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Do we really need a corner that bad?


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We do need a big wide reciever, that will most likely come in the first round (if we dont pick one up in free agency or draft DL). Our OL is very good when healthy, I still think we can wait a year or two to draft OL.

Until what? Until the O-Line is in wheelchairs or Campbell and Portis are? Our OL, when healthy, is average. I love Jansen and Thomas, but they are old and the odds of them making a complete season without injury is negligible.The problem is, the odds of any line remaining healthy for an entire season, especially a line composed of nothing but 30+ year olds, is astronomical . We don't have a guard that can pull, our center didn't make a downfiled block all season, the right side is returning from injuries and will probably be injured again, and our backups are either a really poor project (Heyer) or other over-the-hill guys.

The last OL we drafted in the first three rounds was Dockery in 2003 and the FO let him go. How much longer can CP and JC take the pounding? We had JC for 12 ganes last year. Want to bet how long it goes this year? That's what you're doing: betting the health of our RB's and QB when you stick with a line that's made up of over-the-hill guys who can't open holes or protect the QB.

Samuels shows you what you get when you draft a first round OL. You get someone who stays with the team for his career and he is the obvious class of the OL. What do you think would happen if you had an entire Oline composed of high draft picks? You would have an offense, for the first time since 1991.

Our defense stood on its own last year. If anything, they can wait. But if you don't get somebody in the trenches, next year is going to be just like last year. We'll lose or win any game by less than a TD because our offense won't be able to score.

Drafting an OLine should not be an afterthought. It should be part of the plan - every year. NE has drafted 8 OL in the first 3 rounds since 2000. How many have the Skins drafted? One. You notice a difference between the offenses? It's not all Brady,

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If the NFCE keeps getting big receivers (Fitz possibly to Philly, TO, Burress, etc.) we may need to counter with a yound stud CB. Looks like that would have to come from a trade.


Agree 100%! Draft Cromartie! Trade our 2nd rounder this year and our 1st rounder next year for Fitz. or Williams, or possibly only next year's 1st for Johnson. If we keep the 2nd rounder draft the BPA for the DL. Get an OL in the 3rd round who is a multiple position guy; i.e., G/C. Get another OL in the 3rd with our compensatory pick. Look at safety in the 5th, and QB in the 6th, and BPA with our two 7th's. Address DL next year when Daniels is definitely cut and we have a better feel for Wilson.

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I can remember back to the days of Champ Bailey and Darrell Green and our defense not being a dominant one. Do you all still think that we can build a dominant defense by having the best secondary in the league and the worse defensive line? It just makes no sense!

You do realize that picking a corner in the first 3 rounds does not preclude us from taking a lineman (or two) as well? It's less about having a great secondary and more about making sure we have a viable group of starters (including nickle back since they're on the field fairly often).

I think the majority on here have it right - corner is a need, at least until Rogers is healthy.

I'd rather not have Torrence as our nickel, and I'd be pretty horrified if Springs or Smoot went down early in the season, or even in camp.

History suggests that corners picked after round 3 are not likely to pan out(not the case for linemen).

A d-lineman is important for the future, but I'd be a little surprised if Daniels was beaten out of the starting job(except on 3rd downs when Wilson/Washington played end for him and he moved to DT) by a rookie.

We definitely should not reach for a d-lineman (or for anyone - BPA that fits our needs is the way to go).

If we do get a 3rd round compensatory pick, I'd like to see us take a corner, guard/center, DT and DE in the first 3 rounds, then another OL and DL later in the draft (with WR or LB thrown in somewhere).

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We have needs at WR, CB, S, OL, DL, and really even LB. Unfortunately with three picks in the first three rounds, and possibly and extra 4th we don't have the firepower to land starting calibre players at all positions of need. We're going to have to attempt to draft the best value we can at each spot in the draft rather than reaching for a certain position.

I would rank DE/T as our greatest need but unfortunately I don't see any DL that will fall to us to meet the value we would be looking for. We will likely be choosing between WR, CB, and OL at #21. To say we must draft position A rather than position B at any given spot is asking for trouble. With this logic teams force themselves to reach for picks that may not match their place in the draft. It is very possible we will leave this draft without addressing all of our needs. Most teams will end up this way as it is very difficult to not only match picks to needs but also hit on every pick of the draft.

