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Hey Jim watch your back buddy

Smiley's "rootin"

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I have been thinking about this for a while. I noticed when coach Zorn was doing interviews during mini camp he spoke freely and at length with the media.

Coach Gibbs along with many others are fully aware of what they can do to you, they will back the bus over you, twist your words around and stab you in the back, I was a little suprised when he spoke so freely on the Davis no show in mini camp, Gibbs would have never discused that with media, he was very careful of what he said.

I think it will be interesting if the darling media remains darling through out the season and how Zorn deals with them.

Any thoughts?

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Yet the Davis no show died out quickly and never festered into any type of controversy. If fact, Zorn's frankness helped alleve much craziness that would have been endless speculation on what really happened had JG still been in charge. I'd say Gibbs alloofness with the media made it easier for some media to bash him.

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There are a lot of coaches who are quite frank with the media, and it works just fine. Gibbs being as guarded as he was is actually pretty rare - he was known for it. Belicheat is another guy who is really reserved when it comes to the media (hmmmm...wonder why? :laugh: ).

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Assuming you are not cheating like Belicheat, it all boils down to wins. You win, its hugs & kisses, you don't, it isn't.

When you're losing, media questions obviously get old, "Hey coach, what did it feel like losing in the last minute of the game for the third week in a row?"

"It felt great, next question."

Questions like that are intended to be porcupines catapaulted at you.

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Yet the Davis no show died out quickly and never festered into any type of controversy. If fact, Zorn's frankness helped alleve much craziness that would have been endless speculation on what really happened had JG still been in charge. I'd say Gibbs alloofness with the media made it easier for some media to bash him.

Very good point.

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Smiley is right on about how "friendly" journalists can turn on you like snakes. If Zorn has early success, he'll be hailed as a whiz-kid, a natural, a real master of understanding how offenses work. If the Skins struggle.....well you all know the rest.

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I think him being frank on the Davis issue took all the steam out of it. If you dance around an issue, the media will hound you and hound you. He addressed it, outlined his intentions, and didn't make a big deal out of it. The media could only write about it once. Done deal. Probably made some mad.

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I appreciate the fact that Zorn is open and upfront. I think it's what the fans want, as as long as he's appreciated for it, he will continue to be so.

I don't think Zorn cares about the media either way.

Besides, he's not alone in this; Dan, and Vinny are very involved, and if he starts to "give" too much, I'm sure they will stifle his candor.

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Yet the Davis no show died out quickly and never festered into any type of controversy. If fact, Zorn's frankness helped alleve much craziness that would have been endless speculation on what really happened had JG still been in charge. I'd say Gibbs alloofness with the media made it easier for some media to bash him.

i agree!

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It's the off-season and there is little he could say or do to get himself in too much hot water.

The color thing was comedic more than anything else but I will be interested to see how he handles himself when the training wheels come off and they start playing with live ammo.

Sooner or later he will have to give one of those gut-wrenching post game interveiws after a bad loss at home to a division rival and the sharks are circling with blood in the water. Can he keep it together?

As infuriating as Gibbs could be in defeat with his "all togethers" and "fought their guts out" he was vertually unflappable. Given his length of service that is quite an accomplishment.

Anyone remember Ray Handley losing it post-game? It usually spells the beginning of the end.


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It's the media, your damned if you do and damned if you don't. If you are too honest the media will grill you. However, if you aren't forthcoming enough, guess what... the media will grill you for it.

Why? Because the Media makes it's living by criticizing others. Especially the sports media.

As a Skins fan it's my highest hope (for sports) that Zorn turns out to be the understated hiring of the century. Then the media can kiss all Skins fans ass' for awhile, and oh how sweet that would be!


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