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17 Regular Season Games Coming Soon?

Big Mac Patty Wack

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According to PFT:


Posted by Josh Alper on May 20, 2008, 7:00 p.m.

In the course of a busy day at the owners meetings in Atlanta, Roger Goodell raised the possibility of adding a 17th regular season game to the schedule.

Home field in the extra game would alternate between conferences and would come at the expense of a preseason game. Goodell spoke of the lack of quality of the preseason contests and said “it would create new revenue. Our thought process was we might reduce preseason by a game in return for that. Actually, the players would still play the same number of games. It could give us an opportunity to play a higher quality of football.”

Sure 20 games is 20 games but when one of them comes with a fat TV deal, it’s not quite the same thing. Gene Upshaw wasn’t quite so bullish about the idea.

“Any discussion we’ve had with them about playing another game, they’ve always said, they would like to do it, but they don’t want to pay for it. They say, ‘Why should you be concerned, you get 60 percent?’ But we also get paid on games played. We’re not going to agree to play an extra game and not get paid for it. That’s what they want us to do. That discussion is going to be very short.”

When this issue came up last year, it was tied into the league’s desire to play more games outside the U.S. without taking the product away from home fans. There’s no such talk from Goodell this year and the timing of his announcement is curious. On the same day you opt out of the CBA because you don’t like the amount of revenues going toward the players, you float an idea that would, almost certainly, cause them to ask for more money in return.


I think this would be a very bad thing for the 'Skins. We are not exactly known as the league's most durable team (Portis, Moss, Randle El, Washington, Springs). Anyway, most of the teams seem run-down by the playoffs anyway. Taking one preseason game away wouldn't help because the starters don't really play much. What are you thoughts?:cheers:

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they should have an NFC vs AFC week similar to the ACC big ten challenge. winner keeps some sort of league trophy or something like that. A tie goes to whoever had it before. It be cool if they kept it rather regional (ravens-skins, jets-giants, raiders-49ers, etc)

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Considering baseball players don't do anything physically taxing (except pitchers), they can go on and on and on and on..........

True but they play practically every day, they don't have the week off like you do in football, plus their regular season is what like 2 months longer (50% more)

I agree there is a difference and a big one between the sports, but I don't think one more game especially if takes a pre season one away is too much to ask for.

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Half the teams in the league would have an extra home game and half would not. It would work better with 18 regular season and two preseason...................

I think this would be a big issue, determining who gets the extra home game. I don't think it'll happen. I also saw someone mention that all the records will have one more game to be broken, and some people wouldn't like that.

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I think this would be a big issue, determining who gets the extra home game. I don't think it'll happen. I also saw someone mention that all the records will have one more game to be broken, and some people wouldn't like that.

I actually just read about this in ATN, and apparently the idea being put forth is that the extra game will be home for one conference, and away for the other, and that would obviously alternate each year.

The record thing sucks, but this wouldn't be the first time the league has expanded games in a season which led to records being broke. Given this era of football a lot of them are in danger of being broken anyways.

I'm still a bit on the fence with this one, but I'm leaning towards being in favor of the decision as it lessens preseason and expands regular season.

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it would be cool that every year you would look forward to playing an extra team

i think the last game should be a regional game (to an extent) AFC vs NFC played at a rotating or nuetral site

Skins/Ravens @ University of Maryland

Jets/Giants @ Rutgers University

Seahawks/Broncos @ University of Washington or University of Colorado

49ers/Raiders @ Cal Berkley

Chargers/Cardinals @ Rose Bowl or ASU

Cowboys/Texans @ UT

Dolphins/Bucs @ the Citrus Bowl

Jaguars/Saints @ University of Alabama

Falcons/Titans @ Neyland Stadium

Steelers/Eagles @ PSU

Rams/Chiefs @ Mizzou

Browns/Lions @ Michigan Stadium

Panthers/Bengals @ University of Kentucky

Vikings/Patriots @ University of Minnesota or the Yale Bowl

Bills/Packers @ Toronto

Colts/Bears @ University of Illinois

I tried to keep them as regional as possible and with the biggest stadium in between the teams...i know some of the matchups are weird but i did the best i could

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HATE THIS!!! Please keep it at a nice and even 16 games. The schedule works fine. Don't play your starters in preseason if you don't want them hurt.
Where does it end? Yes, I hate odd numbers. I have some Adrian Monk in me. But seroiously, name a league that plays an odd number of games?

MLB 162

Minor Leagues 144

NBA 82

NHL 82

College football went to 12, fromthe odd 11

College B-Ball only because they do their own schedules (league games in all divisions are even. Exp. ACC- 16)

CFL 18

So the preseason games are the same price as the regular season, but you want to see starters because you played starters price for the tickets? I can dig that, but you could always sell them at face value and keep the regular season games. If they go to 3 preason and 17 regular, then the fans will want it to be 2 and 18, 1 19 and then eventually 0-20.

