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Foxnews: Jennifer Aniston, Halle Berry Named as Favorite 'Cougars'


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WowOwow.com lists 12 of its favorite "cougars," including Jennifer Aniston, Demi Moore and Halle Berry, as the trend appears to be on the rise in Hollywood.

1. Jennifer Aniston, 39, who is dating John Mayer, 30.

2. Halle Berry, 41, who has a child with partner Gabriel Aubry, 31.

3. Demi Moore, 45, who is married to Ashton Kutcher, 30.

4. Kim Cattrall's "Sex and the City" character Samantha Jones, 50, who dates Smith Jerrod, 30-something.

5. Kim Cattrall in real life, 51, dates chef Alan Wyse, 28

6. Madonna, 49, who is married to Guy Ritchie, 39.

7. Susan Sarandon, 62, who has been with Tim Robbins, 50, for 20 years.

8. Mary Tyler Moore, 71, who has been married to Dr. Robert Levine, 54, since 1983.

9. Joan Collins, 75, who is married to Percy Gibson, 32 years her junior.

10. Mrs. Robinson, mid-40s, and Benjamin Braddock, age 21, in the 1967 film, "The Graduate."

11. Queen Elizabeth I, 48, and her one-time fiancé, François, Duke of Anjou, 22.

12. Cleopatra married the younger Ptolemy (her brother). She also married her other brother Ptolemy IV, who was also younger.

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