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The #1 Reason Obama Won't Win


Do you think that "Yo Vote" belongs on the "I voted" sticker?  

67 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that "Yo Vote" belongs on the "I voted" sticker?

    • No, this is America! Learn to speak English.
    • Viva Espanol!
    • I don't give a damn.

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Like I said, I stood out in my polling place for 2 hours this morning working my precinct. Out of about 50 voters, not one was Republican. Everyone took the blue slip.

Makes sense to me that people would be out voting for the Democrat primary. Kind of stupid to vote in the Republican one when it's pretty much already in the bag.

Clinton and Obama are neck and neck. So this comes as no surprise. Particularly with a polarizing figure like Clinton.

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Makes sense to me that people would be out voting for the Democrat primary. Kind of stupid to vote in the Republican one when it's pretty much already in the bag.

Clinton and Obama are neck and neck. So this comes as no surprise. Particularly with a polarizing figure like Clinton.

Do you have any idea how good it felt to vote for Ron Paul? You should try it.


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original poster points out a valid observation:

Barack Obama is a rock star. Not a politician. Not someone who actually has plans and policies and experience and achievement.

He is an attractive half black guy. so the college chicks think he is so dreamy and cool and want to all be part of the rock concert. Look at us- we are so cool!!

Are they going to vote? most will- some won't.

Will the people of the United States though, once they start to realize: higher taxes, defeat in the Middle East, socialized health care, more restrictions on second amendment rights, illegal immigration continuing unabated, economic slowdown..

is all of that worth it to have an inexperienced empty suit who just looks good and talks like an evangelical preacher?

I think it will be enough and he will be elected- then we get to see what "hope and unity" can buy you in the coming recession..

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original poster points out a valid observation:

Barack Obama is a rock star. Not a politician. Not someone who actually has plans and policies and experience and achievement.

He is an attractive half black guy. so the college chicks think he is so dreamy and cool and want to all be part of the rock concert. Look at us- we are so cool!!

Are they going to vote? most will- some won't.

Will the people of the United States though, once they start to realize: higher taxes, defeat in the Middle East, socialized health care, more restrictions on second amendment rights, illegal immigration continuing unabated, economic slowdown..

is all of that worth it to have an inexperienced empty suit who just looks good and talks like an evangelical preacher?

I think it will be enough and he will be elected- then we get to see what "hope and unity" can buy you in the coming recession..

Has anyone ever defined his "change"?

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and here I figured it would be because of his "present" voting record (which is funny for the "change" guy) or his connections with criminals like Renzo or his past drug use (although that doesn't bother me and i'de love to see him talk about it) or his distrust of white people or his Muslim past.

But at least he has plenty of experence working behind the scenes with the Clinton machine. :)

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original poster points out a valid observation:

Barack Obama is a rock star. Not a politician. Not someone who actually has plans and policies and experience and achievement.

He is an attractive half black guy. so the college chicks think he is so dreamy and cool and want to all be part of the rock concert. Look at us- we are so cool!!

Are they going to vote? most will- some won't.

Will the people of the United States though, once they start to realize: higher taxes, defeat in the Middle East, socialized health care, more restrictions on second amendment rights, illegal immigration continuing unabated, economic slowdown..

is all of that worth it to have an inexperienced empty suit who just looks good and talks like an evangelical preacher?

I think it will be enough and he will be elected- then we get to see what "hope and unity" can buy you in the coming recession..

So, who, in your opinion would be your better choice? That is if you had a gun to your head and had to choose Clinton or Obama?

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So, who, in your opinion would be your better choice? That is if you had a gun to your head and had to choose Clinton or Obama?

Personally, I'de go with the full flush and drop the Clinton log down the pipes. When throwing **** in the fan, why not go with the biggest handful and see what happens.;)

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original poster points out a valid observation:

Barack Obama is a rock star. Not a politician. Not someone who actually has plans and policies and experience and achievement.

He is an attractive half black guy. so the college chicks think he is so dreamy and cool and want to all be part of the rock concert. Look at us- we are so cool!!

Are they going to vote? most will- some won't.

Will the people of the United States though, once they start to realize: higher taxes, defeat in the Middle East, socialized health care, more restrictions on second amendment rights, illegal immigration continuing unabated, economic slowdown..

is all of that worth it to have an inexperienced empty suit who just looks good and talks like an evangelical preacher?

I think it will be enough and he will be elected- then we get to see what "hope and unity" can buy you in the coming recession..

