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Assuming the Repubs did this on purpose to disenfranchise the Dems....

The Fix would have been Dean saying that the votes will count anyway

He didn't

I'm not disputing that the DNC handled this badly, but parties should leave the processes of the other party alone. If a states laws read that the legislature shall set the dates of primaries, they should defer to the desires of the party. If a states laws read that primaries for both parties should be held on the same day, than both parties should have to agree on the date.
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At this point, we should all be voting 3rd party. Even knowing that person won't win. Showing a much higher number voting for somebody other than Dem or Repub sends a message that we're ready for something new.
WTF! That's my thesis! I've believed for a few months now that anyone under 40 should vote 3rd party. The two parties have been screwing this country over for nearly 20+ years now!

Do you listen to Dan Carlin?

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This is why I hate the DNC.

They had the opportunity to count Florida's votes. (I mean, God forbid the largest swing state in the Union vote before all but four other states.)

The DNC chose not to count these votes. The DNC has deliberately disenfranchised Florida democrats. For the DNC to blame anyone but themselves is a cop out.

And so help me, if I hear the word 'disenfranchised' used by a democrat in the general election, my foot is going through the television screen.

If you don't like the majority getting its way in the state legislature, beat them out. It's pretty simple.

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WTF! That's my thesis! I've believed for a few months now that anyone under 40 should vote 3rd party. The two parties have been screwing this country over for nearly 20+ years now!

Do you listen to Dan Carlin?

No, I read a book called Declaring Independence by Douglas Schoen. Its about the two-party system's coming end.

Right now I view the DNC as Cancer, and the GOP as AIDS.

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I'm not disputing that the DNC handled this badly, but parties should leave the processes of the other party alone. If a states laws read that the legislature shall set the dates of primaries, they should defer to the desires of the party. If a states laws read that primaries for both parties should be held on the same day, than both parties should have to agree on the date.
Stop arguing over something that is BS. There would've been a court case if the Florida legislature intentionally broke DNC rules.

Google it. The move occurred in May 2007.

Here is article from WP:

Under both Republican and Democratic party rules, states are penalized for moving their primaries earlier than Feb. 5. Democratic National Committee spokeswoman Stacie Paxton said the state would lose 50 percent of its delegates and all its superdelegates _ typically members of Congress. Any candidate who campaigns in Florida for a primary earlier than Feb. 5 will be ineligible for receiving any of the state's delegates, Paxton said. She added that the DNC hoped to work out a separate plan with the state party, such as a caucus, to avoid the penalties.
Candidates don't seem to be threatened by the potential penalties from the national parties. Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton was already campaigning in the Miami area on Monday. Illinois Sen. Barack Obama will also continue to campaign in Florida, said spokeswoman Jen Psaki.
More on why...
Florida has by far the largest population of any of the early voting states set for January and is the most expensive in which to campaign, giving well-funded candidates an even greater advantage and possibly drawing attention away from the smaller states. "This is going to require the serious candidates to spend very, very large amounts of money and time in Florida," said Merle Black, a politics professor at Emory University in Atlanta. "If you can't compete in Florida, that's going to be a sign that you're not a serious contender." Crist, a Republican, and other state GOP leaders have argued Florida's diversity and size merit more influence in deciding the nation's leadership. The delegate-rich state decided the disputed 2000 presidential election.
So yes, it was pushed through by the Rs but none of the articles I find say that the Ds were against this either. They all wanted Florida to have a bigger say in who is going to be the primary candidate. Ironically enough, if they had not moved up their primary, they probably would have a bigger say.

Just found another money quote from an article:

Florida lawmakers have repeatedly said they will not cower in the face of sanctions from the national parties because they believe choosing the next president is more important than sending delegates to a convention with a preordained outcome.
All of these articles are actually sourced from the AP.

Anyway, Florida gets to reap what it sowed... stupid attention whores...

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As a matter of strategy...

Why is Obamas position to give Hillary 19 delegates from Florida?

I would have started with the position..."I am following the Rules...NO Votes"

Then I would have compromised to the 19 delegate (half total) position

Is this the way Obama will negotiate with Terrorists?

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No, what I am saying is that the state legislature knew what would happen if the primary was moved and did it anyway to tamper with the Democratic party. It is a cheap political move to tamper with how a party conducts its own primary. Even if the Democrats do it, it is still a cheap move and should not be done.

All the Dems in the state legislature voted FOR the move up of the primary

They had a chance to at least vote AGAINST it but chose not to

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All the Dems in the state legislature voted FOR the move up of the primary

They had a chance to at least vote AGAINST it but chose not to

If they had voted against it every single Republican in November would have said the Democrats had voted against a law requiring a paper trail for their electronic voter machines.
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Maybe it's just me but I'm starting to get sick every tme

I see or hear from Hillary or any of her supporters.

Nope not just you...I have gottne to the point that if I see her on TV..I can hit the mute button in record time now...used to think the mute button was only good for when watching Dick Vitale & Chris Berman.

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As a matter of strategy...

Why is Obamas position to give Hillary 19 delegates from Florida?

I would have started with the position..."I am following the Rules...NO Votes"

Then I would have compromised to the 19 delegate (half total) position

Is this the way Obama will negotiate with Terrorists?

What terrorists has Obama ever said that he will negotiate with?

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As a matter of strategy...

Why is Obamas position to give Hillary 19 delegates from Florida?

I would have started with the position..."I am following the Rules...NO Votes"

Then I would have compromised to the 19 delegate (half total) position

Is this the way Obama will negotiate with Terrorists?

He can't do that because it makes him look bad. By conceding some ground on FL he gets more leverage on MI.
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He can't do that because it makes him look bad. By conceding some ground on FL he gets more leverage on MI.
Will Obama get the 50% of MI?

As a side note....Leven keeps saying, lets give the uncommitted and Edwards votes to Obama likes its a huge concession...

What about people that voted for Hillary that would have voted for Obama but didn't because he was not on the Ballot?

Its not as easy to "write in" as just punch

Statistically that would equate to less votes for Obama (unfairly)

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