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Current Timeless Redskins Jerseys

Fear Our D!

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No, Dummy!:hammer: Who from last years roster will have a timeless jersey? It's not exclusive to last years performance.
If every player from the 07-08 team NEVER played another snap as a Redskin, who would you say would always have a relevant jersey? (other than 21. That's too easy)

Like 25 years from now if you went to a Skins game and saw someone wearing this jersey you would give them big props for having it.

Sounds pretty exclusive to last years performance for 30 to me.

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ok not to sound anti anyone on the team right now because i really do like the players right now but you look back at the timeless numbers and i think of superbowls/ amazing plays that were worth something like 44 = running down the throat of the cowboys in the nfc championship game with rfk losing its mind or over the dolphins in the superbowl you know so i would say that when we win a superbowl then talk to me about the numbers ....

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I Skins game and saw someone wearing this jersey you would give them big props for having it.

I cannot believe no one has mentioned number 85. I mean, if someone hasn't burned their Brandon Lloyd jersey by 25 years from now, I'd have to give them major props for good anger management.

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I cannot believe no one has mentioned number 85. I mean, if someone hasn't burned their Brandon Lloyd jersey by 25 years from now, I'd have to give them major props for good anger management.

Or maybe we'll have a really good 85 by then you modify with masking tape and a sharpie. Like I do at the Caps Game with my old Brendan Witt 19 jersey.

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#30 Landry

#26 Portis

#17 Campbell (hopefully)

#89 Moss

#60 Samuels

#59 Fletcher

#27 Smoot

I think all of these will always be remembered fondly. As long as London plays some more years for us and all the others do the same. It would help if we win a championship, then we will remember the whole team forever.

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15, 30, 27

who doesnt love SMOOOOOOOT, and tc was the great white hope!

plus landry is a rook, but hell always be linked with 21 and we will see through him what we should have been seeing through sean.

btw if 17 starts being really awesome, should he pull a kobe and get a new number defining his new legacy (like an 18)

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15, 30, 27

who doesnt love SMOOOOOOOT, and tc was the great white hope!

plus landry is a rook, but hell always be linked with 21 and we will see through him what we should have been seeing through sean.

btw if 17 starts being really awesome, should he pull a kobe and get a new number defining his new legacy (like an 18)

nope. I like him just fine wearing 17.

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yea... i like the 17. i was being a little too in context with the whole remembering 25 years from now. reason because, as of now jc is a bit overshadowed by dw, and i would hate my generations first good qb's legacy be overshadowed. imean really, we finally have a qb that is decent to say the least, not the best! and that hasnt happend in a long time, paloffs two years in a row? looks promising!

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