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Why I'll vote for McCain over Obama


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For starters, I think Obama will help bring the troops home quicker. Second, I believe he will be the best bet to help change our domestic policies for the better. We need to focus on our woes. Our economy, education system and environment all need to be improved.

The last thing the White House needs is another Bush or Clinton. Or a guy (McCain) who will continue Bush's failed policies. We need somebody with new ideas. And I think Obama would be an ideal choice.

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What is your definition now? What will he change it to?

my definition of hope is the same as wikipedia "a belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one's life. Hope implies a certain amount of despair, wanting, wishing, suffering or perseverance — i.e., believing that a better or positive outcome is possible even when there is some evidence to the contrary"

Obama will change it to mean absolutely nothing

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For starters, I think Obama will help bring the troops home quicker. Second, I believe he will be the best bet to help change our domestic policies for the better. We need to focus on our woes. Our economy, education system and environment all need to be improved.

What is he going to do to fix the economy?

What is he going to do about education that hasn't already been tried?

What is different between his environmental plan than McCain? McCain wants a carbon cap and trade, too. McCain wants to invest in green technologies, alternative fuel sources, etc. McCain wants to increase CAFE standards.

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I'm pretty a-political, so I really would like some feedback on this. Here's what I've got so far about both candidates:


  • He was taken as a prisoner of war, which is mostly irrelevant but pretty awesome.
  • He seems to only fight for progress that is not devisive. Most of his major progress in congress was done through the cooperation of both parties.


  • He seems like a really cool guy.
  • He wants change, but I'm not sure what that means. If he's talking about gas prices or more grocery stores where I live, I might vote for him.

Based on everything I know about both politicians (see above), I will vote for McCain. Can anybody tell me why I'm wrong/right? I realize how lazy this is of me, but I want to be more knowledgable on the subject than I currently am without having to do much work.

I don't know about McCain - foreign policy is supposed to be one of his strengths, and some of his statements of late has really made me question his ability in this area.

For example, recently in Congress he was talking about Iran's rising influence in Southern Iraq as if it was a new issue. Apparently he seems clueless to the fact that a good portion of the anti-Saddam Shiite elements we brought into Iraq were BASED out of Iran. Of course they are going to be influenced by Iran, who shares theological and political beliefs with the Southern Iraqi Shiites, in addition to providing a base of operations while exiled from Iraq.

I certainly like McCain on a personal level and I do believe he has been somewhat of an occasional rogue element, which is needed at the Hill, but he just...I don't know, he just does not instill me with confidence as someone that is going to provide Washington with a fresh spark of leadership.

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My vote is going to Obama.

If McCain wins then we're in trouble because he will continue that war based on lies. He will mostly continue the failed Bush policies.

Plus our country needs a real change and Obama, I think, gives us the best chance for that. I think Obama has the potential to be a great president.

I concur. You can refer to my earlier above for my feelings. This current administration started a war based on straight lies. People are losing their lives in the so called name of freedom. Bottom line is Iraq tells you they don't have Weapons of mass destruction. You go over there and find none just like they said. Now again like in my earlier post, why don't the U.S., invade North Korea? Their saying we gottem, now step to us. N

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I wish we could just wipe all 3 candidates out and start this race over. I am not convinced on anyone any more. I am like you Baculus and where I was all for McCain but it is getting harder when I see him say stuff like he is going to continue to do what Bush was. I think he needs to go in his own direction and make something happen.

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I wish we could just wipe all 3 candidates out and start this race over. I am not convinced on anyone any more. I am like you Baculus and where I was all for McCain but it is getting harder when I see him say stuff like he is going to continue to do what Bush was. I think he needs to go in his own direction and make something happen.

Give it until we're down to two and they really have a chance to show what they've got before wishing for a restart button. We're still dealing with primary crap right now on the Dem side, and McCain's not really trying that hard at the moment.

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Give it until we're down to two and they really have a chance to show what they've got before wishing for a restart button. We're still dealing with primary crap right now on the Dem side, and McCain's not really trying that hard at the moment.

True but Im nervous as heck that were not going to do any better then we have been for the past 8 years. Dont get me wrong, I dont hate Bush like alot of people outright do, but there were things I didnt agree with for sure. And I dont see anyone here doing anything to help settle my nerves when it comes to stuff like that.

But you're right, I will be patient. :doh:

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I think Hillary should challenge BHO to a "winner-take-all" bowling match.

Did you see the Senator bowl a 37? How can you be "in touch" and bowl a 37...

WWE Raw has offered to let them come on their show and have a full out match in the ring..

I think Obama is at a disadvantage though.

