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GPS system???


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I have bought a number of GPS units in the last few months. First I had the TomTom 720, then I had a Magellan Maestro 4xxx (can't remember the exact model name only had it two days) until I settled on a Garmin 750. The other GPSs just weren't up to snuff. Sure they seemed to have better specs on paper and where cheaper but the maps and routing software on those other devices absolutely sucked. Garmin is the only GPS anyone should buy. Better still, all of their models from their cheapest to most expensive have the same maps and routing software (they just differ on things like text-to-speech, voice control, bluetooth, traffic avoidance, etc...) so their cheapest model is just as effective at giving you a accurate and fast route as their most expensive one.

I got the 750 because I needed MultDestination trip planning (put in up to 50 addresses and it will tell you the optimal route to take to get to all of them in one trip). Costco has some awesome deals on GPS's as well, the Garmin 650 is $100 less there than anywhere else.

If you want to do some research I recommend http://gpsmagazine.com/ and http://www.gpsreview.net/

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I have the Tom Tom One . . . it appears as if a previous poster didn't have nice things to say about Tom Tom but my One has always gotten me where I needed to go without taking me down any wrong routes. Next time I will probably get a unit with a better battery but I have had no issues with the software/directions.

Same here I like my tom tom. It is one of the least expensive GPS devices. And I saw a test/review with the more expensive competition, in which the tom tom outperformed all of the other brands. If you want all of the bells and whistles check out the TomTom Go 920.

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That is an awesome unit. However, Costco is selling the 650 NEW (not refurbished) for the same price. If you don't need Multi-Destination routing that is the GPS to buy.

EDIT: If you go to Amazon.com it is being offered for even less through one of their partners.

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I haven't found a purpose for these yet.

I don't get lost, I can look online at a map and determine my destinations...

The purpose is being able to navigate cities/parts of town that you are not familiar with. Your not gonna use the internet to every stop on your trip. Trust me get one you'll love it. Its like saying I don't need HD tv, but when you see it in person you need it. BTW I own a Garmin Nuvi 350 (I've had it for almost a year and a half and I have not updated the maps).


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