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AP:Obama: I will never question others' patriotism


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Really Barack?



INDEPENDENCE, Mo. (AP) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Monday he will never question others' patriotism during the race and blames his own "carelessness" for some criticism of him so far.

Obama sought to reassure voters about his commitment to the country, choosing the aptly named town of Independence as his backdrop.

Questions about his patriotism were raised during the Democratic nomination fight, and Obama recently started wearing a flag pin on his lapel in one attempt to answer them. But a weeklong focus on American values in the run-up to Friday's July 4 holiday represents his most concerted effort so far to do so.

Obama said he chose the topic in part because of his experience during the race, even though he has always considered his love of country a given and his inspiration for running for office.

"I have found, for the first time, my patriotism challenged—at times as a result of my own carelessness, more often as a result of the desire by some to score political points and raise fears about who I am and what I stand for," he said before a crowd of a few hundred people at the Truman Memorial Building here. "I will never question the patriotism of others in this campaign. And I will not stand idly by when I hear others question mine."

Obama also sought to tamp down controversy surrounding comments over the weekend from a supporter. Retired Gen. Wesley Clark said in a television appearance that the Vietnam War-era military service of John McCain, Obama's Republican opponent, does not necessarily qualify him to be commander in chief.

McCain was a fighter pilot who was captured and held as a prisoner of war for more than five years.

Obama said that patriotism "must, if it is to mean anything, involve the willingness to sacrifice" and sought to distance himself from Clark's remarks without mentioning them.

"For those like John McCain who have endured physical torment in service to our country—no further proof of such sacrifice is necessary," Obama said. "And let me also add that no one should ever devalue that service, especially for the sake of a political campaign, and that goes for supporters on both sides."

The comment drew loud applause.

Separately, in a statement, Obama spokesman Bill Burton said, "As he's said many times before, Senator Obama honors and respects Senator McCain's service, and of course he rejects yesterday's statement by General Clark."

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"I have found, for the first time, my patriotism challenged—at times as a result of my own carelessness

that seems to be Barry's running line. Oops, my own carelessness, etc. Seems like he needs to step up and stop being so "careless" :2cents:

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I don't think he should be held responsible for what Wesley Clark said. And Wes didn't really question MCain's patriotism...he questioned his qualifications.

But I do some Swift Boating similarities. A 3rd party comes out and makes a claim that Obama would probably like to make but can't himself. Or at least that is how the Swift Boating thing was explained.

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I don't think he should be held responsible for what Wesley Clark said. And Wes didn't really question MCain's patriotism...he questioned his qualifications.

But I do some Swift Boating similarities. A 3rd party comes out and makes a claim that Obama would probably like to make but can't himself. Or at least that is how the Swift Boating thing was explained.

I agree completely.

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I get what Clark was trying to say, I just don't think he chose the best words to say it. He's saying that McCain's military service doesn't neccessarily make him more qualified to be president.

No, he picked a terrible way to say. That was not an "innocent slip up" on Clark's part. Clark is too seasoned to accidentally say something like that.

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What did Wesley Clark say? Maybe I'm looking at the wrong statement but what he said about McCain doesn't seem out of line to me. One high ranking military member commenting on the fact that flying in combat doesn't make you ready for the whitehouse. Something inaccurate there?

Also what is wrong with Obama's words? I think it's good to see someone that is rejecting the hypocrisy of the patriotism police. On one hand eager to claim they love america, on the other eager to slash any rights at the first sign of danger and expressing hatred for modern american society.

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What did Wesley Clark say? Maybe I'm looking at the wrong statement but what he said about McCain doesn't seem out of line to me. One high ranking military member commenting on the fact that flying in combat doesn't make you ready for the whitehouse. Something inaccurate there?

Also what is wrong with Obama's words? I think it's good to see someone that is rejecting the hypocrisy of the patriotism police. On one hand eager to claim they love america, on the other eager to slash any rights at the first sign of danger and expressing hatred for modern american society.

I didn't get what was wrong with Clark's statements from the original link either, it was pretty vague. I think the issue is with this:

“He has been a voice on the Senate Armed Services Committee. And he has traveled all over the world. But he hasn't held executive responsibility. That large squadron in the Navy that he commanded — that wasn't a wartime squadron,” Clark said.

