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The final pukes' game should give worry puke fans...


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1) Special teams play. McQuarters' return against a weak pukes' special teams, let the Giants take the lead in the second half. What did the pukes do in the off-season? They let their best ST players go to Miami;

2) Barber. Though Barber started strong for the pukes, he ran out of gas in the second half. Was it because he's never played a full game? And now he has a big contract. Yikes!

3) Romo sits to pee. He lacked poise in the fourth quarter. A couple of wasted time outs and his inability to throw the ball away. Romo sits to pee's persistence in trying to make something out of nothing will continue to plague him;

4) Pukes' O-Line. The vulnerability to the blitz and one-on-one coverage down field had Romo sits to pee completely unnerved in the 4th quarter...and then there are those stupid penalties;

5) Pukes' pass defense. Another game, another 50+ passing play...for a touchdown by Toomer. If RW continues to start, the big play will continue to haunt them;

Make no mistake about it, that the pukes were the first number one seed in the NFC to lose in the divisional round since the NFL went to the 12 team playoff format in 1990 will be a tough one to shake.

Oh, and then there's December.

Be afraid puke fans.


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1) Special teams play. McQuarters' return against a weak pukes' special teams, let the Giants take the lead in the second half. What did the pukes do in the off-season? They let their best ST players go to Miami;

We did lose our best ST player to Miami but teams lose players to FA every year and Keith Davis was our biggest FA loss. If a special teams standout/backup safety is your biggest loss, that's nothing to really lose sleep about. Other guys have to step up. McQuarters didn't win the game for the Giants. Several key plays could have tipped the balance of that game including Crayton's huge drop.

2) Barber. Though Barber started strong for the pukes, he ran out of gas in the second half. Was it because he's never played a full game? And now he has a big contract. Yikes!

I happen to think it's great that we locked Barber up. He deserved his contract and I don't think he's the type of personality to allow it to affect him. The Giants knew they were up against a gimpy TO and wisely focused on Barber in the second half. Also, we were forced to pass.

3) Romo sits to pee. He lacked poise in the fourth quarter. A couple of wasted time outs and his inability to throw the ball away. Romo sits to pee's persistence in trying to make something out of nothing will continue to plague him;

Well seeing as how the giants front seven often rattled and knocked around Tom Brady in the SB, I think they had something to do with Romo sits to pee's performance which wasn't bad by any means. With everything that happened throughout the game, we were one Crayton catch or Crayton finishing a route away from victory.

4) Pukes' O-Line. The vulnerability to the blitz and one-on-one coverage down field had Romo sits to pee completely unnerved in the 4th quarter...and then there are those stupid penalties;

Dallas is returning one of the best O-lines in the league.

5) Pukes' pass defense. Another game, another 50+ passing play...for a touchdown by Toomer. If RW continues to start, the big play will continue to haunt them;

Toomers TD was a result of poor tackling if anything. It was a simple 10-12 yard pass where he should have been tackled immediately. I think Dallas has more than upgraded its secondary this offseason.

Oh, and then there's December.

Be afraid puke fans.


This was really weak tr1 even for you. One could argue that Dallas, a team coming off 13 wins and returning 13 pro-bowlers has actually improved..... dramatically IMO but you're right, we have to prove ourselves in December and January. Afraid? Hardly.. :cool:

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This was really weak tr1 even for you. One could argue that Dallas, a team coming off 13 wins and returning 13 pro-bowlers has actually improved..... dramatically IMO but you're right, we have to prove ourselves in December and January. Afraid? Hardly.. :cool:

Give tr1 some credit here. After the 'Jerry is broke' and 'salary cap' posting flops, at least he wised up and went back to the playoff drought thing. And also to his credit, this thread stands a better chance of being successful for him because it has no numbers that can be easily knocked down :laugh: .

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Give tr1 some credit here. After the 'Jerry is broke' and 'salary cap' posting flops, at least he wised up and went back to the playoff drought thing. And also to his credit, this thread stands a better chance of being successful for him because it has no numbers that can be easily knocked down :laugh: .

