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Multiple Reports of Fraud on Super Tuesday


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This is a myspace bulletin (the html code is replaced with a link to the youtube vids) I just received, and Im reposting it here to spread the message. These are some very concerning developments, in multiple states Ron Paul was completely kept off the ballot. I mean this could just be a regional issue, but this is just ridiculous....we should all be concerned about vote fraud no matter which candidate or what party we may support; its a threat to the republic were meant to have.

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------

From: OzzyMan11~04(RONPAUL2008)

Date: Feb 8, 2008 10:13 PM


Seems whenever I try to repost these for "ALL OF US".. I have been getting notices such as ..< BULLETIN HAS BEEN REMOVED OR DELETED > sounding A LOT LIKE BULL**** COVERUP TO ME! I HAVE WRITTEN MY STATE REP AND SENATOR... HAVE YOU?!!?!

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------

From: <---TRiPPSteR--->

Date: Feb 7, 2008 11:02 PM

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------

Thank You: We the People Support Ron Paul

Date: Feb 7, 2008 8:32 PM

RE: Ron Paul Super Tuesday Fraud Mega Post.

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------

From: don Alli

Date: Feb 7, 2008 7:24 PM

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------

From: We the People Support Ron Paul

Date: Feb 7, 2008 7:13 PM

RE: Ron Paul was NOT on the ballot in NY!!!!!!!!

this is messed up ya need to repost thi continuosly till the someone picks it up and runs with it

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------


Date: Feb 7, 2008 6:58 PM

VOTER FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------

From: Bob

Date: Feb 7, 2008 7:06 PM

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------

From: Tyrannically Handicapped

Date: 07/02/2008

Major Super Tuesday Fraud, more

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------

From: Michael for Ron Paul 2008

Date: Feb 7, 2008 8:16 PM

I talked to someone in West Virginia today. They said that Ron Paul got 0 votes in the West Virginia poll because the media only reported the outcome after Paul was elimated in the first round. While I may have been confused by this report, it doesn't explain all these other problems on Super Tuesday.


Major media printing Super Tuesday

statistics out of thin air



Registered voters forced to make ?provisional? votes.

Oh Yeah...and it?s happening a lot!

Other videos of major problems on Super Tuesday

Another California "previsionary" case

This was my experience on Super Tuesday. I had no idea what to expect. I just brought my camera along after all the videos I've been seeing on here lately. Glad I did.

Other widespread problems

From Super Tuesday, 2/5/08, in Toluca Lake, California. Nicole witnessed a neighbor of hers not being on the rolls, even though her and her neighbor lived within blocks of the polling place. Poll workers did not know what provisional ballots were, and Nicole had to inform both her neighbor and the poll workers. Nicole also witnessed other voters being handed ballots with incorrect party affiliation on them


Holes on ballots not aligned with proper candidates

From Super Tuesday, 2/5/08, near West Hollywood...


Added: February 05, 2008

From Super Tuesday, 2/5/08, near West Hollywood, California. The subject voted at Rosewood School. It was difficult to align the ballot and subject had to get a new one.


No voting machines available at major polling place in LA

From Super Tuesday, 2/5/08. No voting machines at Olympic Blvd. polling place in Los Angeles, California.


Many votes were not accepted because of

confusion in the registration process

From Super Tuesday, 2/5/08 in Van Nuys, California. Mimi Kennedy, Actor and President of PDA, deals with confusion in California primaries over ballot design and who is allowed to vote as "non partisan," "independent," or other affiliations.


Blatant election fraud on Paul in NY

Here are photos of the display card with Paul's name rubbed off

You Tube Is Censoring This Video

Eye witness report of ballot stuffing in Colorado caucus

Subject: Eye witness report of ballot stuffing in Colo. caucus

COLORADO - I just interviewed a gentleman in Boulder, Colorado who provided a detailed report. He was one of the caucus officials (chairman? captain? not sure of the lingo). They hand counted the ballots and the two elderly ladies counted them wrong. He corrected them. He carefully wrote down the correct information. While he was doing this, one of the elderly ladies was grabbing at the envelope; she ultimately did take the envelope and hurry away with it.

