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How Do I Change My Avatar???


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I have 50 posts now and i wanna change that stupid waterboy...any help here please?

P.S does the more i post help? (i.e every 50 or 100 posts lets you choose a new avatar)

just for asking such a question, you now must remain at Waterboy status until 2000 posts


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I have 50 posts now and i wanna change that stupid waterboy...any help here please?

P.S does the more i post help? (i.e every 50 or 100 posts lets you choose a new avatar)

Adam Sandler changes to Camp fodder at 100 posts. Keep posting in the stadium.

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just for asking such a question, you now must remain at Waterboy status until 2000 posts


I agree with Slinky's take on the matter. There are already plenty of avatar related threads on the board. And really, it's just a small picture on the side, so who really cares?

Adam Sandler changes to Camp fodder at 100 posts. Keep posting in the stadium.

Please don't encourage this behavior:laugh: The last thing we need is more people posting two and three word responses to things just to raise their post count. I probably ask for too much from many people on the board, but please make an effort to have your posts be worthwhile.

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