:laugh: Good points. He did wisely stay away from out cap this time. :laugh:

Dallas had a similar drought from '79 to '92 in terms of winning Super Bowls. :2cents:

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We did lose our best ST player to Miami but teams lose players to FA every year and Keith Davis was our biggest FA loss. If a special teams standout/backup safety is your biggest loss, that's nothing to really lose sleep about. Other guys have to step up. McQuarters didn't win the game for the Giants. Several key plays could have tipped the balance of that game including Crayton's huge drop.
Other guys have to step up - so who is it going to be and when? Certainly wasn't in the playoffs. I'd worry if no one has stood up yet - they've had multiple oppportunities.

And the Cowboy's think they don't have WR issues. Crayton still hasn't proved himself. And neither have the Cowboys.

I happen to think it's great that we locked Barber up. He deserved his contract and I don't think he's the type of personality to allow it to affect him. The Giants knew they were up against a gimpy TO and wisely focused on Barber in the second half. Also, we were forced to pass.
You were forced to pass, ok But you guys were "so great in the air during the year" it was one of your so-called strengths - every "prognosticator" talked about your air attack. But suddenly it's "we were forced to pass" and that hurt the Cowboys. But that would mean: A. your running attack is average at best (which was definitely shown the last part of the season[1 yard rushing! & dominated during the Giants game]) AND B. Your "great" air-attack isn't all it's cracked up to be. So how good are the Cowboys again?
Well seeing as how the giants front seven often rattled and knocked around Tom Brady in the SB, I think they had something to do with Romo sits to pee's performance which wasn't bad by any means. With everything that happened throughout the game, we were one Crayton catch or Crayton finishing a route away from victory.
Again with the Crayton. So is he the Cowboys guy or not? Again - the Cowboys have WR issues that you are totally overlooking. It's the Jerry Jones/Maury Povich teenage whore guest mentallity - stick your fingers in your ears and go "LAH LAH LAH" and "I'll do what I want! I'll do what I want! You can't tell me what to do!" "I'll draft who I want!".
Dallas is returning one of the best O-lines in the league.
Again, more FAIL at the end of the year. The Cowboys got blown up repeatedly at the end of year. The Redskins dominated your OL during the final game of the season for 2 sacks and allowing 1 rushing yard. The Giants terrorized and destroyed Romo sits to pee and Barber. So what about your great OL? When it comes to playing at the end of year, the Cowboys just can't go the distance. As usual.
Toomers TD was a result of poor tackling if anything. It was a simple 10-12 yard pass where he should have been tackled immediately. I think Dallas has more than upgraded its secondary this offseason.
Poor tackling has been a Cowboys problem. Suddenly it's nothing to worry about. Blah Blah Blah.

And this is only a partial rehash of the Cowboys problems. We could be here for hours - but I just wanted to burst your arguments bubble.

This was really weak tr1 even for you. One could argue that Dallas, a team coming off 13 wins and returning 13 pro-bowlers has actually improved..... dramatically IMO but you're right, we have to prove ourselves in December and January. Afraid? Hardly.. :cool:
Usual Cowboy grandstanding. "What? Me Worry?"


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Give tr1 some credit here. After the 'Jerry is broke' and 'salary cap' posting flops, at least he wised up and went back to the playoff drought thing. And also to his credit, this thread stands a better chance of being successful for him because it has no numbers that can be easily knocked down :laugh: .

You've added nothing to this thread.

Either stay on topic, or skip the thread.

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Did I fail to mention the biggest lesson from that game?

That the pukes just can't 'turn it on' when they want to? The December spiral shows that the key players on that team just can't finish.

It's a personnel issue...because the coaching changed last year...new coaches, same results.

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Other guys have to step up - so who is it going to be and when? Certainly wasn't in the playoffs. I'd worry if no one has stood up yet - they've had multiple oppportunities.

