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JLC Report: Portis restructures-8 mil under cap


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Now, do we use it or not? :laugh:

Nope. Time to put it in our penny jar for next year. :silly:

I think we will make some moves now.. look for our first signing to be within the next day or two. It will probably only be Will Demps but, atleast it is a signing! :laugh:

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Sign. Bryant Johnson. Now.

go go go.

I'm warming up top this idea, but only if it is incentive laden and fair to under fair market value.

I wouldn't mind taking a chance on someone with his potential, but it needs to be the complete opposite of a bllyod signing. I'm thinking he settles with us if no one makes him a decent offer.

Basically we need to make it so we can cut him loose if he doesn't pan out and so that we are not hurting ourselves financially in the future.

But I'd be just as happy at grabbing one WR in the draft and seeing what Mix and Espy can do or snagging Hackett on the cheap.

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Now we can release his sorry ass!!!!1


Your post made no sense. How is Clinton Portis a sorry ass? He is a great player and a team player. He has done everything the team has asked him to do and you call him sorry. The only sorry ass is you for making that comment.

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Your post made no sense. How is Clinton Portis a sorry ass? He is a great player and a team player. He has done everything the team has asked him to do and you call him sorry. The only sorry ass is you for making that comment.


notice the '/McD5'?

McD5's wife left him for Clinton Portis, so McD5 hates CP alot.

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Your post made no sense. How is Clinton Portis a sorry ass? He is a great player and a team player. He has done everything the team has asked him to do and you call him sorry. The only sorry ass is you for making that comment.

:laugh: You must not know who McD5 is :laugh:

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