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Stop drinking the kool aid


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Yeah I dont anything, just that zorn isnt the answer. You probably got your hopes up when we hired spurrier too

ok, i'll bite. Why is Zorn not the answer? Who should have been hired? Who should have been signed in free agency?

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Building a team through the draft, and keeping flexibility in the cap is the answer. If Zorn tanks, he can be replaced, but NO COACH can win a SB with our current roster.

NO ONE can say how Zorn will do, so supporting him is not drinking the Kool-Aid. Lombardi couldn't win until we have a younger OL, a real DE, etc.

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lol what is the point of a thread like this?

alright buddy, if you think the skins are being so neglectful and letting future success slip through their hands (although it should be noted, the NFC East was by far the best division in the NFC last year, and the Giants, Skins, and Cowboys are all doing nothing in FA, and the only thing the Eagles did was sign a big-name corner so far...so maybe our division is just set already as is while other teams have to play catch-up)...

what moves would you rather see the Skins make?

different coach? who?

FA/trades? who?

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The skins not participating in free agency to fill holes and compete in the NFC East is rediculous along with hiring an unproven quarterbacks coach. You people need to wake up and stop drinking the kool aid.

O.K. Mr two posts. I glad you awaken me from my sleeping slumber. lol

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so, the Redskins should have signed Chartric Darby to a 3 year deal at age 32? or signed Julius Jones to a 4 year contract?

how about Shaun Rogers? :

there was another consistent, always in shape and performing at a high level leader we missed on :laugh:

the 'holes' we are trying to fill here are not going to be solved by signing average players like Gibril Wilson or Ernest Wilford to outsized contracts...............

how many big contracts have the Colts, Chargers, Patriots, Giants added to their roster since March 1?

most of the teams I see out there making a lot of moves were NON playoff teams in 2007 and many of them have spent unwisely................ :D

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We could of taken a look at faneca for sure; that woulda been huge. And for HC, there were weak possiblities but I would say Mooch.

How would we have signed Faneca? His cap number this year is roughly 7.5 million. He would have been the only player we signed (as well as not ebing able to sign our draft picks).

Really? You think Mooch would be that much better then Zorn? What would you base that on?

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Welcome to the board. I should just merge this with one of the other several threads dealing with the lack of activity by the Redskins in free agency, but I'm in a forgiving mood. Therefore I'll leave this open. For now. I would suggest, however, you start doing a bit more 'splainin' on your positions. We tend to expect better around here.

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Yeah I dont anything, just that zorn isnt the answer. You probably got your hopes up when we hired spurrier too

And you know that... how? The fact of the matter is, by posting this, you're drinking the exact opposite flavor of kool-aid -- the negative kind.

An unknown coach equals unknown results. We know the team clearly has potential to do well with 8 draft picks coming up, all 22 starters returning to the lineup, and a staff that is eager to build something. However, saying Zorn will do great or will suck in any definitive manner makes you look like a tool because no one knows how well he'll do.

The point is, there are very few here saying Zorn is the savior, but a lot of people excited over his potential. And then there are people such as yourself that think they know it all and declare him terrible before he gets to prove himself. Which of the two is more rational - those who are excited over potential, or those who hate the hire before we get to see what he can do?

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the point of this thread is that im sick of most skins fans content with what we did this offseason. Im not, im sick of losing, and I see another losing record next season.:gaintsuck

We just went to the playoffs twice, there's teams out there that never been to the playoffs let alone twice in three years????, dude.

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the point of this thread is that im sick of most skins fans content with what we did this offseason. Im not, im sick of losing, and I see another losing record next season.:gaintsuck

We finished with a winning record twice out of the last three seasons. Our losing problem is hardly chronic :rolleyes:

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the point of this thread is that im sick of most skins fans content with what we did this offseason. Im not, im sick of losing, and I see another losing record next season.:gaintsuck

But thats not what you said. You said "The skins not participating in free agency to fill holes and compete in the NFC East is rediculous along with hiring an unproven quarterbacks coach. You people need to wake up and stop drinking the kool aid."

So since you are sick of fans being fine with what happened this offseason all we are asking is what you would have liked them to do different. So far you have:

1. Look at Faneca

2. Sign Mooch over Zorn

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the point of this thread is that im sick of most skins fans content with what we did this offseason. Im not, im sick of losing, and I see another losing record next season.:gaintsuck
Didn't we just go to the playoffs? And didn't we also go 2 years ago?
Whoever gave this thread a five star rating head should be examined.
It was probably washingtonredskinsno1. Gotta stick up for your own threads at least.
Welcome to the board. I should just merge this with one of the other several threads dealing with the lack of activity by the Redskins in free agency, but I'm in a forgiving mood. Therefore I'll leave this open. For now. I would suggest, however, you start doing a bit more 'splainin' on your positions. We tend to expect better around here.
I feel like this thread is headed towards a mercy merge with the way this guy is going to get crushed. Once it gets lost in the shuffle of other similiar threads combined he'll be safe though.
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If you expect better around here than you should expect better than snyder hiring a qb coach for OC than say oh well, nobody else he can be HC. Thats garbage!!! He shoulda promoted GW at the very least thats all im saying

Man this is old news. moveeeee on. out of here.

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