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I don't know, maybe it's because skins fans constantly pop junk without a leg to stand on but you're right. I shouldn't have brought up the skins. Only skins fans are allowed to do that in ATN. :rolleyes:


Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks.

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Crayton hasn't proved himself? His numbers last year were better than your #1 receiver.

Dear THA,

You constantly come in the ATN and shoot off at the mouth. As wrong as you normally are, you trump your own stupid self this time. Why would you post this?

FACT: Crayton had less catches (50) for less yards (697) than both Moss and Randle El. Explain to me why you lied? Were you talking about TD's? Moss and Randle El had terrible seasons as WR last year while missing multiple games due to injuries and still racked up "Better Numbers" than PC. Crayton had his banner year in 07. This is about all you can expect from him....UNTIL HE PROVES HIMSELF. Until then he remains another "Hank Baskett."

If you were talking touchdowns, than why didn't you mention how much better Cooley is than Witten, he had more TD's this season (with 30 less catches)? I'll tell you why:

FACT: Because catches, First Downs, and Yds matter in a game of possession. Santana has proven himself... as a matter of fact he holds a few Redskins Records for receiving (A position we have a Hall of Famer in). All Patrick Crayton has proved is that he is not quite as good as the Redskins receivers after their worst year since they joined the team.

Quit Spinning and Lying, it makes you look bad (As if being a Cow**** fan didn't already.)

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Dear THA,

You constantly come in the ATN and shoot off at the mouth. As wrong as you normally are, you trump your own stupid self this time. Why would you post this?

FACT: Crayton had less catches (50) for less yards (697) than both Moss and Randle El. Explain to me why you lied? Were you talking about TD's? Moss and Randle El had terrible seasons as WR last year while missing multiple games due to injuries and still racked up "Better Numbers" than PC. Crayton had his banner year in 07. This is about all you can expect from him....UNTIL HE PROVES HIMSELF. Until then he remains another "Hank Baskett."

If you were talking touchdowns, than why didn't you mention how much better Cooley is than Witten, he had more TD's this season (with 30 less catches)? I'll tell you why:

FACT: Because catches, First Downs, and Yds matter in a game of possession. Santana has proven himself... as a matter of fact he holds a few Redskins Records for receiving (A position we have a Hall of Famer in). All Patrick Crayton has proved is that he is not quite as good as the Redskins receivers after their worst year since they joined the team.

Quit Spinning and Lying, it makes you look bad (As if being a Cow**** fan didn't already.)

In all fairness, your comparing the Redskins #1 to the Cowboys #3 with stats. Ive always liked Santana and always felt he could never show his ability because of 1) inability to stay healthy all season 2) Lack of a supporting cast.

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In all fairness, your comparing the Redskins #1 to the Cowboys #3 with stats. Ive always liked Santana and always felt he could never show his ability because of 1) inability to stay healthy all season 2) Lack of a supporting cast.

Yes, but the guy he responded to said Crayton had better numbers than our #1 WR. It was blatantly false, and he brought the comparison up, not dfitz.

And Crayton lined up as the WR2 last season cuz Gelnn was out, correct?

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I don't know, maybe it's because skins fans constantly pop junk without a leg to stand on but you're right. I shouldn't have brought up the skins. Only skins fans are allowed to do that in ATN.

THA what are you talking about?

you alone constantly pop junk without a leg to stand on several times a day... as well as your partners in spin.

Hard to understand why someone who constantly takes a condescending tone about ES and it's fan base, spends more time here than most of the fan base you turn your nose up too.

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In all fairness, your comparing the Redskins #1 to the Cowboys #3 with stats. Ive always liked Santana and always felt he could never show his ability because of 1) inability to stay healthy all season 2) Lack of a supporting cast.

Amazing how Crayton's status on the depth chart is a matter of convenience depending on what the cowboys fans happen to be arguing. I could swear BigDfan5 was arguing the average age of the dallas starters using Crayton as the current #2 instead of Glenn.

In fact, Crayton may very well be #3 at this point, however last year he was definitely the teams undisputed #2.

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Dear THA,

You constantly come in the ATN and shoot off at the mouth. As wrong as you normally are, you trump your own stupid self this time. Why would you post this?

Dear dizzanator,

I'm going to dismiss you direct insult in you calling me stupid because you have the upper hand here and I'd get banned if I insult you right back. As much as I want to verbally assault you, I'll take the highter road. I posted what I posted because I felt like it. :finger:

FACT: Crayton had less catches (50) for less yards (697) than both Moss and Randle El. Explain to me why you lied? Were you talking about TD's? Moss and Randle El had terrible seasons as WR last year while missing multiple games due to injuries and still racked up "Better Numbers" than PC. Crayton had his banner year in 07. This is about all you can expect from him....UNTIL HE PROVES HIMSELF. Until then he remains another "Hank Baskett."

Yes I was talking about TD's and IMPACT. Crayton is considered a #3 yet had a better average (than your #1) and 3 more TD's than your #1 and #2 combined. Their catches and yards were only marginally better than Cratyon's as well. Your comparing Crayton to Hank Baskett, a guy with 16 catches for 142 yds and 1td last year immediately removes any ounce of credibility that you never started with.

