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DNC rules & Bylaw


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Well it didnt take 20 minutes for Howard Dean to talk about the 2000 election mixed in with his own issues... Referencing 5 morally corrupt and wrong Justices on the supreme court stealing the election from Al Gore 40 days before he would have gotten it..

And racism leading up to today...

Nice Start.

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I think dean is a moron, and loon. And I think the fact that he is the DNC chairman says a lot about the sad state of the democratic party. But how about a link or some clue as to what you are talking about. :laugh:

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Well it didnt take 20 minutes for Howard Dean to talk about the 2000 election mixed in with his own issues... Referencing 5 morally corrupt and wrong Justices on the supreme court stealing the election from Al Gore 40 days before he would have gotten it..

And racism leading up to today...

Nice Start.

I assume you disagree with everything Dean said? :)

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I had no idea this was going to be televised. Thanks for the heads up.

Now what does everyone here think should/will happen to FL and MI.

I think that Hillary will get most of the delagtes from Florida

and Michigan will be split between her and Obama.

And then she'll have a fit and take it to the convention.

(Which is what she really wants anyway)

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They definitely should not use the results of the elections. I would like to see a 50/50 split since the DNC's actions had a profound effect on the outcome of the elections. A plan from Michigan calls for a 69-59 delegate split between Clinton(69) and Obama(59), which is halfway between a 50/50 split and the results of the election which I can agree with. As for FL I think a similar situation could be used if the RBC does not use a 50/50 split.

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.....Now what does everyone here think should/will happen to FL and MI.
Without regard as to who I want to win

To change the rules in the middle of the game is total BS

This outweighs the fact that the original draconian penalties were to harsh to the VOTERS of both states (dumb DNC, thanks Dean!)

It would be totally unfair to Obama to count votes in FL & Mich now

A re-vote would be acceptable to me (even that still stinks because it overvalues these two states votes, AGAIN)

Side note.....states were jockeying for earlier slots this year.....when the LATTER slots had more influence :laugh:

But as a partisan...Since it will cause Chaos in the Democratic Party, I am FOR counting FL and Mich.


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Sen. Nelson just told me something I did not know about FL. I did not know that the Republicans in FL moved the primary. I thought primaries were set by the individual party, not the state legislature. That changes the way I look at FL.

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Sen. Nelson just told me something I did not know about FL. I did not know that the Republicans in FL moved the primary. I thought primaries were set by the individual party, not the state legislature. That changes the way I look at FL.
Does the Republican Primary change the Democratic primary?

I saw some states that had different primary dates for the 2 parties...and the republicans are counting the votes right?

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Does the Republican Primary change the Democratic primary?

I saw some states that had different primary dates for the 2 parties...and the republicans are counting the votes right?

The way Nelson explained it was that a law was proposed to have a paper trail for electronic voting machines and an attachment was made moving the primary to January 29th. I can't find anything that says if the primaries are required by law to take place on the same day but Wiki says that both primaries were held on the 29th. The Democrats in the Florida legislature proposed an amendment to move the primary back to the 5th of February to comply with the DNC rules but the amendment. But regardless, the republican-led legislature should not have moved the primary knowing that it would violate DNC rules, it was a cheap political move.
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But regardless, the republican-led legislature should not have moved the primary knowing that it would violate DNC rules, it was a cheap political move.

So you're trying to say that the republicans deliberately disenfranchised potential Florida democrats who might have considered crossing over and voting for McCain in the general election?

Why in the heck would they do that? What do they stand to gain?

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....the republican-led legislature should not have moved the primary knowing that it would violate DNC rules, it was a cheap political move.
The DNC did not have to discount the Democratic Votes

There were a lot of states that moved up there primaries to capture more National Prestige

If the Dems thought the move on the Repubs part was political (to disinfranchise the Dems)...the DNC should have just counted the votes and made it known at the time


Dean = Idiot

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Here is the deal.

When this all happened. Hillary agreed with the other candidates that Florida broke the rules. This was when she was the assumed Dem Nom.

