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Current Timeless Redskins Jerseys

Fear Our D!

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If every player from the 07-08 team NEVER played another snap as a Redskin, who would you say would always have a relevant jersey? (other than 21. That's too easy)

Like 25 years from now if you went to a Skins game and saw someone wearing this jersey you would give them big props for having it.

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If every player from the 07-08 team NEVER played another snap as a Redskin, who would you say would always have a relevant jersey? (other than 21. That's too easy)

Like 25 years from now if you went to a Skins game and saw someone wearing this jersey you would give them big props for having it.

Now give us yours.

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60 47 53 26 and 89! Moss has given me so many good memories. Forget all those drops and fumbles last year. That was a fluke.

And I seriously hope 17 is timeless and bound for the ring of fame! The current 17.

I really wish we could have gotten 59 when Gregg first came to the team. Surely he would have made the list.

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Right now, I don't know that anyone's been with the team long enough to have a "timeless" jersey--maybe Cooley, maybe Portis. Let's get a couple more good years from those guys and then ask me again.

No one has been around long enough to warrant it, but by their play and what they've meant to the Redskins you could.

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