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Duties of a Citizen?


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We often talk about the Rights and Privileges of Citizenship here in the United States. We discuss whether these Rights and Privileges should be extended to non-citizens.

However, we rarely talk about the DUTIES and RESPONSIBILITIES of an American citizen. Are there any? Should there be? If so, what are they? Should there be more or less of them? Should they be extended to non-citizens living here in the United States?


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Personally I believe there there definitely should be Duties and Responsibilities for Citizens.

Among them....

Being aware of and knowledgable about American History.

Speaking ENGLISH.

Keeping up with current events in America.

Keeping up with American Politics and voting in every election they are legally allowed to.

Keeping an America First mentality and thought process.

Being prepared to fight for, kill for, and die for this country.

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Personally I believe there there definitely should be Duties and Responsibilities for Citizens.

Among them....

Being aware of and knowledgable about American History.

Speaking ENGLISH. In a land of immigrants? I don't think we should cater to non-English speakers but its not a duty IMO

Keeping up with current events in America. Tack on 'and the world' and I would agree

Keeping up with American Politics and voting in every election they are legally allowed to. Yes

Keeping an America First mentality and thought process. Yes, but not in the George Bush "**** the rest of the world, we're going into Iraq" type of way.

Being prepared to fight for, kill for, and die for this country. If it is a matter of imminent national security, such as an invasion or a WWII type threat, then absolutely. However, to ask Americans to fight and die for their country when our president is unnecessarily invading and occupying countries, then no.

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Personally I believe there there definitely should be Duties and Responsibilities for Citizens.

Among them....

Being aware of and knowledgable about American History.

Speaking ENGLISH.

Keeping up with current events in America.

Keeping up with American Politics and voting in every election they are legally allowed to.

Keeping an America First mentality and thought process.

Being prepared to fight for, kill for, and die for this country.

Don't forget Jury Duty. It's a shame how often people try to skip out on it.

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In a land of immigrants? I don't think we should cater to non-English speakers but its not a duty IMO.

Yes, in a land of immigrants. English is still the most common language here in the United States. It is the ONLY language that our documents should be published in and that our government should have its work done in. Therefore it's a DUTY so far as I'm concerned.

Tack on 'and the world' and I would agree.

To a VERY limited degree I agree. For the most part I see no need for us to pay attention to what's going on in Europe, Asia, Africa, etc....

Yes, but not in the George Bush "**** the rest of the world, we're going into Iraq" type of way.

No, in the ultra-isolationist sort of way where we don't buy products from outside the US or ever leave the US.

If it is a matter of imminent national security, such as an invasion or a WWII type threat, then absolutely. However, to ask Americans to fight and die for their country when our president is unnecessarily invading and occupying countries, then no.

I can think of a Vietnam veteran who passed away 7 years ago who would vehimently disagree with you. He turned down two different exemptions to go to SouthEast Asia because his country told him it was necessary and he wasn't going to send someone else to potentially get killed in his place. Thankfully he came back in one piece and ended up being my father.

Don't forget Jury Duty. It's a shame how often people try to skip out on it.

Very true.

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Yes, in a land of immigrants. English is still the most common language here in the United States. It is the ONLY language that our documents should be published in and that our government should have its work done in. Therefore it's a DUTY so far as I'm concerned.

If they can get by without speaking it then that's fine with me. Obviously it disadvantages other people that deal with them but its not a big deal to me

To a VERY limited degree I agree. For the most part I see no need for us to pay attention to what's going on in Europe, Asia, Africa, etc....

I disagree, not everything important in the world happens inside our borders.

No, in the ultra-isolationist sort of way where we don't buy products from outside the US or ever leave the US.

Our economy would collapse.

I can think of a Vietnam veteran who passed away 7 years ago who would vehimently disagree with you. He turned down two different exemptions to go to SouthEast Asia because his country told him it was necessary and he wasn't going to send someone else to potentially get killed in his place. Thankfully he came back in one piece and ended up being my father.

I respect that, but I don't see that as a duty unless the country is threatened.

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I have never skipped out on Jury Duty. However, I disagree.

What makes someone my peer ? My neighborhood ? My financial status ? My race ?

I would rather it be a paid postion to aspiring lawyers, than an event where someone has to take sometimes weeks away from their job. In some jobs, it has to be a serious pay cut.

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If they can get by without speaking it then that's fine with me. Obviously it disadvantages other people that deal with them but its not a big deal to me.

That is NOT fine with me. I find it very rude to be walking down a public street, or to be in a store, restaurant, etc... and to not be able to understand what's being said around me. It's a sizeable security issue so far as I'm concerned.

I disagree, not everything important in the world happens inside our borders.

True. But everything important to the US should be going on inside our borders.

Our economy would collapse.

GOOD. Then maybe we can rebuild it the RIGHT way this time around.

I respect that, but I don't see that as a duty unless the country is threatened.

That's fine. I can understand and respect that even if I disagree with it.

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I have never skipped out on Jury Duty. However, I disagree.

What makes someone my peer ? My neighborhood ? My financial status ? My race ?

I would rather it be a paid postion to aspiring lawyers, than an event where someone has to take sometimes weeks away from their job. In some jobs, it has to be a serious pay cut.

What makes someone your peer.... American Citizenship. The concept of paid jurors is truly scary to me. I agree that probably 75% of Americans shouldn't be jurors because they don't understand the concept of JUSTICE, but that's a different issue alltogether.

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That is NOT fine with me. I find it very rude to be walking down a public street, or to be in a store, restaurant, etc... and to not be able to understand what's being said around me. It's a sizeable security issue so far as I'm concerned.