She then dropped the envelope and as she was picking it up, the gentleman I interviewed (who does have a name, which I'll release with his permission when he signs an affidavit) -- anyway, he witnessed her take a ballot (which he had NOT seen fall out of the envelope) and put it into the envelope. He noticed that, while all the ballots were folded, this one was not folded.

She stated that she was bringing the envelope to where the Republicans were putting all the ballots together. He asked her where this would be, so he could go there too. She said she might "stop at her home" on the way.

He called me initially, quite shaken, trying to learn where the Boulder County Republicans were convening. I do not know.

The miscounts were against Ron Paul. The extra ballot inserted was for Romney. He expressed amazement that these two seemingly nice elderly ladies were involved in cheating, both on the count and, the one lady, with the ballot stuffing. I should mention that the attendance in his precinct was low, and even a few ballots would skew the count.

As we know, in Iowa it was quite a delay before we could get precinct results from the caucus. I am unsure as to how promptly Colorado will release precinct results, or even IF they will.


Now for a lighter election fraud story?

Voters in Chicago were told to

cast ballots with 'invisible ink' pens

How funny is that? Decide for yourself.

Election Judges handed voters plastic styluses without ink to mark ballots.

Russia report on the Ron Paul media blackout

The recount in New Hampshire is being delayed


F~R~E~E~D~O~M ! ! !

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Jesus H!!!! Make it stop!!!!!!!!

I hope to Xenu that Ron Paul steps off a curb and gets whacked by a bus. That's the only way this is going to end.

BTW, reports on facebook say that at least 38 of the Patriots points weren't counted in the Super Bowl. And ya know what? They weren't reported for the same reason more votes for Ron Paul weren't reported...

THEY DON'T ****ING EXIST!!!!!!!!!


Damn....Y'all some of the most unsportsmanlike losers in the history of the world.

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Jesus H!!!! Make it stop!!!!!!!!

I hope to Xenu that Ron Paul steps off a curb and gets whacked by a bus. That's the only way this is going to end.

BTW, reports on facebook say that at least 38 of the Patriots points weren't counted in the Super Bowl. And ya know what? They weren't reported for the same reason more votes for Ron Paul weren't reported...

THEY DON'T ****ING EXIST!!!!!!!!!


Damn....Y'all some of the most unsportsmanlike losers in the history of the world.

first off they arent sportsmen they are conspiracy theorists and trendy homosexuals. Also the worst thing that could happend is Paul getting hit by a bus, could you imagine the disaster the metro system would go through with all the freedom of information act requests that it would be hit with for every single file they held.

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Nothing new for LA county. I registered at the DMV when I moved into LA county and they didn't have me on the rolls. So I casted my provisional, but it turns out they didn't count my provisional. Since I didn't re-register when moving out of LA County and into another one, I voted provisional again.

I think its just a case of dumb poll workers, but that flows from dumber people up the chain. It's really pathetic, but I have no idea why motor-voter didn't work for me.

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first off they arent sportsmen they are conspiracy theorists and trendy homosexuals. Also the worst thing that could happend is Paul getting hit by a bus, could you imagine the disaster the metro system would go through with all the freedom of information act requests that it would be hit with for every single file they held.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Damn. It really IS a no-win. ****.

"conspiracy theorists and trendy homosexuals" :laugh:



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I don't feel like watching all of that, because quite honestly, the first three videos were whack and the rest seems like more of the same. Also, I'm only awake because the Wizards played on the West Coast (late) tonight and I'm tired. So, I'm just going to comment on the ones I watched.

The first one, ok some creepy dude on youtube claims that Ron Paul wasn't on the ballot. Well ok, I'll take his word for it. Or not. Even if what he says is true dude lives in some small upstate New York town. I'm more inclined to believe that some dumbass making $8 an hour ****ed up somewhere along the line. Still a legitimate beef. So report it. Doesn't mean there is some evil global conspiracy against one humble Texas congressman. I like how it's statewide and he has links to stories about a couple of "incidents" in the entire state.

The second one, Politico reports that McCain won but OMG! Shocker, none of the precincts have reported on the website. How can this be possible? Maybe because they haven't gotten around to updating that part of the site. What a fat (I can tell from his voice) douche.

