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NEW!May 29th...Screen Shots for Tecmo Bowl:Kickoff on DS(Link provided at the bottom)


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Well...then I might buy the wii and the DS....I've been waiting for masterpieces to come back and...well...they haven't!(star control,gain ground and tecmo bowl to name a few)

The tecmo on the ps1,unfortunately was a disaster,so I PRAY it's nothing like that!

It was more of the PS graphics IMO..that ruined the fun in the cartoony type of play...I don't know?But you could edit your roster on that version...but blah...I just didn't like the gameplay either..

HOWEVER!If this system will aventually end up on the wii (Nintendo) which were the greatest versions of the game,then this game is worth a serious look...!

Plus the editing of LOGO's,Players and Cities will allow users to overcome the "NFL Liscensing agreement"....with a little time involved....(worth it to me)

Plus...Tecmo won't even have to make a game every year as you can update your roster every season,instead of dropping 50,60 or 70 bucks for a madden addition...(collectors additions and crap)

If Tecmo Bowl stays with their original roots and keeps the cutscreens and just makes it somehow more modern yet fun for everyone like the old days...Then it will be the only football game to have enough to give Madden the Knockout blow imo!

I so hope they do!

Release date is during the fall....I will try to keep us all updated on anything new that's worth posting!

I hope you guys do the same for me as well....Tecmo is the schisnick!

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Well...then I might buy the wii and the DS....I've been waiting for masterpieces to come back and...well...they haven't!(star control,gain ground and tecmo bowl to name a few)

The tecmo on the ps1,unfortunately was a disaster,so I PRAY it's nothing like that!

It was more of the PS graphics IMO..that ruined the fun in the cartoony type of play...I don't know?But you could edit your roster on that version...but blah...I just didn't like the gameplay either..

HOWEVER!If this system will aventually end up on the wii (Nintendo) which were the greatest versions of the game,then this game is worth a serious look...!

Plus the editing of LOGO's,Players and Cities will allow users to overcome the "NFL Liscensing agreement"....with a little time involved....(worth it to me)

Plus...Tecmo won't even have to make a game every year as you can update your roster every season,instead of dropping 50,60 or 70 bucks for a madden addition...(collectors additions and crap)

If Tecmo Bowl stays with their original roots and keeps the cutscreens and just makes it somehow more modern yet fun for everyone like the old days...Then it will be the only football game to have enough to give Madden the Knockout blow imo!

I so hope they do!

Release date is during the fall....I will try to keep us all updated on anything new that's worth posting!

I hope you guys do the same for me as well....Tecmo is the schisnick!

sorry, but no game will ever knock out madden, it has been around for a long long time, and its sales only grow every year...it may be more fun to play than madden, but there is ZERO chance any other football game will outsell madden

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Lolz. Console flamewars are so funny.

While "hardcore gamers" have repeated the same criticisms for the past year and a half(It's just a gimmick! Bad graphics! No good games!), the Wii has quietly built one of the best game libraries I've ever seen so early in a console's lifespan. Nintendo as a game developer is on fire. Metroid Prime 3 was great, and Mario Galaxy is without a doubt the best 3D platformer ever. And while they both use motion sensing, neither requires you to flail around like an idiot...

On topic, Tecmo Bowl is great. I don't think I want it to jump into 3D. The whole appeal of Tecmo these days is that it's still fun even with its crappy old-school graphics. It would be a perfect fit on the Wii or DS.

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and i own a 360 and a wii as well, and you know what, the wii is just a $250 paper weight while i play games that dont involve flailing around like an idiot....i actually play games that have a very large amount of other people playing online whereas with the wii your short in that category..

lol @ flailing around like an idiot. too funny.

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Lolz. Console flamewars are so funny.

Metroid Prime 3 was great, and Mario Galaxy is without a doubt the best 3D platformer ever.

Just a quick follow-up to this comment. I wasn't trying to list good games so that I could say "there, my console is better". The 360 has plenty of good games as well.

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that Nintendo as a game developer is really on fire. If you don't like Nintendo's games, that's one thing...but why discount the Wii as if it's not a "real" console? Why try to marginalize it? It has a lot to offer, and its sales managed to catch up to and and surpass the Xbox360 after being on the market for half as long. It's as "real" as any other console.

