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Follow-Up to Cider Label Help, 1st test run

Capt. Kaos

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Are you having it bottled or doing it yourself ?

And what happened to the neck label ?

Bottling myself. The neck label will be on the big bottles, these are little versions. they started as Kahlua bottles.

The bottles in the pic are actually filled with new recipe I'm trying out. Started the force carbonation this evening. I'll know when I get back from vacation if this is going to be the recipe for the tailgate.

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Better be careful

Dan Snyder does not screw around when it comes to trademark infringement.

I'm not exaggerating even slightly.


Good Looking Out ~Bang

But like KH said this is being put together only for the cowpukes game and will be given away at the ES/RR tailgate. I have zero intentions of trying to make anything off them.

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IIRC, this is not for sale, it is a free product that will available only for one tailgate.

Dan doesn't care.

When Gibbs was re-hired I made a flash that ran on this site that was a tribute to the Redskins... really nice. They wrote to me via this site within 24 hours and told me they liked it, but I had to remove the logo. They were nice about it since it was a tribute. I wasn't making any money off of it, but they were adamant anyway.

Odds are he'll never know unless one of his eyes sees this thread, then you may get a note like I got.

Just an FYI


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Dan doesn't care.

When Gibbs was re-hired I made a flash that ran on this site that was a tribute to the Redskins... really nice. They wrote to me via this site within 24 hours and told me they liked it, but I had to remove the logo. They were nice about it since it was a tribute. I wasn't making any money off of it, but they were adamant anyway.

Odds are he'll never know unless one of his eyes sees this thread, then you may get a note like I got.

Just an FYI


~Bang, thanks for the heads up!

I have a couple other labels that I can use if this is a problem. This is just the one that my daughter picked out. I also have a couple friends working on a few others and I'm still hoping to get some contributions from talented folks here. We'll see!

This run was more a test of how to waterproof the labels so the ink doesnt run/smudge when placed in ice and to check the new recipe out. Force carbonation will be done on 6/1, I'll chill them and see how the new recipe works a couple days after that. :D

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When you are done with your Hard Cider experiment are you going to make something manly like beer?

Here we go again....

For the last time..... Hard Cider has a higher ABV% than almost all beers out there.

Why is it you continue to pick on me for making/liking Hard Cider?

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Here we go again....

For the last time..... Hard Cider has a higher ABV% than almost all beers out there.

Why is it you continue to pick on me for making/liking Hard Cider?

Man Law #452: No man should drink any alcoholic beverage with a fruit in the title.

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Here we go again....

For the last time..... Hard Cider has a higher ABV% than almost all beers out there.

Why is it you continue to pick on me for making/liking Hard Cider?

Or you could use this as your label....................

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I guess when you youngins' grow up a bit you'll come to realize that Hard Cider is not only not a violation of any man law, but it will also kick your ***.

Aside from that Hard Cider has deep seated history in this country and in the world as a whole.

And for the record.... Most people do not call it Hard Apple Cider.

It is referred to as simply Cider or Hard Cider.

I know that the test label says "apple", big woopty!!!

I'm done defending my likes and a hobby that I enjoy to the kiddies around here.

Come talk to me in a few years! :D

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When you are done with your Hard Cider experiment are you going to make something manly like beer?
Why is it you continue to pick on me for making/liking Hard Cider?

Its because he likes you. :laugh: Don't drop the soap at any tailgates, CK! :laugh:

Man Law #452: No man should drink any alcoholic beverage with a fruit in the title.

Neither "Hard" nor "Cider" is a fruit. :whoknows:

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My only comment is.... you started a thread to solicit the advice of the membership. And then you didn't take any of it and choose the version your daughter selected.

To me, that's crappy and wreaks of the fact that you started that thread... and this one.... to assuage your ego. But, it's pretty commonplace around here... so whatever.

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My only comment is.... you started a thread to solicit the advice of the membership. And then you didn't take any of it and choose the version your daughter selected.

To me, that's crappy and wreaks of the fact that you started that thread... and this one.... to assuage your ego. But, it's pretty commonplace around here... so whatever.

No, I chose the one my daughter liked for the test run. These are not absolutely for certain the ones that will be used for the tailgate batch. Thanks for your comment though.

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