Third vid, couldn't watch. Not if I don't want to crack my forehead on my keyboard after I pass out from an extreme case of boredom. Anyway, the next vid is pretty much about the same thing from what I can gather.

Fourth, where was the voter fraud? I saw a dude who's party affiliation switch wasn't logged, or whatever. I see a paperwork **** up. Did they know he was going to vote for Ron Paul? No. So how is that an act of fraud against him? Now if he wants to ***** about them ****ing his paperwork up, he has a legitimate beef.

But I understand. Ron Paul, who I like to a large degree, didn't get the "Revolution" started, as many people expected. He did pretty poorly pretty much across the board. So instead of admitting this people want to cook up conspiracies and play the victim. Whatever.

BTW, I laugh that anyone takes myspace bulletins seriously.

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Whether any of this is true or not...

The most important part of your post. :)

Why is it the leader never complains about vote fraud?

Why haven't Hillary or Obama mentioned it in the thick of a TIGHT race?

And even if the identification and resolution of REAL vote fraud led to Ron Paul TRIPLING his delegates, that would give him 48...or 1,143 short of what he needs to win the nomination.

It's not your fault, H_S. You seem like a good guy, and argue on the up-and-up, but Ron Paul's supporters have caused me to have a real disdain for their candidate, and that's unfortunate.

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The most important part of your post. :)

Why is it the leader never complains about vote fraud?

Why haven't Hillary or Obama mentioned it in the thick of a TIGHT race?

And even if the identification and resolution of REAL vote fraud led to Ron Paul TRIPLING his delegates, that would give him 48...or 1,143 short of what he needs to win the nomination.

It's not your fault, H_S. You seem like a good guy, and argue on the up-and-up, but Ron Paul's supporters have caused me to have a real disdain for their candidate, and that's unfortunate.

HH, your one of my favorite posters on this site, and I understand how Paul supporters (me included) can rub people the wrong way. You have boxed me into a corner, because I agree with you here. Voter fraud is a serious allegation thats all I was saying. They arent coming from Paul's campaign obviously. We both know its more than likely just paranoid supporters desperate for attention...Any campaign whether its Obama's or Clinton's wouldnt be stupid enough to claim voter fraud under any cicumstance without serious evidence (not just some crappy youtube videos lol). They have no need to do so...what is it with these wacky Ron Paul supporters? :)

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HH, your one of my favorite posters on this site, and I understand how Paul supporters (me included) can rub people the wrong way. You have boxed me into a corner, because I agree with you here. Voter fraud is a serious allegation thats all I was saying. They arent coming from Paul's campaign obviously. We both know its more than likely just paranoid supporters desperate for attention...Any campaign whether its Obama's or Clinton's wouldnt be stupid enough to claim voter fraud under any cicumstance without serious evidence (not just some crappy youtube videos lol). They have no need to do so...what is it with these wacky Ron Paul supporters? :)

Favorite posters, wha??? :silly: Hopefully you'll become a better judge of character as you get older. :cheers:

You've just scored some huge points in my book. This is what I've been trying to get some other Paul supporters to own up to, basically since these allegations began surfacing. The fact that you can look at an issue (and/or a person) you care deeply about with honesty and objectivity says a lot about YOUR character.

Look, my friend. I will do whatever I can to fight actual voter fraud by whatever means possible. And I don't care if it's a candidate I support that's bringing the allegations, or one I oppose. I want whoever wins to have been elected legitimately and democratically. Elections are one of those rare situations where it truly is about the process, and not the results.

When and if the Paul campaign raises what they believe is a legitimate dispute, I can promise you that you won't see any jokes out of me. Until then, I'll look forward to more debates with people who can argue objectively. Well done. :)

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Since when is leaving someone off the ballott voter fraud?

I wasn't on the ****ing ballott either, is that fraud?

People are stupid as hell. At least learn what you're ****ing about before you ***** about it.

WTF? Are you a presidential candidate? I mean seriously....you really don't see the problem with leaving a major presidential candidate off the ballot????

