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The final pukes' game should give worry puke fans...


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Other guys have to step up - so who is it going to be and when? Certainly wasn't in the playoffs. I'd worry if no one has stood up yet - they've had multiple oppportunities.

And the Cowboy's think they don't have WR issues. Crayton still hasn't proved himself. And neither have the Cowboys.

The NYG won the SB with Amani Toomer as their #2. Crayton's #s were in the ballpark with your #1 guy's. If Dallas has an issue here, so does every other team in the NFCE.

You were forced to pass, ok But you guys were "so great in the air during the year" it was one of your so-called strengths - every "prognosticator" talked about your air attack. But suddenly it's "we were forced to pass" and that hurt the Cowboys. But that would mean: A. your running attack is average at best (which was definitely shown the last part of the season[1 yard rushing! & dominated during the Giants game]) AND B. Your "great" air-attack isn't all it's cracked up to be. So how good are the Cowboys again?

:laugh: Good enough to win 13 games. Dallas was near the top of every offensive category.

Keep hanging your hat on a meaningless game at the end of the season. Dallas lost to the eventual SB champions in the final seconds. The Giants' D slowed the Cowboys down. The same Giants' D that stifled arguably the greatest offense of all time in the SB. Being throttled for one half against a red-hot Giants team is hardly a disgrace. At least not like losing a playoff game by 21 to a decidedly mediocre Seahawk team.

If any NFCE team has something to really worry about, it's the skins and the fact that a career journeyman QB vastly outplayed their supposed franchise QB.

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You do realize his point was about losing Keith Davis right? He's talking about our last game of the season so your response sounds foolish. We're discussing who's going to be our special teams ace BEFORE TRAINING CAMP. :doh: :rolleyes: Nobody has had a chance to step up yet in replacing Davis. How about we wait until atleast preseason. If you want names look for Sam Hurd and Pat Watkins to continue to excel on ST.
You brought up "other guys", so don't act high and mighty (but you're a Cowboys fan, what am I expecting?). Thanks for the two names. Now all you have to do is to get the rest of your team to stand up when it counts. :rolleyes:
Crayton hasn't proved himself? His numbers last year were better than your #1 receiver.
So now you're a self-deluded liar... Thanks for playing.
You have serious issues following the flow of a discussion don't you? I was addressing why Barbers #'s weren't as strong in the second half not the game as a whole.
And you have a serious issue with addressing my POINT. It's either because your dumb as a stump or your purposely ignoring it beceause you know it's true. Please point out to me where Barber has proven himself to be a starter quality back who can go a whole game. I'd say the Cowboys don't agree with you - they picked Jones WITH THE 22ND PICK OF THE DRAFT.
Another hopeless skins fans bringing up a meaningless game. How pathetic and predictable and our running game was hardly dominated by the Giants. Barber ran for about 130 with about a 4.8 yd average. With a healthy TO, our passing offense was nothing short of dominant last year. We finished #3 overall and #4 passing. We simply ran into a hotter team and lost. Plain and simple. We lost to the same that shut down (numbers wise) THE GREATEST OFFENSE IN NFL HISTORY in the SB to fewer points than we scored.
Excuses from a Cowboys fan. Again, what else was I expecting. So you were forced to pass and you were a top passing offense...and you couldn't preform. What's wrong with that picture?
WR issues that I'm overlooking? You cannot be this dense. I responded to tr1's post in which he didn't bring up our WR's. Maury Povich.. teenage whores... I'll draft who I want?.. Dude, with all due respect, what the **** are you talking about?
So what, you post your b.s. and then forget all about it? Congrats - you're a bigger idiot than I already thought you were. The Cowboys needed a wide reciever in the draft. They didn't get one. You have a disgruntled WR in Terry Glenn. You have Crayton who can't make the big catch. Whoops - you can't hear me - you've got your fingers in your ears again.
Dallas lost in the playoffs. We understand that. We get the drought but once again you're all over the place. I don't care about the last game of the year. Seriously, I don't. Is was MEANINGLESS for us and try staying off the Giants nuts. The fact remains that Dallas returns one of the best Offensive Lines in the NFL.
More lame excuses. :doh:
Can you PROVE that we're poor tacklers? I was addressing tr1's point about our secondary giving up big plays. Something that really didn't happen last year.
Did you even watch the last several seasons of your team's performances?
Humor me with more. I've got hours. Let me have it.
I don't have hours to spend on the Cowboys. So you can grab your hand lotion and kleenex and spend those hours with your Tony Romo sits to pee poster and yourself. (i.e. your usual Saturday night)
I'm a fan. It's June 29th and I can promise you that I'm not "worried" about anything. As I look at our roster from top to bottom compared with the rest of the league, I think we're in good shape.
Well I'm sure if you keep telling yourself that, it'll make it true. Good luck with that. :laugh:
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The NYG won the SB with Amani Toomer as their #2. Crayton's #s were in the ballpark with your #1 guy's. If Dallas has an issue here, so does every other team in the NFCE.