“I don’t think getting in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to become president.”


here's a video of the interview: http://www.breitbart.tv/html/122013.html

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I didn't get what was wrong with Clark's statements from the original link either, it was pretty vague. I think the issue is with this:

“He has been a voice on the Senate Armed Services Committee. And he has traveled all over the world. But he hasn't held executive responsibility. That large squadron in the Navy that he commanded — that wasn't a wartime squadron,” Clark said.

“I don’t think getting in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to become president.”


I still don't see it. I especially don't see anything near what the swiftboaters were up to.

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What did Wesley Clark say? Maybe I'm looking at the wrong statement but what he said about McCain doesn't seem out of line to me. One high ranking military member commenting on the fact that flying in combat doesn't make you ready for the whitehouse. Something inaccurate there?

Also what is wrong with Obama's words? I think it's good to see someone that is rejecting the hypocrisy of the patriotism police. On one hand eager to claim they love america, on the other eager to slash any rights at the first sign of danger and expressing hatred for modern american society.

It's the irony.

Someone who almost started a war with the Russians, who now works for someone that would never even think of coming within 10 miles of miltary service, questioning the creds of someone who flew combat missions.

OF course, that's his role now.

But between Clark and McPeak, Obama has two heavyweight military losers giving him military advice

Just makes me feel warm all over :rolleyes:

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Sarge, have you ever considered taking up golf to relieve stress? It might do wonders for you.

Blowing people up that desparately needed blowing up used to be great stress relief :D

Can't generally do that in the civvie world

Maybe knitting? :laugh:

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i think clarke was spot on and i wish obama hadnt had this press conference today.... but since he did.....

mike...... i like the fact that obama can admit he made a mistake...... i like clinton better after he admitted nafta was a mistake..... it shows integrity.... something we havent seen anything of in the last 8 years....

now...... about the lapel pen..... this is ridiculous.... i wish he would just stop wearing it..... i understood 100% why he wasnt wearing it..... it has been hijacked and used for the purpose of pundits, talking heads, politicians etc..... to say .... hey look how american i am!!!

symbols dont mean a damn thing if you cant live up to the values that it symbolizes and there is hardly anyone in washington that can truly wear it....

i respect McCain for his service but i hardly think it qualifies him for the potus.....

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It's the irony.

Someone who almost started a war with the Russians, who now works for someone that would never even think of coming within 10 miles of miltary service, questioning the creds of someone who flew combat missions.

Well, I see the Republican nominee is new this time. I guess that means that avoiding military service is once again a valid criticism. Against Democrats.

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It's the irony.

Someone who almost started a war with the Russians, who now works for someone that would never even think of coming within 10 miles of miltary service, questioning the creds of someone who flew combat missions.

OF course, that's his role now.

But between Clark and McPeak, Obama has two heavyweight military losers giving him military advice

Just makes me feel warm all over :rolleyes:

Almost starts a war makes him a loser... avoiding a war like Bush who you supported for so long, no probme?

"10 miles military service" you say after supporting an admin filled with draft dodgers.

Feel warm all over because of two men... but the collection of Iran contra retreads, not a problem.

You don't have the credibility to make these arguments and be taken seriously. McCain could be a drunk draft dodging moron that runs a sweat shop in his spare time... but as long as he wasn't muslim and didn't mention "peace" you support him over any democrat.

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I didn't get what was wrong with Clark's statements from the original link either, it was pretty vague. I think the issue is with this:

“He has been a voice on the Senate Armed Services Committee. And he has traveled all over the world. But he hasn't held executive responsibility. That large squadron in the Navy that he commanded — that wasn't a wartime squadron,” Clark said.

“I don’t think getting in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to become president.”


here's a video of the interview: http://www.breitbart.tv/html/122013.html

My issue is with the bold part. Getting in a fighter plane and getting shot down. You don't see a problem with that? Is that the extent of his service?

Of course that alone does not qualify someone to be president. In my opinion it does give someone a better understanding of what it means to be in war. Better understanding than anyone since George H.W. And that is still just one piece of the Presidential puzzle. But yeah, I think there is something degrading about a comment like that.

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