And whats even more ironic is that you say 'people are stupid as hell' yet you fail to see how this is a form of fraud (voter, election, etc...watever, even if its a legit mistake it shouldnt happen in a PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY, period).

I mean seriously....dont you think if Huckabee, or Romney, or McCain were left off the ballot it would affect their final vote tally for a particular state. :doh: I mean seriously, this is common sense. And it shouldn't be about insults, and name-calling but rather looking at the ISSUE......thats something this community really has hard time of doing, and thats looking at an ISSUE without being overcome by emotion, and knee jerk reactions.

I myself never said all these were legit, but the fact remains that there ARE wide reports of sketchy things happening all over the country......oh what the hell, you people don't care in todays apathetic world :mad: ......go back to watching I Love Lucy or whatever tube tv show you like to keep you 'entertained'.

I hear all this talk of 'oh...Im so sick of Ron Paul, and his supporters'.....well, guess what??? DONT POST IN A THREAD THAT IS TALKING ABOUT HIM OR IS RELATED TO HIM!!!! period....its not that hard, if you have nothing of substance to say then dont say it

Good god....I dont go in all the candidates other threads and stir up **** incessantly like some of you posters. This country is so backwards, brainwashed and apathetic....its pathetic. I dont think people would give a rats ass if democracy literally ended, so long as they could have their 't.v. and entertainment'. :doh:

All you RP haters get sick of RP supporters?? Well heres one RP supporter that is SICK of the mainstream propaganda, and is SICK of corruption running afoot everywhere while all you 'knowitalls' make petty excuses, and Im SICK of RP haters with NO effin argument other than one-line insults and childish rants. You think you know so much about our government? Its about time people start realizing how much they DONT know!!!

These people that run this propaganda have turned so many citizens in this country into sheep. Laugh if you want.......its true though, and very sad.


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WTF? Are you a presidential candidate? I mean seriously....you really don't see the problem with leaving a major presidential candidate off the ballot????

And whats even more ironic is that you say 'people are stupid as hell' yet you fail to see how this is a form of fraud (voter, election, etc...watever, even if its a legit mistake it shouldnt happen in a PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY, period).

I mean seriously....dont you think if Huckabee, or Romney, or McCain were left off the ballot it would affect their final vote tally for a particular state. :doh: I mean seriously, this is common sense. And it shouldn't be about insults, and name-calling but rather looking at the ISSUE......thats something this community really has hard time of doing, and thats looking at an ISSUE without being overcome by emotion, and knee jerk reactions.

I myself never said all these were legit, but the fact remains that there ARE wide reports of sketchy things happening all over the country......oh what the hell, you people don't care in todays apathetic world :mad: ......go back to watching I Love Lucy or whatever tube tv show you like to keep you 'entertained'.

I hear all this talk of 'oh...Im so sick of Ron Paul, and his supporters'.....well, guess what??? DONT POST IN A THREAD THAT IS TALKING ABOUT HIM OR IS RELATED TO HIM!!!! period....its not that hard, if you have nothing of substance to say then dont say it

Good god....I dont go in all the candidates other threads and stir up **** incessantly like some of you posters. This country is so backwards, brainwashed and apathetic....its pathetic. I dont think people would give a rats ass if democracy literally ended, so long as they could have their 't.v. and entertainment'. :doh:

All you RP haters get sick of RP supporters?? Well heres one RP supporter that is SICK of the mainstream propaganda, and is SICK of corruption running afoot everywhere while all you 'knowitalls' make petty excuses, and Im SICK of RP haters with NO effin argument other than one-line insults and childish rants. You think you know so much about our government? Its about time people start realizing how much they DONT know!!!

These people that run this propaganda have turned so many citizens in this country into sheep. Laugh if you want.......its true though, and very sad.

Relax Henrietta. I am a Ron Paul supporter, I just called you out on your thread title, because what you describe is not voter fraud, no matter how you try to twist it.

Secondly, he is NOT a major candidate, no matter how much anyone wants him to be.

When Ross Perot ran in '92, he was a major contender, and he was left off several states' ballotts. It happens, it is up to the state, period. As for RP supporters, most of them look for any reason to raise hell about how he's getting screwed. He may be, but ****ing won't change it, it's just how the game plays out.

