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Help on a Job Decision, please!** Got the Official Offer and I am in !!!


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Hi guys, i would like opinions from people not aware of my situation and a different perspective on my job hunting. I got offered 2 jobs both from federal governement agencies, both same pay and both the same distance. I would like to work at both agencies however I would prefer to work at agency Y, instead of agency X

Agency X allows me to start after i graduate in May. Same benefits, and ability to work 4 days a week every other week if i work an extra hour each day. This is my #2 choice throughout the entire job process.

Agency Y(highest level of the government) requires me to fill out a background investigation and security clearance, and who knows how that may take. What they say is normally 6-12 months(could be July, Septemeber or even next January) after I filled in the paperwork. This is my #1 choice. This is a conditional job offer based on if i pass the investigation and etc. I am sure i will. They told me that you can go ahead and take another job in the meantime and we understand and you can join us when it will be announced.

What i am really asking is that should i take Job x and work there in the meantime while i am waiting for job y. Would it look bad maybe only working there for a couple of months? How does that look and how does that look to future employers and etc. I really like both places and would feel comfortable working at either place. I am scared that if something goes wrong at Agency Y and they take my potential ob away because of budget concerns or something else they told me could happen. Agency Y said that they would understand me taking a job in the meantime.

Right now i can take advantage of my career center at school and etc, and it would be harder to find a job after i get out of school and agency Y doesn't hire me for some reason. Thoughts? Opinions?

Thanks lot ES!

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Take the job that has the most potential for future job security AND advancement.

Good luck with it. If My #1 was available for me then I would just wait, unless I needed the money of course.

If #1 says that it's okay to work at #2 in the meantime, than it probably wouldn't hurt to add to your resume.

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Take the job that has the most potential for future job security AND advancement.

Good luck with it. If My #1 was available for me then I would just wait, unless I needed the money of course.

If #1 says that it's okay to work at #2 in the meantime, than it probably wouldn't hurt to add to your resume.

Thats defintely choice 1. I would defintely need the money and income if this job doesn't start til mid 2008 or even late 2008.

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My sister works for the government and they took a long time with the background check also. It was almost a year. She had another job during the process, but it was very frustrating for her during that time. However, I think looking back she's glad she stuck with it and is now working for the FBI.

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My sister works for the government and they took a long time with the background check also. It was almost a year. She had another job during the process, but it was very frustrating for her during that time. However, I think looking back she's glad she stuck with it and is now working for the FBI.

Almost a year. Was her history clean? I am trying to figure the timeline that might be associated with this background clearance

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Meaning make sure you keep your options open for the job that you really want and continue along that path so that you get it if you want it.

Start the one job and work there while you have the ball rolling for the other one. Then, when you have get past the screening and they hire you, you can decide the one you want and go then.

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Is it a secret clearance? Usually, they give you an interim clearanace and let you work until it comes through. I don't think they can do that for top secret, though.

As for your situation: What else would you possibly even do? If you really can't start that job you want for a year, you take the other job until the one you want comes through. If it never comes through, oh well. As for getting the clearance, it can take a while. You've got to be completely honest - that's the most important thing you can do.

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If both jobs sound good for you and have equal pay/benefits/commute and you feel comfortable with both, take the job that makes your money now. I was in the same position as you about a month ago--either take a job offer with a large government contractor that was offered immediately or wait around for a potentially lucrative job that was in a field i was less comfortable working in. I chose to take the contractor job. If it doesn't work out, I can fall back on the other offer (they said they will always be interested in me--how convenient :) ).

I too needed a secret clearance with this job. Its been about a month since I submitted my paperwork and was told to expect my interim clearance this week. The first few weeks I just farted around and played on the internet all day--I was really strapped down because my whole project involved me being on classified systems. I'm not expecting my full clearance to be issued for another 8-9 months, but it doesn't really matter in my case because I can still do my job with my interim clearance and my salary will already be adjusted accordingly by the time the clearance is completed.

It's great to have a clearance because it can boost your salary by 6-10k a year. Rule of thumb is if you have the opportunity to get one--GET IT.

I'd take the first offer, feel it out, then when the time comes make a decision to jump ship. Good employers, though disappointed, should be supportive of your decision to move up in the world, even if it means you have to leave for another job. It really only hurts your reputation if you make a habit of jumping to a new job on the regular.

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Echoing what everyone else said. These clearances take as long as they do because there are A) a lot of them and B) the government isn't particularly efficient when it comes to that sort of thing. I've been a contractor for five years now, and I've seen how long it takes. Take job X, get a year of service under your belt, not to mention a salary, and continue to pursue job Y. People hop around in the government all the time, I don't think it's as big a deal as you might think. And as others have mentioned, you might wind up loving Job X or Job Y might fall through. If you're coming right out of college, it's not always bad to grab the sure thing and continue to work towards something better.

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Make sure you take the job w/ the clearance.....even if you start the other job, love it and don't want to leave.....take the clearance. It will open up many doors.

When I got out of the military a year ago w/ my TS/SCI clearance and went to work as a government contractor, my pay trippled.

as previously stated, clearances can take a while. My TS/SCI took 2 years.


good luck

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If its a TS clearance with polygraph, that gives you the most income potential down the road. Accept that job and take any other job government or otherwise in the meantime. If its not a ts job, take either.

TS with clearance is unlimited income potential.

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update: I have a PSAD and a polygraph scheduled. How long after does the process after that take?

What is a PSAD? Never heard the acronym.

Lifestyle Poly or Counterintelligence Poly?

Poly results if you pass take a month. You will probably fail your first time. Maybe your second. Background investigation takes longer than getting your poly results once you take them. If you fail you get up to 3 times to take it.

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What is a PSAD? Never heard the acronym.

Lifestyle Poly or Counterintelligence Poly?

Poly results if you pass take a month. You will probably fail your first time. Maybe your second. Background investigation takes longer than getting your poly results once you take them. If you fail you get up to 3 times to take it.

they said psychological

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update: I have a PSAD and a polygraph scheduled. How long after does the process after that take?

Already scheduled?

They adjunct about 6 weeks after. My case was adjudicated in about 6 weeks after the poly

I am not sure how far you are along in your process, for me I had to wait about a year and I was interviewed a few times again then poly'd and took another psy test

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