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Is Obama in trouble?


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Little premature to think that way don't you think?

I don't really think so.

Not only do I think the potential results tonight raise question to him gaining the nomination . . . I think this hurts in the long run simply because it will cause more bitterness within the party and less time to mend it . . . regardless of who ultimately wins the nomination.

If that makes sense.

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no. It looks like they might split. With Obama winning Texas and Vermont and Hilary winning Rhode Island and Ohio. That would be solid for Obama and solid for Hilary.

I don't see him losing any momentum or Hilary gaining much. Both won big states.

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If you would prefer the "Obama haters" as you call them to skip this thread then why ask for anyones opinion at all? Yes, in the past 2 or 3 days he has definetly lost some momentum to Hillary. If she takes Texas and Ohio there may still be a chance we could have 2 qualified canidates running for president of the united states in Mccain and Clinton

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He's definitely in more trouble then he was during the period of 'Obamamentum'

The big issues now are that the media may start to become critical of Obama after granting him a free pass the past year. He's also lost a lot of credibility flip flopping on NAFTA by talking to Canada saying we really won't pull out.

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no. It looks like they might split. With Obama winning Texas and Vermont and Hilary winning Rhode Island and Ohio. That would be solid for Obama and solid for Hilary.

I don't see him losing any momentum or Hilary gaining much. Both won big states.

Dead heat in Texas right now and I see Hillary squeaking out Texas by 10-15k votes looking at the precients that have not been accounted for yet

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If you would prefer the "Obama haters" as you call them to skip this thread then why ask for anyones opinion at all? Yes, in the past 2 or 3 days he has definetly lost some momentum to Hillary. If she takes Texas and Ohio there may still be a chance we could have 2 qualified canidates running for president of the united states in Mccain and Clinton

Certain members won't come with opinions. I was basically referring to 1 or 2 people. Who would post something similar to this:

"Yes, Obama has finally been exposed as a socialist muslim terrorist that says a lot of words with no meaning and people are no longer being hypnotized. He travels to Africa and loves Muslims. Besides the fact that he is Muslim his middle name is also "Hussein". Doesn't this raise questions?"

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He's definitely in more trouble then he was during the period of 'Obamamentum'

The big issues now are that the media may start to become critical of Obama after granting him a free pass the past year. He's also lost a lot of credibility flip flopping on NAFTA by talking to Canada saying we really won't pull out.

Don't worry he still has his groupies that refer to themselves as "Obamanation":rolleyes:

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Dead heat in Texas right now and I see Hillary squeaking out Texas by 10-15k votes looking at the precients that have not been accounted for yet

yep it is tied up right now. She climbed back. Damn. Hilary winning 3 out of these 4 would be a huge momentum shifter.

I really hope Obama pulls through and wins Texas.

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Certain members won't come with opinions. I was basically referring to 1 or 2 people. Who would post something similar to this:

"Yes, Obama has finally been exposed as a socialist muslim terrorist that says a lot of words with no meaning and people are no longer being hypnotized. He travels to Africa and loves Muslims. Besides the fact that he is Muslim his middle name is also "Hussein". Doesn't this raise questions?"

You also forgot to mention that he is the "Antichrist". :silly:

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yep it is tied up right now. She climbed back. Damn. Hilary winning 3 out of these 4 would be a huge momentum shifter.

I really hope Obama pulls through and wins Texas.

Well see Texas is funny, we still have to wait and see what happens in the Caucases no matter how the popular vote turns out.

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He's definitely in more trouble then he was during the period of 'Obamamentum'

The big issues now are that the media may start to become critical of Obama after granting him a free pass the past year. He's also lost a lot of credibility flip flopping on NAFTA by talking to Canada saying we really won't pull out.

i thought that was proven to be false, by the Canadian government themselves.

Canada defended Democratic front-runner Barack Obama Monday over accusations from rival Hillary Clinton that he is secretly at ease with a hemispheric trade accord which he publicly blames for losing U.S. jobs.


But the Canadian Embassy in Washington released a statement essentially backing up the Obama camp's version of the meeting between adviser Austan Goolsbee and officials at the Canadian consulate in Chicago.


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Not only do I think the potential results tonight raise question to him gaining the nomination . . . I think this hurts in the long run simply because it will cause more bitterness within the party and less time to mend it . . . regardless of who ultimately wins the nomination.
I really don't buy the "bitterness" theory. Are people seriously going to vote Republican because of something that Hillary said about Obama?

If people are being convinced by Hillary's argument about experience and her scare tactics about the War on Terror, then McCain could have made the same arguments while wielding a bigger resume.

Hillary will mend any fences by naming Obama her VP.

But as to your original question, I think this is just a bump in the road for Obama. I think it's good that he is being challenged right now, especially on the experience and security issues. He is probably going to win Wyoming and Mississippi, and there will be a month off to work with superdelegates, maybe have a debate, and to develop a strategy to counter this attack.

If he can successfully repel Hillary's attacks, then he will have found a winning message against McCain. If he can't ... well maybe he wouldn't have had a chance against McCain anyways.

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Certain members won't come with opinions. I was basically referring to 1 or 2 people. Who would post something similar to this:

"Yes, Obama has finally been exposed as a socialist muslim terrorist that says a lot of words with no meaning and people are no longer being hypnotized. He travels to Africa and loves Muslims. Besides the fact that he is Muslim his middle name is also "Hussein". Doesn't this raise questions?"

Stop whining JMU. Politics is a dirty business and if your guy can't weather a little scrutiny than he doesn't deserve the nomination.

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Oh yes we are all most assuredly "groupies". :rolleyes:

Even though I have stated numerous times that I wouldn't hesitate to consider voting for McCain.

But in the end his great promises of hope and change will with out a doubt sway your vote. Listen to Obama when he is talking "off the cuff", without his writers he has no idea what's going on.

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