Call it what you want, but voter fraud it is not. There is no fraud of any kind going on.

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Relax Henrietta. I am a Ron Paul supporter, I just called you out on your thread title, because what you describe is not voter fraud, no matter how you try to twist it.

Secondly, he is NOT a major candidate, no matter how much anyone wants him to be.

When Ross Perot ran in '92, he was a major contender, and he was left off several states' ballotts. It happens, it is up to the state, period. As for RP supporters, most of them look for any reason to raise hell about how he's getting screwed. He may be, but ****ing won't change it, it's just how the game plays out.

Call it what you want, but voter fraud it is not. There is no fraud of any kind going on.

Seriously....you lost me completely when you said 'there is no fraud of any kind going on'. :doh: Having a presidential candidate kept off a ballot when hes supposed to be on there IS fraud, period. What the hell is so hard to understand about that???

I just talked to a close friend of mine that has a friend over in Cali that tried to vote for Ron Paul and couldn't because he wasnt even on the damn ballot. Good God, I dont know whats worse....the fact that it takes place, or the fact that people dont give two sh*ts about it.

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Seriously....you lost me completely when you said 'there is no fraud of any kind going on'. :doh: Having a presidential candidate kept off a ballot when hes supposed to be on there IS fraud, period. What the hell is so hard to understand about that???

I just talked to a close friend of mine that has a friend over in Cali that tried to vote for Ron Paul and couldn't because he wasnt even on the damn ballot. Good God, I dont know whats worse....the fact that it takes place, or the fact that people dont give two sh*ts about it.

Yeah! I am Cali and he wasn't on my Ballot eaither! In fact, Neither was McCain or Romney!

Only Hillary and Obama were!

Complety fraud! It's like I was stuck with the democrats. It's almost like, just because I registarted as a democrat, I was stuck voting on a democrat ballot or something.

How absured!!!!!

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Can you RP thinkers think this through.

All polling puts him at 3 to 5% national. Not just 1 or 2 polling company's. ALL ppolling (You think Ron Paul doesn't have his own polling? If He doesn't - he's too stupid to be president. If he Does - He's not releasing any poll numbers. Why do you think that is? Could it be because his polling shows the same thing!)

So he's polling at 5% national. And yet - You think there is the Global consipersy - Goes as high up as the National Republican Party, and as small as 2 old ladies in Boulder CO. They are running the biggest consipersy in the history of the US to ensure that a guy who has 5% of the votes doesn't..... doesn't what? What is the point?

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Yeah! I am Cali and he wasn't on my Ballot eaither! In fact, Neither was McCain or Romney!

Only Hillary and Obama were!

Complety fraud! It's like I was stuck with the democrats. It's almost like, just because I registarted as a democrat, I was stuck voting on a democrat ballot or something.

How absured!!!!!

dude, what are you talking about? Obviously Im talking about the Republican primary, not the democratic primary.

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Can you RP thinkers think this through.

All polling puts him at 3 to 5% national. Not just 1 or 2 polling company's. ALL ppolling (You think Ron Paul doesn't have his own polling? If He doesn't - he's too stupid to be president. If he Does - He's not releasing any poll numbers. Why do you think that is? Could it be because his polling shows the same thing!)

So he's polling at 5% national. And yet - You think there is the Global consipersy - Goes as high up as the National Republican Party, and as small as 2 old ladies in Boulder CO. They are running the biggest consipersy in the history of the US to ensure that a guy who has 5% of the votes doesn't..... doesn't what? What is the point?

Actually, I dont think I ever said that this was a 'global conspiracy' in fact, all I did was say that there are many cases of fraud around the country and that this should concern all of us (just as the fraud in the past two presidential elections should). I really really recommend actually reading what someone types, instead of putting words into their mouth. And by the way, this has nothing to do with poll numbers and EVERYTHING to do with having a free and fair democracy.

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Hey henry, the sheep pic is entertaining, no doubt. But I bet you can't find five people on this board (which is approaching 80,000) who still support GWB. Hell, I can only think of one off hand. If you want intellectual honesty, let's back that up, shall we?

Just five.


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