrier "blow-outs" in the pre-season. Me, I'm a bit excited, even if it was against scrubs and non-starters.


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- I let the coaches worry about whether Colt should have thrown the ball sooner or later.

- He may have been playing the 3/4th string defense, but he had the 3/4 string offense.

- He showed poise and accuracy. Made the right decisions even when pressured. What more can you ask from a pre-season game?

The only negative that stuck out to me was when he threw a short slant to McMullen. You could tell where his arm strength shows up as a weakness. A throw with more zip, and that's a 5 yard gain.

The bottom line is that he opened up some eyes, and showed that he can make plays on the NFL level.

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But you also have to remember that he was playing with 3rd/4th string support as well (OL and receivers). It's a wash - almost.

I keep seeing this repeated and its just not true. Stephon Heyer, a starter from last year, Fabinin, Wade etc were all blocking for CB. They are a very solid unit. They played together most last season.

That being said. I am starting to like what I see. Colt had a nice toch, but he only payed really well out of the pocket on broken down plays... kind of reminded me of Favre or Romo sits to pee. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I can just see this kid taking risks... like Madden pointed out on that one play. You could also see that Zorn looked a little pissed a few times,even when Colt made the a play.

I would like to see how CB fairs against the second string defense... and hopefully before the preseason is over, a starting one. When in the pocket, CB looks a little rough around the edges. His footwork is not there yet and he looked a little nervous. Probably because he a first timere and all. Its was good to see that we have a bunch of great prospects at the QB position.

On the other hand... I was a little dissapointed the Devine did not get as many reps. From the few plays I saw, he looks confident and hs a hell of an arm. That dropped pass sucked.

I am very happy all the QB's played well today. CB looks good so far. Kudos to a game well played!!!

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