Now that she's behind, she wants them back? What about Mich? Wasn't she the only name on the ballot there? She believes that even if other names where there, she would have won all those votes?

Come on.

Yeah, the Republicans in the state might have had their part in messing with the Dems. But, they should have done something about that before the primary.

If they want to fix their retarded Superdelegate system, do it for 2012. Looking back is just dumb.

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If the Dems thought the move on the Repubs part was political (to disinfranchise the Dems)...the DNC should have just counted the votes and made it known at the time


Dean = Idiot


Bottom line, the DNC is DOING what they ACCUSED the RNC of in 2000. It's hypocrisy at it's very finest.

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So you're trying to say that the republicans deliberately disenfranchised potential Florida democrats who might have considered crossing over and voting for McCain in the general election?

Why in the heck would they do that? What do they stand to gain?

No, what I am saying is that the state legislature knew what would happen if the primary was moved and did it anyway to tamper with the Democratic party. It is a cheap political move to tamper with how a party conducts its own primary. Even if the Democrats do it, it is still a cheap move and should not be done.
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No, what I am saying is that the state legislature knew what would happen if the primary was moved and did it anyway to tamper with the Democratic party. It is a cheap political move to tamper with how a party conducts its own primary. Even if the Democrats do it, it is still a cheap move and should not be done.

But again, what does either party stand to gain by alienating Florida democrats?

Could you tell me what happened in 2000, I'm not familiar with that situation.

I mean the democrats crying back then about republicans allegedly disenfranchising voters. What they're doing now is the very definition of disenfranchisement, and they're perfectly fine with it.

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But again, what does either party stand to gain by alienating Florida democrats?
The Republican party knew it was interfering with Democratic party processes and helped create this situation by doing so. And do you really need to ask what the Republican party has to gain by helping Florida Democrats get pissed at the DNC?
I mean the democrats crying back then about republicans allegedly disenfranchising voters. What they're doing now is the very definition of disenfranchisement, and they're perfectly fine with it.
But the state legislature (led by Republicans) knew that if they had simply left the date as February 5th then this would not have been a problem.
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The Republican party knew it was interfering with Democratic party processes and helped create this situation by doing so.....
Assuming the Repubs did this on purpose to disenfranchise the Dems....

The Fix would have been Dean saying that the votes will count anyway

He didn't

Dean = idiot

DNC = slow and stupid (they assumed Hillary was the next nominee and now they are screwed)

Heres to a GREAT Democratic Convention!


Side Note, I hope this DNC meeting is a prelude to the convention fireworks

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The Republican party knew it was interfering with Democratic party processes and helped create this situation by doing so. And do you really need to ask what the Republican party has to gain by helping Florida Democrats get pissed at the DNC?

Soooo....The republican controlled legislature forced the move, hoping it would turn democrats against the DNC? How is a move by republicans going to do that? It's not.

And you and I both know in close elections, as this one is expected to be, parties have to pull whatever they can from the other's base. It simply makes no logical sense for republican legislators in Florida to piss off democratic Florida voters.

But the state legislature (led by Republicans) knew that if they had simply left the date as February 5th then this would not have been a problem.

Is it possible there was a logical reason for moving the date, or are we just assuming this was a deliberate hatchet job.

And why, pray tell, is this the very first time I've heard of this. Seems to me this would have been a HUGE opportunity for Dean to lay the lumber to Florida republicans. The fact that he didn't speaks volumes to me.

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The issue is two fold.

Local GOP in Florida might be serving their last term, if the state DNC can pin this on them.

Nationally, its not going to matter. As much as guys like IHOP want it to tear apart a party even as stupid as the DNC. Its going to be a rally-cry against the GOP and the politics of one George W. Bush by connecting this to the 2000 election. Even if its incorrect. If they can prove a GOP lead state Gov moved the primaries of the DNC knowing it would break their rules. That will be what they talk about all summer and early fall.

At this point, we should all be voting 3rd party. Even knowing that person won't win. Showing a much higher number voting for somebody other than Dem or Repub sends a message that we're ready for something new.

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