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If alien life IS discovered....

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well there must be some balance....there is a fair share of both types.

I 100% agree. But I look at it like this; I have been a believer without actually seeing God or Jesus for 34 years. What is this alien going to have in his hand that can convince me to NOT believe any more?

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I 100% agree. But I look at it like this; I have been a believer without actually seeing God or Jesus for 34 years. What is this alien going to have in his hand that can convince me to NOT believe any more?

Thats exactly what I said in my earlier post.

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Like PeterMP said, it depends. The question is far too vague.

The Bible doesn't mention life on other planets, but the Bible never claims to be an exhaustive encyclopedia of everything that existed, so the only people that could even possibly be effected by the simple discovery of life are hyper-literalists that go beyond what the Bible says to their interpretation of what they think it says, and if these people haven't been shaken by modern science from, say, believing the Earth is 6,000 years old, the discovery of aliens won't do squat.

For the rest of us religious folks, it would largely depend on what the aliens are.

Something like bacteria? No effect.

Intelligent aliens that also believe in the divine? Positive effect.

Intelligent aliens that also believe in one specific religion, say, Hinduism? Big positive for Hinduism. (Or whatever).

Intelligent aliens that are atheists? Maybe a negative effect, but they'd have to know something we don't already. Just growing up on another planet doesn't automatically grant them some special metaphysical knowledge.

Intelligent aliens, a la 2001, that guided our very evolution as a species from start to finish ("and, oh yeah, we totally invented all those miracles and religions to push you along") and can prove it? Bad news for the Pope. :)

Of course, many times when atheists ask this, the underlying unspoken theme is that these aliens, being far more advanced than us technologically, must be atheists that have shaken off all these silly "superstitions" (ifg they ever had them), and won't that be a great day when Dawkins is proven right?

I don't buy that. Too many huge assumptions there. We'll just have to wait and see, I guess.

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Of course, many times when atheists ask this, the underlying unspoken theme is that these aliens, being far more advanced than us technologically, must be atheists that have shaken off all these silly "superstitions" (ifg they ever had them), and won't that be a great day when Dawkins is proven right?

I don't buy that. Too many huge assumptions there. We'll just have to wait and see, I guess.

Anybody who hints at the possibility of aliens being atheists needs to re-think just what they're looking for, same goes to a christian who believes the alien will be christian. I highly doubt such concepts would even be embraced by another alien species. This question itself can only bring limited discussion because the concept of life itself could be completely different somewhere else in the universe, and the form of life could be so alien that we don't even know how to interact with it.

What if no communication is possible....only awareness and feeling of presence? Now that I think about it, a neutral stance from both sides is pretty likely. Followed by destruction of either one.

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Whats to say God made the earth and took a couple days off and decided to make another one someplace. You think he's gonna come down here and say, "hey yall, just thought I'd let ya know I've got another project going on." Maybe he did this along time ago with many other planets. He can. He's got the time and power. I'm just glad he thought of little old me. I'm pretty grateful God for remembering me.

Your life is Gods gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to him. (eat your heart out Ghandi)

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Hey what's up with all this alien talk anyway? This is the third thread today about this.

The truth is out there.

But really I don't see any difference either way if we find alien life. We could certainly find alien life on Mars in the form small organisms. It wouldn't change my religious views one bit.

I do think a good amount of biological knowledge can come out of discovering alien life though. May benefit us as a human species may not. The biological make up of these alien species is what interests me, not the religious ramifications.

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more importantly, if there is alien life and, as in the original star trek show, it's mostly made up of good-looking women with only *SLIGHT* physical differences from human women...

would it be okay to have sex with them? or would that be lumped in with bestiality?

If the Aliens had Green cards, theni twould be okay to have sex with them.

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