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Who is the TRAITOR? Greg or Synder


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GW's not going to dallASS and I wouldn't have a problem with Danny not wanting GW here but, he lead GW and everybody else on as if he was a serious candidate for the HC position when in reality, he never was. He used under handed tactics to discredit GW and that back fired on him.

All Danny had to do was be up front with us, the fans and I would guess even GW himself about his true intentions. If he didn't want him here, he should have said that from the beginning. There would have been an uproar but not to the extent that it is now and everybody would have respected that decision but when you lie, distort and lead your cash cow(we, the fans) on like he has, you lose all credibility with us and probably most of your peers (other NFL owners).

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Those saying GW was done wrong: Wasn't GW let go the following week after his 4 interviews?

I haven't directly said this before, for fear of backlash, but I'm going to lay it out there now: The reason so many fans wanted GW to stay, when they were calling for his head only a year ago, was for the sake of continuity and continuity alone. But why do so many all of a sudden want continuity when just a month ago so many were dissatisfied with the team, even calling for Gibbs to retire? My belief is it all stems from the Sean Taylor tragedy. The team unified under such dire circumstances, and did something great in winning 4 in a row and making the playoffs when the season looked to be all but over. We all want to see that unity carry over into next season and result in more wins. However, the big problem was, many ASSUMED that making GW the head coach would guarantee the unification stayed and that GW could translate that into wins. While it is very likely unification would stay under GW since he was the player favorite, NOTHING guarantees GW could have translated that into wins. In fact, GW's track record as head coach directly contradicts that belief.

At the same time, NOTHING guarantees that the team has lost that unification. Gibbs was the one who rallied and unified the team. Gibbs stepped down. While the players may be saddened by that, it isn't enough to erase Sean's memory from their heads, nor is it enough to destroy the unity. The same goes with the release of GW and Saunders. So long as the players are confident in the new coaching staff, (and that should stay on the defensive side of the ball at least, since the rest of the D staff in it's entirety has been retained/ and Zorn has been high on the list of every HC candidate interviewed by DS) that unity from this past season should remain.

So all in all, while the fans are all afraid the team will lose the unity formed under tragedy, many assumed GW was the best candidate to translate that unity into wins, simply because he was the safest pick for maintaining unity. However, we need a HC who can DIRECT that unity into wins. GW might not have been that guy. So long as the players have confidence in the coaches, the unity will stay. So we really have to worry about the direction taken with that unity, and making sure the team has the best possible chance to translate their unity into more wins. So don't worry as much about unity, worry about direction.

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Quite a few levels of assumption, huh? We don't know the content of the interviews, we don't know who was asking or demanding what. We don't know when Greg was told he would not get the job. We don't even know that all those "interviews" were interviews.

It could be he was treated poorly, but it could also be that he was treated with courtesy and professionalism. There's a lot of people here that better be hoping Greg comes out and says he was mistreated. If he finally gets a press interview and talks about how he and Danny just couldn't come to terms but everything was cool; there's going to be a lot of people feeling right dumb.

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I'm not sure, at this point, how Williams was "disrespected" or how anyone is a "traitor".

All I know is that Gregg did not get the Skins’ HC job after a seemingly inordinate amount of time.

This event apparently infuriates a lot of folks.

Perceptions abound that Gregg was hung out to dry, not given his just deserves,

represented the last link of continuity to the Gibbs-2 dynasty and not given a fair shot.

Did anyone actually expect Williams to take over Gibbs’ seat as President /HC of the Redskins?

Has anyone considered the possibility that,

out of respect, Snyder allowed Williams to take his time to reconsider his options

and make his case with inside knowledge of the new HC/FO situation following Gibbs' unexpected departure?

I may have missed it

but please point out anything to indicate that Snyder hindered head coaching interviews

or blocked inquiries for "lateral" movement from other teams

while Williams was still in-house.

Perhaps other teams perceived Williams as "untouchable".

He was, afterall, the "shoe in" head coach here.

Bad-call then by the other teams in allowing themselves to be misguided by the media speculation and errant insider info.

The so-called smear campaign against Williams, in my mind, is still unsubstantiated.

Hyperventilated to life by the media, internet blogs and the vapid postings of “concerned” fans.

Williams' position in the league is secure as a premiere defensive coordinator and the rest of the league has had plenty of time to go after Gregg as a head coach candidate. So, explain again how one party disrespected the other or how anyone has become a traitor to anything other than some ethereal code put together by a misguided seemingly streetgang mindset .

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