If you were talking touchdowns, than why didn't you mention how much better Cooley is than Witten, he had more TD's this season (with 30 less catches)?

Because #1 Cooley and Witten weren't part of the discussion in case you hadn't noticed. #2 Witten had over 300 more yards, 30 more catches and only one less TD so what's your point? Your top two receivers combined for 4 TD's.

FACT: Because catches, First Downs, and Yds matter in a game of possession. Santana has proven himself... as a matter of fact he holds a few Redskins Records for receiving (A position we have a Hall of Famer in). All Patrick Crayton has proved is that he is not quite as good as the Redskins receivers after their worst year since they joined the team.

Do you realize you're comparing and "proving" your #1 to our #3 receiver? Sit back and think real hard about that.

Quit Spinning and Lying, it makes you look bad (As if being a Cow**** fan didn't already.)

Clever... the whole being "Cow****" fan making me already look bad.. not bad.. you're pretty good at this insult thing. Stick to the insults and stay away from football because it makes YOU look terrible. :)

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THA what are you talking about?

you alone constantly pop junk without a leg to stand on several times a day... as well as your partners in spin.

No, I have two legs to stand on. I don't pop junk, I respond to the junk that I read here everyday and have fun with it. Relax.

Hard to understand why someone who constantly takes a condescending tone about ES and it's fan base, spends more time here than most of the fan base you turn your nose up too

Because you guys never cease to amaze me and I like a good argument.

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Dear dizzanator,

Yes I was talking about TD's and IMPACT. Crayton is considered a #3 yet had a better average (than your #1) and 3 more TD's than your #1 and #2 combined. Their catches and yards were only marginally better than Cratyon's as well. Your comparing Crayton to Hank Baskett, a guy with 16 catches for 142 yds and 1td last year immediately removes any ounce of credibility that you never started with.

Because #1 Cooley and Witten weren't part of the discussion in case you hadn't noticed. #2 Witten had over 300 more yards, 30 more catches and only one less TD so what's your point? Your top two receivers combined for 4 TD's.

Do you realize you're comparing and "proving" your #1 to our #3 receiver? Sit back and think real hard about that.

Clever... the whole being "Cow****" fan making me already look bad.. not bad.. you're pretty good at this insult thing. Stick to the insults and stay away from football because it makes YOU look terrible. :)

So much hypocracy in here I don't even know where to begin, lol.

So Crayton, who was your #2 WR last season, quit lying about that, outperformed Moss and El because he had more TDs. But somehow that same logic doesn't apply to the TEs? Oh righ, because it doesn't favor your team.

I'd say trying to claim Crayton as a #3 WR when he lined up as 2 all season, and saying TDs only matter for WRs, not yards or receptions, yet the exact opposite for TEs, removes any ounce of credibility you had to start with.

You make you look terrible.

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Yes, but the guy he responded to said Crayton had better numbers than our #1 WR. It was blatantly false, and he brought the comparison up, not dfitz.

And Crayton lined up as the WR2 last season cuz Gelnn was out, correct?

Correct but he only did this because Glenn was out as you pointed out. Most would consider Crayton as a true #3. He was forced to fill the #2 role and did quite well IMO. #'s can mean several things. In this instance I was pointing out that Crayton had more TD's than your #1 while the other significant #s were close as well.

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Correct but he only did this because Glenn was out as you pointed out. Most would consider Crayton as a true #3. He was forced to fill the #2 role and did quite well IMO. #'s can mean several things. In this instance I was pointing out that Crayton had more TD's than your #1 while the other significant #s were close as well.

You are using stats Crayton earned while lining up as a #2 WR. Therefore, you can not say he is a #3 WR outperforming our guys in this discussion, as your whole argument is based on the production of a guy playing the #2 WR role. It doesn't matter if he normally is a #3 WR, he earned the stats you are using as a #2 WR.

Care to even consider that Crayton had a fully healthy OL and QB all season?

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So much hypocracy in here I don't even know where to begin, lol.

There's no hypocrisy if you follow and read instead of jumping to conclusions.

So Crayton, who was your #2 WR last season, quit lying about that, outperformed Moss and El because he had more TDs. But somehow that same logic doesn't apply to the TEs? Oh righ, because it doesn't favor your team.

Crayton was forced into #2 action. Most skins fans don't even consider him a "real" #2 but yeah, he filled that role so I'll play along. NOBODY would make that same argument with Cooley and Witten whom I didn't even bring into the conversation. Follow the thread. Both Cooley and Witten had pro-bowl level seasons so you sound silly. No most wouldn't consider Cooley's season superior to Witten's and rightfully so. We're talking 1 more TD for Cooley and better #'s for Witten elsewhere BY A SIGNIFICANT margin. Also, you're putting words in my mouth. I never said Crayton "outperformed" Moss or was better but simply that he had better #'s in two key categories. I said this to validate that he was a solid player for us. I tried to put in easy terms for your buddy to understand compared to his own team.

I'd say trying to claim Crayton as a #3 WR when he lined up as 2 all season, and saying TDs only matter for WRs, not yards or receptions, yet the exact opposite for TEs, removes any ounce of credibility you had to start with.

