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A Vote for TLC Is A Vote For CHANGE

Tastes Like Chicken

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from what Ive heard TLC is half nuts.

and he doesnt call when he says he is.

he makes false promises and sets up fake appointments.

WTH were you when we called? Probably humping kee's leg again. :silly:

Well, are you flying in Friday night? Should we rent a Tahoe or a Navigator? Our party will probably have to split into 2 hotels, 12 miles apart. We should try to conference again.

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Besides here at TLC's campaign we have a GREAT spot for you in the cabinet,nude pics of Jessica Alba,and we have UFC supporters (Slacky and I for instance),and we are all are ''down'' with the Washington Redskin organization.Please come to the light.:)

Yet! You are all MEN leg humping to pictures of a married mother!!

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duuuuuuuuuuude....420 bro. :laugh:

put the bong down hophead and get on the wagon. keeastman has hot friends, loves the UFC and is down with Redskins football.


Yet she doesn't have a ban button. :evil:

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Titaw joins TLC's cabinet as Secretary of the Interior

FOX News: July 4, 2008

In a stunning announcement today, TLC names Titaw his Secretary of the Interior. In a brief statement made to the Press TLC & Titaw laid out their plan:

"We will work together for ***** independance, but we will also leagalize (and tax) marijuana as well as give a bounty (paid through the taxation of marijuana) to the first person or group that can come up with an all natural panty dropper guaranteed to the job.

We will make money with the legalization of marijuana. Less money fighting it with federal, state and local authorities. More jobs will be created for marijuana farmers. More tax $$$ because we will control the supply and set the prices. We will pay off the national deficit and fund the PDF (Panty Dropper Fund).

We will also legalize prostitution. We can regluate & tax this industry as well. The money made from these taxes will be allocated to the CHF (Clean Hooker Fund) where a Clean Hooker means a Happy John (TM Titaw) as well as education."

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It's official! TLC has lured one of the most conservative members of ES to his side. Reports indicate that Albass is said to be responsible, as well as, a major cabinet position that has been promised for his endorsement. bschurm is officially endorsing TLC! But then again, bschurm has been known show loyalty to the highest bidder!

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