As far as Springs, he will be 33 when the season starts. He is coming off one of his best seasons as a pro without any injuries. I agree he could be gone after 08 if his play begins to decline, but if he stays at his current level there would be no reason to move on without best defensive player. Rogers will likely be out untill October and will at that point move into the nickel. It seems many here have already forgotten than our winning streak to close out the season had a secondary consisting of Springs, Smoot, Doughty, and Landry. Yes, the very same secondary we have now. With another offseason of work I am confident Torrence can continue to hold down the nickel, and move back into the dime after Rogers comes back from injury.

To those saying Smoot is best served as a nickel defender. Smoot started 11 games last season, 7 of which we won. Springs and Smoot were both instrumental in our victory at Minnesota helping us march into the playoffs.

Rogers was a very good corner for us before his injury. Unfortunately we won't know if he is the same player untill October.

Of course if a corner falls to us at #21 that is rated much higher than other players on our board, I am all for it. I happen to think BPA is the way to go. However I am not for the idea of targeting CB as a position to adress in round #1. Many point to Carlos' injury as a reason to draft a corner. I think it would be foolish to spend our first round pick with such a short sighted point of view. We have a secondary that won 4 straight games while mourning over the death of a team mate. Landry, Doughty, and Torrence are all likely to improve after another year of NFL training. Drafting another high round corner would give us Springs, Smoot, Rogers, Draftee, and Torrence once Rogers comes back. Assuming Springs has another good year, which I don't think is too much of a stretch we would be stuck with huge numbers at the CB position. Rogers is already being paid first round money, with Smoot and Springs well paid as well. Another first round contract could put huge amounts into one position basically forcing us to release a still productive Springs. I would much rather see us replacing old players than no longer contribute (Daniels, Griffin) than replacing one of our most productive with an unknown commodity.

Another high round pick at corner would most definitely improve our defense going into 08, but I see it as more of a concern than a need. If we are able to address it through the draft I would be thrilled but I see other areas are larger 'needs.'

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No we really don't. Springs/Smoot is a good starting combo, if one of them goes down then hopefully it will be after Carlos is back, but there are at least 3 positions that we need to think about first: WR, DL, & OL.

Our secondary is pretty damn good. 3 good corners and one stud safety. If we upgrade our DL we won't have to worry as much about another CB (which we only really need for depth).

Look at all of the great teams in the NFL, they don't have a bunch of great corners, they have a pass-rush.

The best way to help the secondary is to get a D-line that puts pressure on the opposing QB.

We do not need a Cb as bad as people are saying. The problem is that skins fans have been conditioned by the CB that we've had in the past to think that they need a premier CB.

What has been proven over and over again and was just proven again by the Giants is that you can have a so-so secondary but a great D-line can cover up for the shortcomings of that secondary.

We as skins fan need to get with thinking in the new order and understand that NO TEAM is winning with a D-line that puts as little pressure on the QB as ours does.

You guys have got to wake up and stop this crying more for a CB then a pass rushing DE. When are you guys going to figure it out?

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You might want to re-size that sig or you won't be allowed to have one of those either.

In addition, he might want to venture to the Madden board, because thats the only place he'll find a way to criticize Doughty. He was excellent down the stretch for us last season.

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The best way to help the secondary is to get a D-line that puts pressure on the opposing QB.

We do not need a Cb as bad as people are saying. The problem is that skins fans have been conditioned by the CB that we've had in the past to think that they need a premier CB.

What has been proven over and over again and was just proven again by the Giants is that you can have a so-so secondary but a great D-line can cover up for the shortcomings of that secondary.

We as skins fan need to get with thinking in the new order and understand that NO TEAM is winning with a D-line that puts as little pressure on the QB as ours does.

You guys have got to wake up and stop this crying more for a CB then a pass rushing DE. When are you guys going to figure it out?

:applause: I agree

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