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Who is the TRAITOR? Greg or Synder


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From a thread before...someone does not share my thoughts -- that Snyder is the traitor, and Gregg Williams was not given the shot he deserved. What do you think? If Gregg goes to Dallas, is he the traitor or is Snyder the traitor? Lets have some fair votes here -- not just an opportunity for Cowboys bashing. Pretend you were in Greggs shoes...

This being said; :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck

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There are no traitors here. This isn't a country, it's a business.

Look, many may not like Snyder, but he obviously had his reasons for not hiring Williams. They may have been very good reasons.

And if Williams is going to get a DC job with a division-winning franchise who's going to pay him a handsome sum, then why wouldn't he consider the job?

What loyalty does he owe the Redskins? None.

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Snyder, he betrayed what the fans and players had wanted.

It was mot really business, he chose Vinny over Gregg, he better hope he bet on the right horse if he is serious about this team winning

On a side note just wondering who is the Brandon Lloyd wannabe that put no new threads on my profile?

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Williams is definitely not a traitor. After what Snyder did to him he has every right to go to Dallas and be on their staff. As fans we don't have any reason to be bitter with Williams.

Who in their right mind is going to turn down a job with a team because he got fired from an opponent of that team?

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OP is getting carried away with a sensationalist reaction to the whole situation. Bad way to characterize either side of the confrontation between Snyder and Williams. I'm getting tired in general of reading about what everyone assumes happened behind closed doors with Gregg Williams and Dan Snyder - That Snyder maniacally ripped the job out of GW's willing and able hands. Snyder hasn't been given the benefit of the doubt. What if GW would have made a terrible head coach? This fanbase would turn on him the second we lose a few in a row. If we'll scream 'Joe must Go' you can bet your ass that we'd be all over GW. 'Continuity' would mean jack at that point, guaranteed.

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Ugh, just saw that he may go to Dallas.

I'll never, ever cheer against that man. A traitor is someone like Pierce or Arrington who CHOOSES to leave. Williams was forced out, and it makes me furious.

If he does go to the Cowboys, then let their offense lose them every single game. Williams will always have a good reputation with me.

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Ugh, just saw that he may go to Dallas.

I'll never, ever cheer against that man. A traitor is someone like Pierce or Arrington who CHOOSES to leave. Williams was forced out, and it makes me furious.

If he does go to the Cowboys, then let their offense lose them every single game. Williams will always have a good reputation with me.

I don't really remember, but didn't Pierce not get re-signed and that's why he left?
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