Yes, you're correct . . . all of us Obama supporters are just trying to be cool and hip. We have no intelligence, no views about issues, and are just trying to be apart of the rock concert.

Give me a ****ing break. :rolleyes:

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Casted my vote for Billary at lunch :laugh:

So were you voting for her because you think she has a better chance of losing in the general election?

I'm really torn on what to do. I'm tempted to vote for Clinton, but I'd be upset if I got her up there and she ended up winning in November. It's a big risk....

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is all of that worth it to have an inexperienced empty suit who just looks good and talks like an evangelical preacher?

George W. Bush was the same inexperienced empty headed suit who became President.

And he sure did a great job in leading us into vicous national debt and Blank CheckBook War.

Change from this path is needed.

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So were you voting for her because you think she has a better chance of losing in the general election?

I'm really torn on what to do. I'm tempted to vote for Clinton, but I'd be upset if I got her up there and she ended up winning in November. It's a big risk....

Essentially yes

And continuing that argument even if she did win, I do not think she would be able to push through her liberal agenda as easily as Obama will

Even with a D Congress Hillary will have trouble, just because of what a polarizing figure she is, even in her own party now

Obama will have one of the longest and easiest honeymoons in American Presidential history. It'll be downright FDR like what he'll be able to push through

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Obama will have one of the longest and easiest honeymoons in American Presidential history. It'll be downright FDR like what he'll be able to push through


As a republican I am fine with that. I just want someone that is actually going to do the job for once and unite both sides.

I am sick of the Bush and Clinton years, time for a change even if it is Obama.

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As a republican I am fine with that. I just want someone that is actually going to do the job for once and unite both sides.

I am sick of the Bush and Clinton years, time for a change even if it is Obama.

Given some of the key contributers to both Clinton and Obama, I don't think he is that much of a change.

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If people arent willing to go out and vote, or dont even make a choice until the very last second, they shouldnt be voting in the first place. Most people shouldnt be allowed to vote. The idiots get the same voice as someone who actually has spent the time and effort researching the best candidates, and that is scary.

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original poster points out a valid observation:

Barack Obama is a rock star. Not a politician. Not someone who actually has plans and policies and experience and achievement.

He is an attractive half black guy. so the college chicks think he is so dreamy and cool and want to all be part of the rock concert. Look at us- we are so cool!!

Are they going to vote? most will- some won't.

Will the people of the United States though, once they start to realize: higher taxes, defeat in the Middle East, socialized health care, more restrictions on second amendment rights, illegal immigration continuing unabated, economic slowdown..

is all of that worth it to have an inexperienced empty suit who just looks good and talks like an evangelical preacher?

I think it will be enough and he will be elected- then we get to see what "hope and unity" can buy you in the coming recession..

Jesus, do you people ever stop spitting out the same drivel?

I have zero doubt that you supported the Presidential candidate in the past two elections that:

1) Was responsible for the greatest escalation of the national debt in the history of this nation because of his reckless disregard for fiscal responsibility,

2) Masterminded a failed war that will cause more strife in the middle east than ever seen before while at the same time... COSTING US BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN THE PROCESS

3) Did nothing to stem the flow of the illegal immigrants you seem to be so concerned about,

4) Guided us into a nosediving economic period in which the housing market is crap and all economic signs point to one of the largest and longest recessions in recent history.

So please, for the good of the nation, cease enlightening us as to who the best and most qualified candidates are. You and likeminded voters have done enough damage already.

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Jesus, do you people ever stop spitting out the same drivel?

I have zero doubt that you supported the Presidential candidate in the past two elections that:

1) Was responsible for the greatest escalation of the national debt in the history of this nation because of his reckless disregard for fiscal responsibility,

2) Masterminded a failed war that will cause more strife in the middle east than ever seen before while at the same time... COSTING US BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN THE PROCESS

3) Did nothing to stem the flow of the illegal immigrants you seem to be so concerned about,

4) Guided us into a nosediving economic period in which the housing market is crap and all economic signs point to one of the largest and longest recessions in recent history.

So please, for the good of the nation, cease enlightening us as to who the best and most qualified candidates are. You and likeminded voters have done enough damage already.

Not to mention this failed war was a complete, flat out, lie to all of us. But, no one seems to care about that. We only care about lies when BJ's are involved.:doh:

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Let's lighten the mood for a sec for a little humor:

Chelsea Clinton recently discussed current events with a U.S. soldier. She asked if, as an American fighting man, anything scared him.

He told her there were only three things he feared;

1. Osama

2. Obama

3. Yo Mama


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