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WP NFL Insider quotes from Zorn on JC (merged)


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From Mark Maske at the Washington Post, NFL Insider blog.


I think Jason is going to develop over several years. What we're gonna have to do is not give him so much that he can't function....

I don't know, this sounds an awful lot like what we heard from the Saunders camp -- reduced playbook, etc. I'm not worried about JC taking years to develop, but I am worried about the concern of keeping the kid gloves on during that time. Would you ask, say, Garcia to use a reduced playbook? What's up with JC?

Other good quotes in there -- haven't seen it posted yet. Talks about the o-line being too old, and I get the impression that Zorn'd like to replace a few coaches next season already.

"What encompasses being a head coach, it's a unique and new challenge. I think we could all be further along. But I feel confident in the assistants I have. We're ready for our first minicamp playbook-wise."

What the heck does that mean? They're behind, and that's because the asst. coaches have issues beyond the playbook?

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Well, they did get a late start, all things considered.

I think the vast majority of the malfunction last year was the Saundersgibbs mutant Offense thing. Two guys constantly sharing/exchanging duties & philosophies just doesn't work.

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I think the difference will be

Jason's been in the WC before so it's not like it's completely new and foreign to him. granted learning Zorns sceme will be new and there will be a learning curve,I just think it won't be as steep as everyone thinks. JC has his best year in college in the WC afterall.

and while the playbook will be smaller initially I don't think the playcalling will be handcuffed. I.E. jason only throws on third down and coming off playaction. We aren't going to keep the run-run-pass-punt philosophy by that horrible gibbs/saunders hybrid.

zorns even stated he needs jason to play without being scared of making mistakes. and thats obviously something gibbs did to him,and gibbs did the same to ramsey.

and in your first quote you eliminated an equally important quote that changes the context of what he said.

"Matt Hasselbeck developed over several years. I think Jason is going to develop over several years. What we're gonna have to do is not give him so much that he can't function
"He's got excellent feet. I'm getting him to play in a lower position so he's in position to make a sudden move, not standing straight up. I don't know what he needs in all areas yet because we haven't run a play. It's just been drills.... He can really move. If he's in the right position, he can really change directions and he can do it suddenly, so that's pretty good. It's not about scrambling up the field. It's about getting out of the way."

I like this...to often campbell would be standing straight up in the pocket,and the pass rusher would swat the ball out like he was swatting fruit off a tree.

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I don't think he really meant that the oline was too old. he just said that they needed to stay healthy which is an obvious reaction given the amount of injuries that happened there. As far as the "behind" comment, that is a strange thing to say, but he seems like an ultra-positive always can do better type of perfectionist, and its just something he might say no matter what. I guess I won't read too much into it.

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I think Jason is going to develop over several years. What we're gonna have to do is not give him so much that he can't function....

This is scary and problematic. The coach is already making rumblings about the fact that Jason will have a slow growth.

This puts in a bad position. We have to decide after this season and his rookie contract expiring whether to extend JC and make a franchise committment to him. To do that, he has to show he deserves it. But it sounds like it will be a slow growth year. And if so, I don't see how we can make a franchise level committment to him after this season. Too much uncertainty.

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I kinda like listening to the Z-man right now. He's a bit of a straight shooter who hasn't learned coachspeak yet so I find that refreshing. It's easy to try to read into what he says but I prefer not to go there because he has no track record as a coach where we can match what he says to what he does.

I could look at his comment about the O-Line and say, "He thinks they are getting old and may be injury prone so I think we could be looking at drafting Offensive Line in the first or second round, if a quality guy is available". Until he does it, it really means nothing though. I'll just see what he says and be thankful he's not throwing out every cliche in the book like Joe Gibbs did. I love Joe but his press conferences were WAY too predictable.

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This is scary and problematic. The coach is already making rumblings about the fact that Jason will have a slow growth.

This puts in a bad position. We have to decide after this season and his rookie contract expiring whether to extend JC and make a franchise committment to him. To do that, he has to show he deserves it. But it sounds like it will be a slow growth year. And if so, I don't see how we can make a franchise level committment to him after this season. Too much uncertainty.

"Matt Hasselbeck developed over several years. I think Jason is going to develop over several years. What we're gonna have to do is not give him so much that he can't function

whole quote FTW

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This is scary and problematic. The coach is already making rumblings about the fact that Jason will have a slow growth.

This puts in a bad position. We have to decide after this season and his rookie contract expiring whether to extend JC and make a franchise committment to him. To do that, he has to show he deserves it. But it sounds like it will be a slow growth year. And if so, I don't see how we can make a franchise level committment to him after this season. Too much uncertainty.

I think you are reading too much in that. Right before he said that, he said that Matt Hasslebeck developed over several year. I think it is just that the development of a QB does happen over years. Also, he also said that there will be some carryover from last year. He also said that Jason's footwork is pretty good, so it doesn't sound like there is going to be major reworking of his mechanics. I see a lot of positives said about Jason in that interview.

I take this as a comment that Jason is still an inexperienced QB who has a lot to learn. After seeing him last year, I don't know why anyone would argue that point. He's still far from being one of the best QBs in the league, but it doesn't mean he isn't going to get there.


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This is scary and problematic. The coach is already making rumblings about the fact that Jason will have a slow growth.

This puts in a bad position. We have to decide after this season and his rookie contract expiring whether to extend JC and make a franchise committment to him. To do that, he has to show he deserves it. But it sounds like it will be a slow growth year. And if so, I don't see how we can make a franchise level committment to him after this season. Too much uncertainty.

Others have corrected you on taking in the whole context of the statement. You really should fully read what is being discussed before applying your knee-jerk negativity.

Contractually, Campbell is signed for 5 years - the Redskins don't HAVE to make a final determination on him after this season, though it would be nice to be in the position to do so affirmatively (though I suppose you're hoping he bombs).

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I agree Longshot and I won't read too much in to it.

Who knows, maybe he doesn't want to show his hand. If he sings the praises of JC without having coached him a down, there is only one way to go.

Like the article about Dan saying of Zorn he is steady like Joe.

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Jason Campbell will be riding the bench by the second half of game eight, and the team will be in disarray by the end of the season. Zorn will be fired by the first day of 2009, meaning he has nine more months as head coach.

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Jason Campbell will be riding the bench by the second half of game eight, and the team will be in disarray by the end of the season. Zorn will be fired by the first day of 2009, meaning he has nine more months as head coach.

And the lottery numbers for this week are?

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Well, you could go either way with what you read into Maske's piece, but it sounds to me like Zorn and his guys are struggling somewhat with learning on the fly, which is likely to be a messy and difficult process. I think there's legitimate concern that things could get overwhelming quickly this year for him.

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JC is never going to develop into a Pro Bowl QB- Face it everybody.

You sound like a hater right off the bat, I don't know for sure, but as a big, big JC fan, I don't really disagree.

But, I don't care about pro bowls, hell I don't care about Super Bowls as much cause they are so damn hard to get, what I care about are winning seasons, everything on top of that is gravy in my book. By "winning" seasons, I mean an avg. of 10-11 wins every year, and I think JC can lead the skins to that kind of success.

He doen'st have throw for 4000 yards or even have 30+ TD's. Aikman never had more then 23 TD's in a season or 3500 passing yards. Phil Simms never threw more then 22 TD's. Hasselback has never thrown for more then 28 TD's and never eclipsed 4000 passing yards.

Point being, who cares about Pro Bowls? Who cares about stats? I think JC can lead a winner, and that is what counts! :point2sky

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