You do realize his point was about losing Keith Davis right? He's talking about our last game of the season so your response sounds foolish. We're discussing who's going to be our special teams ace BEFORE TRAINING CAMP. :doh: :rolleyes: Nobody has had a chance to step up yet in replacing Davis. How about we wait until atleast preseason. If you want names look for Sam Hurd and Pat Watkins to continue to excel on ST.

And the Cowboy's think they don't have WR issues. Crayton still hasn't proved himself.

Crayton hasn't proved himself? His numbers last year were better than your #1 receiver.

You were forced to pass, ok But you guys were "so great in the air during the year" it was one of your so-called strengths - every "prognosticator" talked about your air attack. But suddenly it's "we were forced to pass" and that hurt the Cowboys.

You have serious issues following the flow of a discussion don't you? I was addressing why Barbers #'s weren't as strong in the second half not the game as a whole.

But that would mean: A. your running attack is average at best (which was definitely shown the last part of the season[1 yard rushing! & dominated during the Giants game]) AND B. Your "great" air-attack isn't all it's cracked up to be. So how good are the Cowboys again?

Another hopeless skins fans bringing up a meaningless game. How pathetic and predictable and our running game was hardly dominated by the Giants. Barber ran for about 130 with about a 4.8 yd average. With a healthy TO, our passing offense was nothing short of dominant last year. We finished #3 overall and #4 passing. We simply ran into a hotter team and lost. Plain and simple. We lost to the same that shut down (numbers wise) THE GREATEST OFFENSE IN NFL HISTORY in the SB to fewer points than we scored.

Again with the Crayton. So is he the Cowboys guy or not? Again - the Cowboys have WR issues that you are totally overlooking. It's the Jerry Jones/Maury Povich teenage whore guest mentallity - stick your fingers in your ears and go "LAH LAH LAH" and "I'll do what I want! I'll do what I want! You can't tell me what to do!" "I'll draft who I want!".

WR issues that I'm overlooking? You cannot be this dense. I responded to tr1's post in which he didn't bring up our WR's. Maury Povich.. teenage whores... I'll draft who I want?.. Dude, with all due respect, what the **** are you talking about?

Again, more FAIL at the end of the year. The Cowboys got blown up repeatedly at the end of year. The Redskins dominated your OL during the final game of the season for 2 sacks and allowing 1 rushing yard. The Giants terrorized and destroyed Romo sits to pee and Barber. So what about your great OL? When it comes to playing at the end of year, the Cowboys just can't go the distance. As usual.

Dallas lost in the playoffs. We understand that. We get the drought but once again you're all over the place. I don't care about the last game of the year. Seriously, I don't. Is was MEANINGLESS for us and try staying off the Giants nuts. The fact remains that Dallas returns one of the best Offensive Lines in the NFL.

Poor tackling has been a Cowboys problem. Suddenly it's nothing to worry about. Blah Blah Blah.

Can you PROVE that we're poor tacklers? I was addressing tr1's point about our secondary giving up big plays. Something that really didn't happen last year.

And this is only a partial rehash of the Cowboys problems. We could be here for hours - but I just wanted to burst your arguments bubble.

Humor me with more. I've got hours. Let me have it.

Usual Cowboy grandstanding. "What? Me Worry?"

I'm a fan. It's June 29th and I can promise you that I'm not "worried" about anything. As I look at our roster from top to bottom compared with the rest of the league, I think we're in good shape.

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Did I fail to mention the biggest lesson from that game?

That the pukes just can't 'turn it on' when they want to? The December spiral shows that the key players on that team just can't finish.

It's a personnel issue...because the coaching changed last year...new coaches, same results.

Every argument comes back to our postseason drought. What in the world will you guys discuss when the drought ends this year? :)

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You've added nothing to this thread.

Either stay on topic, or skip the thread.

The 'value added' is giving you props for going back to the one thing that gives you even a remote chance of being correct about anything Cowboys-related. Just take the compliment for what it is and don't complain. Sheesh, some people...:doh:

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You do realize his point was about losing Keith Davis right? He's talking about our last game of the season so your response sounds foolish. We're discussing who's going to be our special teams ace BEFORE TRAINING CAMP. :doh: :rolleyes: Nobody has had a chance to step up yet in replacing Davis. How about we wait until atleast preseason. If you want names look for Sam Hurd and Pat Watkins to continue to excel on ST.