Just because you find it rude doesn't make it their duty to speak your language. And I don't see it as being a security issue at all, there are plenty of patriotic citizens that are bi-lingual and would know if the guy walking down the street is talking about blowing up the police station.

True. But everything important to the US should be going on inside our borders.


GOOD. Then maybe we can rebuild it the RIGHT way this time around.

:doh: We would probably be invaded before you could rebuild.

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But your perception of Justice, is a little different than mine.

Therefore how could you be my peer ? It's unreasonable right ?

And why would you be afraid of paying them ? At least it would be a lot more consistent and the jurors, would be somewhat educated in the process of law.

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I agree with MSF on all of these things (and also jury duty- which I never have been called for but want to!!!)

I believe in isolationism. Stay out of the world's affairs. Worry about what's happening to America.

So you're against us fighting terror in Afghanistan?

You don't believe that we should stop buying from foreign countries do you?

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So you're against us fighting terror in Afghanistan?

You don't believe that we should stop buying from foreign countries do you?

I wish we didn't have to be over there but if they're fighting over there to keep terrorists from coming to America, I'm fine with that. I don't really think we need to be over there rebuilding Iraq's government, though. Call me selfish, but it's not really America's concern how they govern themselves.

While I don't think we should stop buying from other countries completely, I think we need to be a LOT more self sufficient over here and limit our imports and exports. The only real thing I don't want to see leave us is Japanese cars :)

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Personally I believe there there definitely should be Duties and Responsibilities for Citizens.

Among them....

Being aware of and knowledgable about American History.

Speaking ENGLISH.

Keeping up with current events in America.

Keeping up with American Politics and voting in every election they are legally allowed to.

Keeping an America First mentality and thought process.

Being prepared to fight for, kill for, and die for this country.

So basically watch the news, read history books, and buy guns. Cool.

What a great country this is.

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1. To be a Christian or excluding that to be a Judeo.

2. To have one of the following bumper stickers: "They can have my gun when they take it from my cold dead hands," "Support the Troops," or "**** Happens."

3. To have at a minimum of 300 channels on their cable system.

4. To enjoy a type of fried cheese at least twice a week.

5. To have the nicest lawn in the neighborhood.

6. To have high school football season tickets.

7. To speak proper English, the way Jesus did.

8. To worry about the poison Hollywood is filling your child with while not worrying about the computer, satellite tv, Ipod, and cell phone in his/her room with the lock.

9. To hate the French.

10. To wear a shirt with the American Flag on it every July 4.

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Just because you find it rude doesn't make it their duty to speak your language. And I don't see it as being a security issue at all, there are plenty of patriotic citizens that are bi-lingual and would know if the guy walking down the street is talking about blowing up the police station.

How about the fact that it was the recognized primary language of this country for several hundred years, even if Congress never made it official.

It's most definitely a security risk. If the police officers standing on the corner cannot understand the conversations going on around them that is most definitely a security risk. If I can't understand the two guys in the parking lot thinking about robbing me that is a security risk.


We will have to disagree on that, Darrell

:doh: We would probably be invaded before you could rebuild.

Then we didn't deserve to continue to exist in the first place.

But your perception of Justice, is a little different than mine.

Therefore how could you be my peer ? It's unreasonable right

How about because as a Citizen (in my system anyway) I've proven that I understand what Justice actually is before I'm allowed to sit down in that Jury box.

And why would you be afraid of paying them ? At least it would be a lot more consistent and the jurors, would be somewhat educated in the process of law.

How about because I believe about 95% of all lawyers and judges have no idea what this system should be about. They're the biggest impediment to the system working properly, and jurors would just add to that group if they became a professional group.

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I wish we didn't have to be over there but if they're fighting over there to keep terrorists from coming to America, I'm fine with that. I don't really think we need to be over there rebuilding Iraq's government, though. Call me selfish, but it's not really America's concern how they govern themselves.

While I don't think we should stop buying from other countries completely, I think we need to be a LOT more self sufficient over here and limit our imports and exports. The only real thing I don't want to see leave us is Japanese cars :)

I agree with the first part.

The issue is the security aspect and the threat to America's interests if we were to just bomb and leave. I think at this point the Iraqi army needs to stand mainly on its own, we've done our job.

The issue with the second part is that while we do need to be more self-sufficient, especially with energy, we cannot fight and win against the forces of globalization. Mass has some very unique ideas but complete isolationism would fail miserably.

And yes, Japanese cars are incredible.

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How about the fact that it was the recognized primary language of this country for several hundred years, even if Congress never made it official.

It's most definitely a security risk. If the police officers standing on the corner cannot understand the conversations going on around them that is most definitely a security risk. If I can't understand the two guys in the parking lot thinking about robbing me that is a security risk.

So you want to ban speaking foreign languages? I speak some Russian, I could talk about robbing you and you would have no idea.

We will have to disagree on that, Darrell

You're claiming that nothing outside the US is relevant? So we should ignore whats going on in Iran and North Korea?

Then we didn't deserve to continue to exist in the first place.

So you would rather have the US be obliterated than operate in a way that you see as being unfit?

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So you're against us fighting terror in Afghanistan?

Yes. We should have given Afghanistan and Pakistan 96 hours to turn OBL over or we nuke the entire region.

You don't believe that we should stop buying from foreign countries do you?

Definitely. We also shouldn't be exporting things to other countries.

And I agree as well, we needn't worry about starving children around the globe, when we have homeless and starving people here.

Exactly. Though it's PRIVATE agencies, not the government that should be dealing with them.

The entire world does not need to model themselves after the US. Let them live their lives within their countries.

True. However, the moment they decide to stick their noses into our society we lop it off with a sword.

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