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Going to Iraq- don't want to miss Skins!


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If anyone deserves the sunday ticket, it should be those deployed in Iraq. Directv could create some great PR by getting it set up over there. It would be nice if they were set up at the main barracks.

Thank you for everything that you do!

It would be nice but I don't think they can reach that side of the globe. Their sates are in low earth orbit over the gulf of Mexico.

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Hey everybody. I'm a sometime poster, but long time lurker on this site. I am an Army officer deploying to Iraq in the next few months and I want to be able to watch the games in Iraq. I have Direct TV and NFL Sunday ticket, so my wife can record the games on DVR. Is there a way to put it on DVDs? I'd appreciate any info. Thanks!


You should be able to burn DVDs directly from TiVo. I have a Pioneer Combo TiVo/Dvd Recorder, but your Tivo should have a digital output, S-video perhaps. DVD Recorders are cheap now and getting cheaper.

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Hey everybody. I'm a sometime poster, but long time lurker on this site. I am an Army officer deploying to Iraq in the next few months and I want to be able to watch the games in Iraq. I have Direct TV and NFL Sunday ticket, so my wife can record the games on DVR. Is there a way to put it on DVDs? I'd appreciate any info. Thanks!


Buy a recorder that automatically records to DVD.

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I think there's a god chance to see a lot of games on TV, if you work it right. For those you miss, the DVD recorder sounds like the best option, then mailing the physical disk.

Anything that requires high bandwidth is likely not going to work over there, even if you pitch in with buddies and purchase a system from one of the sketchy local companies...

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There are a lot of good suggestions posted here. I hope one of them works for you.

A little taste of home will certainly help you in your time away serving.

Thanks for all that you will be doing for our country! Stay safe and may you return soon!

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Hey everybody. I'm a sometime poster, but long time lurker on this site. I am an Army officer deploying to Iraq in the next few months and I want to be able to watch the games in Iraq. I have Direct TV and NFL Sunday ticket, so my wife can record the games on DVR. Is there a way to put it on DVDs? I'd appreciate any info. Thanks!


Good luck to you Sir, and come home safe

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I've been over here for about 6 months now and suprisingly if you are near a site that has an MWR facility they will most likely show the skins. They do an AWESOME job at showing NFL games. About 3 games (6 teams) for the early games and same for late games.

I was worried about the same thing but suprisingly they were televised. So not to worry. If not, shoot me your info via IM and I will make sure you're taken care of.

Stay low!

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Dude, just think... you're fighting for somebody else's profit, not for freedom. Iraq is a hellhole with an opened can of worms. What a waste.

Those of us that served, did so, so you could have the freedom to spew your ignorance.

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Hey everybody. I'm a sometime poster, but long time lurker on this site. I am an Army officer deploying to Iraq in the next few months and I want to be able to watch the games in Iraq. I have Direct TV and NFL Sunday ticket, so my wife can record the games on DVR. Is there a way to put it on DVDs? I'd appreciate any info. Thanks!


I just went through the season over here, still here too lol. AFN does an excellent job of covering them... I think I missed like 2 games all year..

PM me if you have any questions, *some* people here offered to mail me the games but it never happened, let me know if you need someone to help you through the season as I can check afn and know which games you will or will not get and record them off the internet as your bandwidth can't support games over here.

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Hey everybody. I'm a sometime poster, but long time lurker on this site. I am an Army officer deploying to Iraq in the next few months and I want to be able to watch the games in Iraq. I have Direct TV and NFL Sunday ticket, so my wife can record the games on DVR. Is there a way to put it on DVDs? I'd appreciate any info. Thanks!


I don't know whether or not you have a DVD recorder, so I suspect she's recording it on VHS. There are video stores that can convert video from VHS to DVDs. I know because I had my change of command recorded on VHS and when I came home on leave I had it converted to DVD, to keep forever. AFN does have a nice program set up to cover the NFL but only a % are Redskin games. PM me if you need anything.

I don't know your grade/rank but I have a bunch of stuff that could be useful for 04/MAJs and below such as tid bits and TTPs (Techniques Tactics and Procedures) on how to meet objectives Combat Service Support CSS and team building related. I don't know how much you'll be moving around out there. But what I recently returned from Afghanistan and I used algebra a lensatic compass and the most recent map J2 had of the ground. We had GPS but my driver didn't rely on them in case we had a fire fight and it was damaged we wouldn't be loss. I know you said Irac but from a Logistics stand point its all support and the AOR is very similar. It's all volatile.

GPS' breed complacency. Most of my TTPs are based on how to lead teams and coordinate anticipate and verify requirements based on current and upcoming missions or what we refer to as SSCs small scale contengency operations. I also don't know if you're marine or AF but if you're Army feel free to hit me. If you're Air Force I have some points of contact that can share some of the things that helped them while in Irac. But never the less we can get you all the stuff you need for up coming season. Game programs too.

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