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Architect Looks to Construct First Moving Tower in Dubai


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Architect Looks to Construct First Moving Tower in Dubai

NEW YORK — Is it real or science fiction?

An Italian architect said he is poised to start construction on a new skyscraper in Dubai that will be "the world's first building in motion," an 80-story tower with revolving floors that give it an ever-shifting shape.


The spinning floors, hung like rings around an immobile cement core, would offer residents a constantly changing view of the Persian Gulf and the city's futuristic skyline.

A few penthouse villas would spin on command using a voice-activated computer. The motion of the rest of the building would be choreographed in patterns that could be altered over time.

Speaking at a news conference in New York on Tuesday, the building's designer, David Fisher, declared that his tower will revolutionize the way skyscrapers are made — a claim that might strike some as excessively bold.

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^^notice he's not an architect. he's a "building designer"

architects today are pretty useless anyways. Foucs in today's architectrual schools is on design, not construction. Architects are now super delegators, having endless consultants on even the simplest of projects. Architects today come up with a design or a concept and ask everyone else involved to figure it out. Most architects have never actually built anything with their own hands, which is sad, since they are the ones everyone turns to for answers when questions arise.

Upon saying that, anything can be built, if you have the time and the money. His modular construction idea sounds good, but I will guarantee when those modules show up on site, they will not fit as they where intended and his short construction window will blow up in his face. But if there was ever a place where something like this is possible, it's Dubai, where money is no object and egoes push the limits of construction.

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Yet the architect has never even built a skyscraper of any sort.

^^notice he's not an architect. he's a "building designer"

Architect Behind Dubai's Rotating Skyscraper A Fraud?

Italian "architect" Dr. David Fisher is planning to build an 80-story building in Dubai with rotating floors that would give it an ever-changing shape. He also wants to build similar towers in Russia and New York. The building does look cool (if structurally dubious), but Fisher's credentials and experience leave something to be desired:

WCBStv.com: Fisher acknowledges that he is not well known, has never built a skyscraper before and hasn't practiced architecture regularly in decades. But he insisted his lack of experience wouldn't stop him from completing the project, which has attracted top design talent, including Leslie E. Robertson, the structural engineer for the World Trade Center and the Shanghai World Financial Center.

"I did not design skyscrapers, but I feel ready to do so," Fisher said.

That's a relief. And next comes the possibility that Fisher may be a fraud:

In a biography he had been distributing for months, he said...he received an honorary doctorate from "The Prodeo Institute at Columbia University in New York." No such institution exists, however, and Columbia said it had never awarded Fisher an honorary degree.

Click on the link for the full article

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architects today are pretty useless anyways. Foucs in today's architectrual schools is on design, not construction. Architects are now super delegators, having endless consultants on even the simplest of projects. Architects today come up with a design or a concept and ask everyone else involved to figure it out. Most architects have never actually built anything with their own hands, which is sad, since they are the ones everyone turns to for answers when questions arise.

Upon saying that, anything can be built, if you have the time and the money. His modular construction idea sounds good, but I will guarantee when those modules show up on site, they will not fit as they where intended and his short construction window will blow up in his face. But if there was ever a place where something like this is possible, it's Dubai, where money is no object and egoes push the limits of construction.

This is just wrong and ignorant on so many levels.

The title of Architect means that you've invested at bare minimum six years of your life towards studying architecture. It's butt illegal to refer to yourself as an architect and not have AIA certs.

Besides, Rem Koolhaas is(was?) working on a spinning building in Dubai. And if someone is going to realize that concept -- I would trust only a few people in the world to possibly pull it off and he is one of them. (Calatrava would be another candidate that could pull it off) My list drops off quickly after that...

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