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This is our year...I hope


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I am feeling very very good about our draft picks after watching Kelly and Thomas's press confrence. First things first you see how quick these two meshed. They said they quickly became friends and stayed in touch - hell even texted when Thomas was drafted and then Kelly. So this says something about their personalities. They are very quick and easy to get along with. So with how Moss, Portis, Cooley, and quite frankly our entire team I see these two just meshing into our team and quickly becoming basically "one of the guys"

Something I noticed was how Thomas said "This is a job and I am ready to work" and then the best thing he said "The Z Reciever" most guys wouldve said 1,2,3,4 or whatever but he is knowledgeable enough to use the right term which I liked.

With us drafting Durant "The Boot" Brooks it made our defense better. The reason? Well say we consistently put teams inside the 20 yd line more than 70% of the time and inside the 10-5 around 10% the time then that would mean 80% they would have to drive 80 yds + each drive to score. I am sorry but that in itself will wear out an offense especially OL. So then as the game progresses with say our defense not allowing teams to really get past the 50 not only will that mean our Offense will have tremendous field position but our team will not have so much pressure on themselves with a shortned field. They also could step up and force teams to make bad plays and quite possibly get some quick scores out which then also tires out teams having to chase down a player and then come right back on the field. So I think our pick with Brooks increased our defense tremendously

Zorn was a playcaller inside the redzone with the Seahawks (or at least thats what I heard) now honestly we SUCKED in the redzone last year. But say we run a 2 TE set with say Moss/ARE and switching out Mix, Kelly, & Thomas your coming to a point where there are huge mismatches. I mean imagine that you have been covering Thomas all game who is 6 foot 2 inches and then inside the redzone you have to face say Kelly or Mix who are 6 foot 5. Then your basically confused because you start adjusting to Thomas's style and then bam now you got completely different set of guys. We could easily open up the field which then could allow Portis to pound it with a nice draw play to eat up yards. So now teams will have to either play the run and get killed over the middle or corner or then spread out the field and have portis get some great blocks to eat up the run - I see alot of scores in our future.

I am not saying THIS YEAR we WILL the SB but I do think that this year we have alot better shot than say if we traded for CJ or one of those guys

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I think you guys are in for a rude awakening. Very difficult for an unknown unproven HC to install his first offense ever with new players and philosophy and win. Is it possible - yeah. But not very likely.

I think we'll be lucky to sniff 8-8.


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Lets see - we have an entirely new coaching staff with a new coach who came in relatively late and is putting in an entirely new offense, and we're relying on our draft picks to win it for us this year???

Hmmm, um, no. I'm afraid I don't see it. If we make the playoffs this year, I think we'd all be thrilled beyond belief. It wouldn't be too shocking to expect that it will take a year to get everything working right.

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I am very excited and want to say we are going to have a great offense with lots of scoring power for the first time in years...... but I got so excited when we brought in Saunders, Lloyd, Randel El and pairing those guys with Portis and Cooley I thought we were going to be unstoppable. I am not trying to get my hopes up. I do believe we will be better than last year in the redzone but its not likely Thomas, Kelly, or Davis are going to be studs their first years its going to take a few years.

After being burned so many times over the years I am going to lower my expectations and just hope for the best. I am very excited and even though we did not address the D-line I am very happy with this draft. We were long over due for some good WR talent and I really hope we got it.

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I am not saying they will win it for us. If thats what you got from this post then I am sorry. What I am trying to say in short is with our draft picks it improves our entire team and I see alot of wins coming. THink about it once people start getting the drop on Thomas, Kelly, Davis then doesnt that drop some pressure off our playmakers in Cooley, Moss, ARE? And then teams will be worried about those passing threats and whooops here comes the Denver Clinton Portis

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I think you guys are in for a rude awakening. Very difficult for an unknown unproven HC to install his first offense ever with new players and philosophy and win. Is it possible - yeah. But not very likely.

I think we'll be lucky to sniff 8-8.


I know you're trying to stay grounded or whatever, but what makes you think by not losing anyone and by gaining new weapons and depth to this roster, the 'skins will have a worse record than last year? In fact, the things holding us back last year were injuries, a very conservative head coach, no big targets for JC to throw to, and a dismal red zone offense. Looks like so far all of those problems have been adressed. So to say we are worse off than last year doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

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I know you're trying to stay grounded or whatever, but what makes you think by not losing anyone and by gaining new weapons and depth to this roster, the 'skins will have a worse record than last year? In fact, the things holding us back last year were injuries, a very conservative head coach, no big targets for JC to throw to, and a dismal red zone offense. Looks like so far all of those problems have been adressed. So to say we are worse off than last year doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

Amen brother. :cheers:

I understand the concern of a new, unproven head coach. However, Zorn's new offense can only better this team, especially with the added weapons we just drafted.