Davis is gone. Any young guy is going to be a gamble. I'd look for a significant drop off in your STs this year. You can't afford to keep that awful #1 pick linebacker taking up a roster spot.

Crayton hasn't proved himself? His numbers last year were better than your #1 receiver.

Why bring the Skins into this except to troll? The fact is Jerruh doesn't even like Crayton...that's why he said he went PUBLIC about getting a #2 WR.

You have serious issues following the flow of a discussion don't you? I was addressing why Barbers #'s weren't as strong in the second half not the game as a whole.

Barber ran out of gas...it wasn't anything special the Giants were doing.

Another hopeless skins fans bringing up a meaningless game. How pathetic and predictable and our running game was hardly dominated by the Giants. Barber ran for about 130 with about a 4.8 yd average. With a healthy TO, our passing offense was nothing short of dominant last year. We finished #3 overall and #4 passing. We simply ran into a hotter team and lost. Plain and simple. We lost to the same that shut down (numbers wise) THE GREATEST OFFENSE IN NFL HISTORY in the SB to fewer points than we scored.

Funny, TO didn't use his health as an excuse, but puke fans jump at the opportunity. The fact is, the pukes were overrated last year. The quality of opponents and the fact that many had key injuries when you played them, helped the pukes attain their record.

WR issues that I'm overlooking? You cannot be this dense. I responded to tr1's post in which he didn't bring up our WR's. Maury Povich.. teenage whores... I'll draft who I want?.. Dude, with all due respect, what the **** are you talking about?

Is that really necessay?

Dallas lost in the playoffs. We understand that. We get the drought but once again you're all over the place. I don't care about the last game of the year. Seriously, I don't. Is was MEANINGLESS for us and try staying off the Giants nuts. The fact remains that Dallas returns one of the best Offensive Lines in the NFL.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Can you PROVE that we're poor tacklers? I was addressing tr1's point about our secondary giving up big plays. Something that really didn't happen last year.

Humor me with more. I've got hours. Let me have it.

Too easy.

I'm a fan. It's June 29th and I can promise you that I'm not "worried" about anything. As I look at our roster from top to bottom compared with the rest of the league, I think we're in good shape.

Someone, queue the monkeys.


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The 'value added' is giving you props for going back to the one thing that gives you even a remote chance of being correct about anything Cowboys-related. Just take the compliment for what it is and don't complain. Sheesh, some people...:doh:

In fact, it was an underhanded dig at me.

But, I really don't care. Honest I don't.

Try to add something to the thread, or get out.

Thanks in advance.

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Every argument comes back to our postseason drought. What in the world will you guys discuss when the drought ends this year? :)

This is definitely a put-up or shut-up season for the Cowboys. Don't you get the feeling that it's one of those either-or seasons, where either the Cowboys are going to buckle under all of the hype, or they are going to shut all of the critics up and bring the Lombardi trophy home. Obviously, Skins fans are counting on the former and Cowboys fans believe this is their year. We'll find out soon enough.

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Davis is gone. Any young guy is going to be a gamble. I'd look for a significant drop off in your STs this year. You can't afford to keep that awful #1 pick linebacker taking up a roster spot.

Once again, IMO we had an unbelievably successful offseason thus far. If losing your best ST player is your biggest personnel loss, I'll take it. Maybe I'm a homer in believing we can others to step in and fill in on special teams?

Why bring the Skins into this except to troll? The fact is Jerruh doesn't even like Crayton...that's why he said he went PUBLIC about getting a #2 WR.

I don't know, maybe it's because skins fans constantly pop junk without a leg to stand on but you're right. I shouldn't have brought up the skins. Only skins fans are allowed to do that in ATN. :rolleyes:

Barber ran out of gas...it wasn't anything special the Giants were doing.