:laugh: Good enough to win 13 games. Dallas was near the top of every offensive category.

Keep hanging your hat on a meaningless game at the end of the season. Dallas lost to the eventual SB champions in the final seconds. The Giants' D slowed the Cowboys down. The same Giants' D that stifled arguably the greatest offense of all time in the SB. Being throttled for one half against a red-hot Giants team is hardly a disgrace. At least not like losing a playoff game by 21 to a decidedly mediocre Seahawk team.

If any NFCE team has something to really worry about, it's the skins and the fact that a career journeyman QB vastly outplayed their supposed franchise QB.

Same old excuses. Same old Cowboys fans. :rolleyes:

So does Jerry Jones actually have to put his hand up your butt to make you talk or are you one of those marionette type puppets? Must be the latter because your head is obviously too far up there to be the former.

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To be fair, Bubba will tell you Witten is at least the 2nd best TE in the division.

THA doesn't do anything to dispute the fact Gurode is 4th best, he just accuses me of bias....... exactly as I said before.... surprise surprise

Funny how he forgets the thread last year where I gave several poke players credit at their position .... but why let facts interfere with a feeble spin attempt right?

Gurode is horrible in shotgun, that alone makes him#4.... that's a centers top priority.

Being a former center myself I can say he doesn't block that well, and people forget he has been the so called "anchor" of one of the worst OL the past few years..... and even last season where the sacks were down they still weren't great,allowing 25 and benefited from a mobile Romo sits to pee.... still allowed a lot of pressure and was bad in run blocking

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Because #1 Cooley and Witten weren't part of the discussion in case you hadn't noticed.

Do you realize you're comparing and "proving" your #1 to our #3 receiver? Sit back and think real hard about that.

Ok everyone.... POP QUIZ! Read the two statements above and answer these two questions

1. Who made it possible for me to bring up other players when they brought Redskins into this?

2.. Who starting the comparisons by being the first poster to bring up and compare Patrick Crayton to Santana Moss when the thread had nothing to do with the Redskins?

Winner has bragging rights....

HINT: Check Post #11

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Keep hanging your hat on a meaningless game at the end of the season. Dallas lost to the eventual SB champions in the final seconds. The Giants' D slowed the Cowboys down. The same Giants' D that stifled arguably the greatest offense of all time in the SB. Being throttled for one half against a red-hot Giants team is hardly a disgrace. At least not like losing a playoff game by 21 to a decidedly mediocre Seahawk team.

If any NFCE team has something to really worry about, it's the skins and the fact that a career journeyman QB vastly outplayed their supposed franchise QB.

Wow, what a bunch of horse ****.

So Dallas being the #1 seed in the playoffs, and losing at home is "hardly a disgrace", but the injury-riddled Skins losing an away game at one of the loudest stadiums in the NFL is somehow worse than the choke Dallas pulled? Nevermind the Skins were in the lead until the 4th quarter, and nevermind Seattle beat you all the previous year in the playoffs also. Seahawks were not "mediocre" last season.

Yeah, the Skins should be worried because a guy who has known the offense for a decade did better than a guy in his first full season with it. :rolleyes: Nevermind the Skins aren't even using that offense anymore. Go back under the bridge, troll, until you can actually muster up decent football conversation.

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