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I know you're trying to stay grounded or whatever, but what makes you think by not losing anyone and by gaining new weapons and depth to this roster, the 'skins will have a worse record than last year? In fact, the things holding us back last year were injuries, a very conservative head coach, no big targets for JC to throw to, and a dismal red zone offense. Looks like so far all of those problems have been adressed. So to say we are worse off than last year doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
He does have a point about a first time head coach and a brand new offense being installed "by a first time head coach"

However, from the way coach zorn has explained how he will install it sounds like he knows what he's doing to me. He said he will be installing a little bit...let the guys get used too it then install some more. That sounds like a pretty good plan to me and should help the team pick up pretty well on it.

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I know you're trying to stay grounded or whatever, but what makes you think by not losing anyone and by gaining new weapons and depth to this roster, the 'skins will have a worse record than last year? In fact, the things holding us back last year were injuries, a very conservative head coach, no big targets for JC to throw to, and a dismal red zone offense. Looks like so far all of those problems have been adressed. So to say we are worse off than last year doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.

Time will tell if having a conservative coach was a bad thing. It may actually be that Gibbs used smoke and mirrors to make our team look lots better than it really was. Again - time will tell...

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We won't have a shot until we have a pass rush.

Not saying I don't like our draft, I do, but until we draft some pass rushers, plural, before the 7th round, we aren't competing for a SB.

I'd also feel MUCH more comfortable with one more young OL, and not some street FA, but a 2-4th round pick. Keep your fingers crossed that the O-line stays healthy, or the receivers don't mean diddly.

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This doesn't change my opinion in regards to maintaining continuity within the team. With this core group of players and coaches, great things can still be achieved. My only worry is whether or not Williams and Saunders can co-exist.
I would really like to get Johnson from Arz. I hope they go after him once the market settles down.
Not to a divison rival.
The fact that he WAS on the practice squad is not a good sign. If a team thinks a player is good, they never expose them to the practice squad for fear that someone else will steal them.

Ignore the quotes I can't get rid of them.

But I feel that with WR's we drafted plus Mix will be the future of our team. Moss and Randel El will be here for a few more years. As many others have said we are set at WR for many years to come. I just feel we are going to be one of a few teams that have tall good WR's. Which in turn will benefit JC and make it hard for DB's to defend. I just see our future WR corps being, Mix, Kelly, and Thomas. So now we can concentrate on on the DL and OL's in future drafts. I hate to be to optimistic but I can forsee this team becoming a constant threat to winning the Superbowl/ Dynasty.

We will win the Superbowl this year based off history in a way. Look at the 86 and 90 Superbowl winner, then look at the 87 and 91 Superbowl champs. May history repeat itself. HTTR!!!!! You heard it here first lol.

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.....With us drafting Durant "The Boot" Brooks it made our defense better. The reason? Well say we consistently put teams inside the 20 yd line more than 70% of the time and inside the 10-5 around 10% the time then that would mean 80% they would have to drive 80 yds + each drive to score. I am sorry but that in itself will wear out an offense especially OL. So then as the game progresses with say our defense not allowing teams to really get past the 50 not only will that mean our Offense will have tremendous field position but our team will not have so much pressure on themselves with a shortned field. They also could step up and force teams to make bad plays and quite possibly get some quick scores out which then also tires out teams having to chase down a player and then come right back on the field. So I think our pick with Brooks increased our defense tremendously....

Special Teams is as important as Offense and Defense

This guy could be my favorite pick of the draft

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I think you guys are in for a rude awakening. Very difficult for an unknown unproven HC to install his first offense ever with new players and philosophy and win. Is it possible - yeah. But not very likely.

I think we'll be lucky to sniff 8-8.


I think 8-8 is too optimistic for this year. This is a transition year for us. HC who hasn't called plays before, new offense, a QB who's got to learn new mechanics again, no out of this world inspired run for a fallen teammate at the end, rookie receivers, etc.

4-5 wins sounds about right to me. With 8+ in year 2. We need to be patient and be looking at 2009. I hope Snyder realizes that, even if the fans won't.

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I'm pretty much drooling over the red zone packages we can do.

Imagine Davis, Kelly, Thomas (or Mix), and Cooley lining up. All but Thomas are at least 6'4".

Even more than that though, imagine the play action, get all of them lining up as receivers, and everyone gets of the line, then bam, hand it off to Portis or Sellers.

Defenses won't know what hit them.

Hell, the 4WR play action or 2WR 2TE play action will be a great play all the time, not to mention screens since the LBs will be busy trying to cover Davis and Cooley.

All this of course presuming that Thomas, Kelly, and Davis work out to be great picks. (knock on wood)

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