You make you look terrible.

Please show me where I said TD's only matter for WR's and where I brought TE's into the discussion? I never brought them into the discussion because they don't fit in it. Unlike your friend, I've somewhat familiar with you and I know you're smarter than this. Relax, remove your hatred for a second and follow what I'm saying.

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You are using stats Crayton earned while lining up as a #2 WR. Therefore, you can not say he is a #3 WR outperforming our guys in this discussion, as your whole argument is based on the production of a guy playing the #2 WR role. It doesn't matter if he normally is a #3 WR, he earned the stats you are using as a #2 WR.

That's fair. So the receiver who played #2 for us last year outperformed your #1 in terms of TD's and average, your #2 in TD's and your #1 and #2 combined in TD's. Going back to my original point, Crayton had a solid year. Happy?

Care to even consider that Crayton had a fully healthy OL and QB all season?

No I don't care to consider this. Most skins fans including the one that you're inexplicably attempting to stick up for don't consider that we have a good O-line to begin with. Also, one could argue that your back-up QB played at a much higher level than your starter when he got his shot.

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Amazing how Crayton's status on the depth chart is a matter of convenience depending on what the cowboys fans happen to be arguing. I could swear BigDfan5 was arguing the average age of the dallas starters using Crayton as the current #2 instead of Glenn.

In fact, Crayton may very well be #3 at this point, however last year he was definitely the teams undisputed #2.

Very good point which works both ways. Also amazing is how most skins fans consider Crayton "no better than a #3" when analyzing his worth and value.

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There's no hypocrisy if you follow and read instead of jumping to conclusions.

Crayton was forced into #2 action. Most skins fans don't even consider him a "real" #2 but yeah, he filled that role so I'll play along. NOBODY would make that same argument with Cooley and Witten whom I didn't even bring into the conversation. Follow the thread. Both Cooley and Witten had pro-bowl level seasons so you sound silly. No most wouldn't consider Cooley's season superior to Witten's and rightfully so. We're talking 1 more TD for Cooley and better #'s for Witten elsewhere BY A SIGNIFICANT margin. Also, you're putting words in my mouth. I never said Crayton "outperformed" Moss or was better but simply that he had better #'s in two key categories. I said this to validate that he was a solid player for us. I tried to put in easy terms for your buddy to understand compared to his own team.

Please show me where I said TD's only matter for WR's and where I brought TE's into the discussion? I never brought them into the discussion because they don't fit in it. Unlike your friend, I've somewhat familiar with you and I know you're smarter than this. Relax, remove your hatred for a second and follow what I'm saying.

Crayton hasn't proved himself? His numbers last year were better than your #1 receiver.


1) You said Crayton outperformed Moss and El in '07. Outperformed includes more than just TDs, it includes receptions and yards. It is hypocracy, especially when you pick and choose where your proof does and does not apply, only to selfishly suit your own needs, rather than the truth.

2) By your terminology, Cooley did outperform Witten, as he had more TDs on less receptions. You used that terminology to say Crayton outperformed Moss and El, but now you deny it when it isn't working for you. All of a sudden, those receptions and yards matter again.

3) It's not hatred, I just dislike when people try to manipulate stats to their own benefit, and then lie when they are called on it. Either Crayton did not out perform Moss and El if you look at yards and receptions as well as TDs,..., or Cooley outperformed Witten if you are only looking at TDs.

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That's fair. So the receiver who played #2 for us last year outperformed your #1 in terms of TD's and average, your #2 in TD's and your #1 and #2 combined in TD's. Going back to my original point, Crayton had a solid year. Happy?

No I don't care to consider this. Most skins fans including the one that you're inexplicably attempting to stick up for don't consider that we have a good O-line to begin with. Also, one could argue that your back-up QB played at a much higher level than your starter when he got his shot.

See, you should have said this from the get-go. That is an accurate statement. Your #2 WR last season did outperform our #1 WR in terms of TDs.

BTW, I never argued your point that Crayton had a solid year. Dfitz quoted you as simply saying Crayton outperformed Moss, which in terms of overall stats is false.

And if you did argue TC gave the WRs a better shot, than you'd have to concede our WRs were hampered for the majority of the season. You guys do have a good OL, though it is overrated IMO. How does a center who can't snap well out of the shotgun make the probowl? But anyways, I was just listing a major impacting factor. You know as well as I how important OL is to the pass and run game. Losing the right side of your line essentially has a major impact on WR production.

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Very good point which works both ways. Also amazing is how most skins fans consider Crayton "no better than a #3" when analyzing his worth and value.

Again though, you are generalizing Skins fans based off the opinions of just a few. Crayton proved in '07 he can handle the #2 WR role. However, one season isn't enough proof he can consisitently be a solid #2 WR.

In the stadium, for example, a lot of Skins fans aren't sold on ARE as a solid #2 WR, eventhough he had decent production as the #2 WR last season (outperforming Crayton in catches and yards). Some fans aren't sold on Moss as a legit #1 WR. Why? Because both receivers have had a limited # of seasons where they really proved themselves in their respective roles, just like Crayton.

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