Plus, who will decide who gets the 9th home game? Wouldn't be fair if the Giants and Cowboys had 9 home games and the Skins and Eagles had 8. How do you let teams get extra revenue from that exta home game? 17 sucks. Keep it at 16. Adding more games taints records IMO.

Plus, the schedule is even in regards to who plays who. You get to see teams at least every 4 years. What would be the 17th game? Would it be a regional rivalry? would you want the Skins to play the Ravens every year and Dallass play the hapless Texans every year? The Eagles would get shafted with the Steelers and the Giants would draw the Jets and they play in the same stadium. Giants could have 9 home, 7 away and 1 visitor game in their own stadium. Eff that. Keep it 16. Goodell is trying to become David Stern part 2 and it's pissing me off.

I love football, but I also like the offseason. The owners will never go for 2 preseason games. It will cut 1 homegame off the schedule. Keep it the way it is and if you don't want your starters hurt, bench them, like Tomlinson and Emmitt Smith. It's not that hard. 16 is the right amount. Everything is balanced and even. Goodell needs to stop with the greed. If I were the players, I'd veto it. They get 16 game checks, so if they add a 17th, they get 17 game checks, but now they'll be less in the amount column. We get 4 weeks of preseason, 17 weeks (16 games) of regular season and 4 rounds of playoffs. That's 25 weeks of football. That's plenty of football. What is the difference in 17 games and 3 preseason or 16 games and 4 preseason. Still football. Except 1 extra game counts. So in reality it's not more football. Just one more that counts.
Absolutely not. I like 16. The Adrian Monk in me likes the nice round even number. :D
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Well they are all about getting some overseas games, so why dont they just have an overseas week, or a pair of teams that plays overseas each week. This wouldnt screw anyone out of a home game and the NFL still gets its kick in of overseas games. I would have been pissed if I had a home game lose because the skins had to play a game in England. What a crock of **** that would be?

(not really in favor of any expansion of the schedule, just an idea)

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I'm all for the extra regular season game, but I have an interesting twist or idea to go with it. With the NFL showing interest in expanding globally by playing games in Mexico a few seasons back between the 49ers and Cardinals, and now this upcoming season being the second in a row by playing a game in London, why doesn't the NFL consider having the extra regular season game overseas. Have each game in a different country. Obviously this will create a scheduling conflict, but my idea is to have the international game 10-12 days or so before the season kicks off back here in the mainland to give teams enough time to rest and recover from the long trips. Thought about this the other day when I first heard about adding the 17th game so I thought I'd throw this out there. Thoughts?

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it would be cool that every year you would look forward to playing an extra team

i think the last game should be a regional game (to an extent) AFC vs NFC played at a rotating or nuetral site

Skins/Ravens @ University of Maryland

Jets/Giants @ Rutgers University

Seahawks/Broncos @ University of Washington or University of Colorado

49ers/Raiders @ Cal Berkley

Chargers/Cardinals @ Rose Bowl or ASU

Cowboys/Texans @ UT

Dolphins/Bucs @ the Citrus Bowl

Jaguars/Saints @ University of Alabama

Falcons/Titans @ Neyland Stadium

Steelers/Eagles @ PSU

Rams/Chiefs @ Mizzou

Browns/Lions @ Michigan Stadium

Panthers/Bengals @ University of Kentucky

Vikings/Patriots @ University of Minnesota or the Yale Bowl

Bills/Packers @ Toronto

Colts/Bears @ University of Illinois

I tried to keep them as regional as possible and with the biggest stadium in between the teams...i know some of the matchups are weird but i did the best i could

I've always liked this idea, but never thought about the neutral site, somehow im sure it'll be real expensive for the teams, and how do u guarantee tickets for each teams fans, and would it be split 50/50?

Either way, i would love it if we had to play the ravens every year, and wouldn't care if we had to play them twice if it landed on the rotating AFC division schedule (like this year).

most matchups works (most are obvious), the hardest ones to nail down regional rivals with these teams, where each team will be satisfied. bills/vikes/packers/patriots/cincy/panthers/falcons/titans

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edit: found a better map


if a 17th game occurs, i would love to see an AFC vs NFC week, here are the games i would like to see annually if the NFL tries to maintain a regional game:

Redskins - Ravens

Giants - Jets

Eagles - Steelers

Cowboys - Texans

*Packers – Bills (scheduled late in the year of course)

Bears - Colts

*Vikings - Patriots

Lions - Browns

Bucs - Dolphins

*Saints - Jaguars

*Falcons - Titans

*Panthers - Bengals

Rams - Chiefs

49ers - Raiders

Cardinals - Chargers

Seahawks - Broncos

i stared those that are toss up, if anyone else figures a better matchup.

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