Ran out of gas? I don't think he got tired. You don't think going for 100 in a first half changes your game plan defensively?

Funny, TO didn't use his health as an excuse, but puke fans jump at the opportunity. The fact is, the pukes were overrated last year. The quality of opponents and the fact that many had key injuries when you played them, helped the pukes attain their record.

Never mind our injuries. If you're going to examine each NFL game and dissect who was injured we would be here for hours. We play our schedule like everyone else. You are what your record says you are. Remember that and cut the bull**** excuses.

Is that really necessay?

It was. He's full of crap.

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This is definitely a put-up or shut-up season for the Cowboys. Don't you get the feeling that it's one of those either-or seasons, where either the Cowboys are going to buckle under all of the hype, or they are going to shut all of the critics up and bring the Lombardi trophy home. Obviously, Skins fans are counting on the former and Cowboys fans believe this is their year. We'll find out soon enough.

Very true. All you can do is reload and go at it again. Good teams end droughts. Prior to 92 we hadn't sniffed a SB since '79. Dallas has pressure but that's good. For example, NOBODY asks can Jason Campbell or Alex Smith win the big one? Why? Nobody is expecting anything from them. Nobody sees greatness from some players and/or teams. I'd rather have the pressure and deal with it. Whenever something worthwhile is at stake, there's pressure.

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Once again, IMO we had an unbelievably successful offseason thus far. If losing your best ST player is your biggest personnel loss, I'll take it. Maybe I'm a homer in believing we can others to step in and fill in on special teams?

Given that several of the players we drafted were outstanding special teams players in college (Jones, Jenkins, Scandrick, Wheldon, Choice), and given that rookies are expected to make an immediate impact on STs, it's not unreasonable to believe the Cowboys will improve on STs this season. One thing I will tell you, Scandrick excelled as a gunner on STs for Boise State. He isn't afraid to go after the returner and has the extra gears to get there quick.

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You've added nothing to this thread.

Either stay on topic, or skip the thread.

I thought his post added alot to this thread. Truth and common sense should always be welcome in any thread.:laugh:

By the way, what does your above post add to this thread? I've seen you post something similar at least 100 times. It's obviously one of your scripted responses when you really cannot refute the post but I find it very ironic that it is the very same type of post you are complaining about in that it adds nothing to the thread and has nothing to do with the topic.

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I thought his post added alot to this thread. Truth and common sense should always be welcome in any thread.:laugh:

By the way, what does your above post add to this thread? I've seen you post something similar at least 100 times. It's obviously one of your scripted responses when you really cannot refute the post but I find it very ironic that it is the very same type of post you are complaining about in that it adds nothing to the thread and has nothing to do with the topic.

Adding a balancing perspective doesn't always get appreciation around here. There is something definitely 'extreme' about this place. :laugh:

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For example, NOBODY asks can Jason Campbell or Alex Smith win the big one? Why? Nobody is expecting anything from them. Nobody sees greatness from some players and/or teams.

You haven't been in the Stadium lately?

No, we don't have an entire network made up of our former beat reporters and ex-players hyping our every move.

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I thought his post added alot to this thread. Truth and common sense should always be welcome in any thread.:laugh:

By the way, what does your above post add to this thread? I've seen you post something similar at least 100 times. It's obviously one of your scripted responses when you really cannot refute the post but I find it very ironic that it is the very same type of post you are complaining about in that it adds nothing to the thread and has nothing to do with the topic.

Again, if you have nothing to add that's on topic, you too should skip the thread.

You guys have had it too easy for too long.

Contribute with substance or take a hike.

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Given that several of the players we drafted were outstanding special teams players in college (Jones, Jenkins, Scandrick, Wheldon, Choice), and given that rookies are expected to make an immediate impact on STs, it's not unreasonable to believe the Cowboys will improve on STs this season. One thing I will tell you, Scandrick excelled as a gunner on STs for Boise State. He isn't afraid to go after the returner and has the extra gears to get there quick.

I'm sure Boise State players are used to NFL speed... :laugh:

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