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I dunno... The last 8 years have been pretty good. Happily married, have a kid (and another on the way), own a house, tripled my salary... *shrugs* You all must just suck. :) j/k... Honestly? The economy of the last 28 years has been very good... Those elements of the economy that people thought were really great was more flash than substance (stock market, housing market). When people gamble, they get burned. When people make sensible investments, not risking more than they can afford to lose, the economy does great... It doesn't really matter what the Government does or doesn't do. The only reason we're in "trouble" now is because people took out too many adjustable rate mortgages and couldn't make payments when the rates increased. A lot of people tried to "cash in" on the housing market, then bought a house and tried to turn around and sell it for a quick profit and they got burned. This is pretty much how things have gone lately.

BTW, we shouldn't think about bailing out people for their gambling with bad investments...

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I dunno... The last 8 years have been pretty good. Happily married, have a kid (and another on the way), own a house, tripled my salary... *shrugs* You all must just suck. :) j/k... Honestly? The economy of the last 28 years has been very good... Those elements of the economy that people thought were really great was more flash than substance (stock market, housing market). When people gamble, they get burned. When people make sensible investments, not risking more than they can afford to lose, the economy does great... It doesn't really matter what the Government does or doesn't do. The only reason we're in "trouble" now is because people took out too many adjustable rate mortgages and couldn't make payments when the rates increased. A lot of people tried to "cash in" on the housing market, then bought a house and tried to turn around and sell it for a quick profit and they got burned. This is pretty much how things have gone lately.

BTW, we shouldn't think about bailing out people for their gambling with bad investments...

Not saying some people aren't to blame for their own dumb mistakes, but even those who werent "tricked" into these rates, were under the impression that buying land/a house is the safest investment they could make. Its not like people were buying these houses with the impression they were going to win the lottery.

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Not saying some people aren't to blame for their own dumb mistakes, but even those who werent "tricked" into these rates, were under the impression that buying land/a house is the safest investment they could make. Its not like people were buying these houses with the impression they were going to win the lottery.

I don't buy the "tricked" argument... People know what happens when rates go up. Nearly everyone has had or has a credit card, so adjustable rates shouldn't be a new concept to anyone. I don't believe the American people are this dumb.

BTW, I live in an area where there are a lot of new houses and people were trying to make a quick buck doing this. The very house that I bought was from someone who did this very thing and they were fortunate to get a good price for the house that I bought. I refused these very same deals (Interest Only Loans and ARMs)... Why should I (through my taxes) pay for those who weren't taking better care of themselves? I'll choose my own charities, thankyouverymuch!

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So, Brazil has oil now...

I guess the question is, "when do we invade?"

If we don't will you be willing to stop this nonsense?

Here, I'll raise the ante.

If a Chinese or Russian or Italian or any of the other Non-American oil companies that have been invited to bid wins the contracts to refine and sell Iraq's oil, thus proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that we're not there to simply steal it, will the nonsense stop then?


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If we don't will you be willing to stop this nonsense?

Here, I'll raise the ante.

If a Chinese or Russian or Italian or any of the other Non-American oil companies that have been invited to bid wins the contracts to refine and sell Iraq's oil, thus proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that we're not there to simply steal it, will the nonsense stop then?


What if we invade Italy in response?

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What if we invade Italy in response?

Do you seriously believe that we will, that there is even the slightest chance that this would happen?

Do you? This is not a rhetorical question.

Don't dodge the questions. It's bad form.

You've been saying this stuff for quite a while. I think the questions are legit, especially considering yesterday's announcement of how many non-American, or even non-allied nations had been invited to bid on trillions of dollars of oil that you and others like you have been screaming that we're just there to steal.


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Do you seriously believe that we will, that there is even the slightest chance that this would happen?

Do you? This is not a rhetorical question.

Don't dodge the questions. It's bad form.

You've been saying this stuff for quite a while. I think the questions are legit, especially considering yesterday's announcement of how many non-American, or even non-allied nations had been invited to bid on trillions of dollars of oil that you and others like you have been screaming that we're just there to steal.


Um, seriously.... I think you lack a sense of humor a little bit. I've made TWO posts like this now: 1) the one you quoted the first time; 2) my response.

They were both jokes. But you just made me ruin the joke by admitted they were jokes.

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Um, seriously.... I think you lack a sense of humor a little bit. I've made TWO posts like this now: 1) the one you quoted the first time; 2) my response.

They were both jokes. But you just made me ruin the joke by admitted they were jokes.

OK, I apologize, as a jokester i hate to ruin jokes. Obviously I didn't catch it.

But, you must admit you do have a definite opinion on the issue that sometimes seems not too far off from your joke.

Dang! And here I was looking forward to a good back and forth.


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OK, I apologize, as a jokester i hate to ruin jokes. Obviously I didn't catch it.

But, you must admit you do have a definite opinion on the issue that is not too far off from your joke.

Dang! And here I was looking forward to a good back and forth.


Well, I wish I could argue that we would invade Italy and/or Brazil, but I can't. Sorry. :(

I sorta think you have me confused with someone else though... or else, I don't understand the opinion I have that you are attributing to being relevant to this.

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