Motion sensing is just an option. It opens up more ways to experience games. I would argue that even without motion sensing, it would be a pretty sweet controller(I love having both hands "free" with the nunchuk setup, rather than both hands gripping one solid object). Some companies have gone overboard and made goofy party-style games with no substance. Big whoop. The better companies will make better games that use motion sensing in better, more subtle ways. Capcom has done some good work with Resident Evil 4 and Zack and Wiki, for instance.

If all you do is judge a system by its worst games, then I guess no system is worth buying.

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I haven't, but I heard that it was amazing. Are the both the same? I'll see if I can pick up 07 on the cheap.....

pretty sure you can get 07 for less than 10 bucks. i love it.

i never played 08. reviews i read were that there was a bigger focus on defense, making it harder to score. :(

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i probably did take it the wrong way..... its whatever

the phrase "flailing around like an idiot" made me laugh.

i'm sure i've looked the part more than once w/ wii boxing. :laugh:

btw, if you want to see the beauty of the wii, do a video search for "topless wii." you'll have to search around a bit, it was hard to find for me (not on google, but linked from another site i found on google)...i wanted to post it here, but jumbo said no go.

either way, no harm no foul, mench. :cheers:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm starting this post in response to the actual thread topic, so if you don't want to read the comments at the end in response to the thread's current tangents (Madden, and the console war part 2,743,642,639,483,984) you can skip 'em. :P


Like a lot of people here, I absolutely loved Tecmo back in the day. I played other games back then like John Elway football, but Tecmo was so focused on *fun* flash and presentation. It really made it feel more like real football as a result. It took itself seriously. I mean, come on - in real life, when the QB gets sacked the crowd goes wild, the announcers replay it a hundred times, on and on. Why shouldn't a game allow a player to delight in his own achievements?

The new version looks great. The DS is a great platform for it. I imagine I'll likely get it as a fun, portable time waster. Unless there's a way to download a patch to alter the names and designs and such, I'll probably just edit the team names and logos. But of course it'd be better if there was a hack to download. :)


As for the Madden tangent, I have to admit that Madden hasn't excited me in at least the last few years. I was good enough to win on Madden mode, but it had become such a pointless, boring, non-fun exercise. And even on easier modes, it really wasn't more fun. The presentation, the NFL package - I liked those things, but I really didn't find the game as fun. :\ That said, everything I've read out of EA is that Madden has become stale and they're trying to clean it up. I'm sure I'll give it another chance to see if they made due on their claim. :)


Agree with DaveMason 100 % about the Wii.

I don't understand why people are so harsh toward the Wii. It's like people have stock in Microsoft or Sony and the success of the Wii is costing them money.

The truth is that the Wii is outselling the 360 and the PS3 because it appeals to a wider range of people. The truth is that the Wii is attracting so much attention because they're doing more *for the customer* than re-releasing the same box with a little extra RAM and a slightly faster processor. They create an innovative way to control a game and some people are crucifying them? I'm sorry. Did you really want to stick with the original Atari controller forever?

And the Wii has some great games! Super Mario Galaxy, No More Heroes, Legend of Zelda, Metroid Prime 3, Resident Evil 4, Super Paper Mario, Bully, and Lego Star Wars to name a few. Yes, some of these games appear on other systems but the point is that if you only owned a Wii - you would not be wanting for deep, engaged, single player campaigns from all the gaming genres.

And the multiplayer is great, too. Aside from the difficulty of playing Mario Kart Online (despite having gotten stars on every track, 50CC through Mirror, in single player), it's a lot of fun, the connections are great, the frame rate remains smooth, and I don't have to deal with people logging out at the last second because they know I'm about to win.

I'm not trying to say the Wii is without flaws. I'm only saying that I really and truly do not understand the active hate. If the Wii doesn't have the games you like, then it makes all the sense in the world to me that you wouldn't be interested in one. But to actively hate on the Wii? Are you trying to tell me that you're in favor of non-competition? Do you really want to see an age where we have one console and everyone has to just deal with it?

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