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Jerry Jones to marry Roseanne Barr

Burgundy Burner

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APNA-April, 2008

By Emmitt Ditka

Cowboys Owner to Wed Comedy Icon

Dallas - In a stunning development, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones will marry Roseanne Barr, the star of her own comedy show from the 1980s. The ceremony will take place in Irving this afternoon at an unspecified time.

The early morning announcement caught Cowboys officials and players off guard. Quarterback Tony Romo sits to pee, vacationing with Jessica Simpson in Bug Tussle, TX, expressed his shock. "I got the call last night when Jessica and I were playing a friendly game of watermelon seed spitting - she won again. I couldn't believe the news. But I'm happy for Jerry - Jessica reminds me a lot of Roseanne, so I can understand the attraction".

Massive offensive tackle Flozell Adams was excited for the Cowboys owner. "This is great news and I'm happy about resigning with this team in the off-season. The after-game buffets will be even bigger - that's awesome baby"!

Receiver Terrell Owens became emotional with tears when asked about the upcoming nuptials. "That's my owner. Say what you want to, but that's my owner. He's my owner, man".

The newlyweds will honeymoon in the truckstop town of Bucksnort, TN and return to Dallas in two weeks. In South Miami Beach, former coach Bill Parcells expressed his congratulations. "Good for Jerry, he gets all the great women. Best wishes to the happy couple".

In other Cowboys news - The team announced that Field Turf will be used in the new stadium. Speaking on condition of anonymity, one team official said that Field Turf was necessary to prevent the owner's wife from grazing after each game.

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Yeah, this is true. They ran into each other at a charity funtion that Jones was taking money from. Started chatting it up when Barr confessed that she had a penis. Jones then got all excited, pull Barr into a Porta-Jon and flashed his old sagging vagina. They've been inseperable ever since.

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Yeah, this is true. They ran into each other at a charity funtion that Jones was taking money from. Started chatting it up when Barr confessed that she had a penis. Jones then got all excited, pull Barr into a Porta-Jon and flashed his old sagging vagina. They've been inseperable ever since.
Thank you for ruining my breakfast... :puke:
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