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Dan doesn't want Gregg Williams! (Title edited)


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If Snyder said anything definitive about Gregg Williams being a front-runner, the people in the media like Lenny P would say all about how Snyder doesn't go through any interviewing process and doesn't look to see who else is out there. Now, is Gregg Williams the slam-dunk HC in the mind of Snyder/Cerrato, probably not, otherwise he would've been announced by now. But if you look at the overall picture, the candidates have all been defensive-based and younger, allowing Snyder to see if there might be a better long-term candidate than Gregg Williams.

Another possibility is how the previous coaching tenure of Gregg Williams factors in. Snyder might not have 100% confidence in a coach that was ridden out of his first stint. If Gregg Williams doesn't take the team to the playoffs or does well over the course of the next two years, he could easily be fired. Therefore, Snyder is lining up additional candidates that could be available should Williams not be the man for the job. I think the four interviews w/Gregg Williams speak for themselves. Dan Snyder wants to know that he can be comfortable with Gregg Williams as a head coach, and is just trying to see who is the best among those interviewed.

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Why would he interview him four times then?

If he had no interest in GW, he would have been much more decisive.

I don't know either, but one of the Washington papers was quoted elsewhere on ES that GW got 4 interviews because he was in town. The other candidates only had one extended interview because they were out of town and it made it easier on the candidates.

I don't have a clue, but that's what I remember reading.

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as long as folks are speculating...why has no one wondered aloud why so many of the candidates suddenly declare they are no longer in the mix?

My guess would be that they know their powers as the new coach may be curtailed.

Given that Dan wants continuity, he may be stipulating certain conditions.

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The writing is on the wall...Gregg Williams will not be the next Head Coach of the Washington Redskins!

I would not say that. Jim Schwartz, who was interviewed first, expressed his view that GW is probably the leading candidate. He would not have said that, unless the questions that were asked during the interview were biased toward GW. My guess would be that GW is still the leading candidate, by the virtue of him beng able to maintain continuity.

What Dan has so far shown (by his actions) is that he will be looking the BEST coach for the Skins (by his standards of course). So, he is searching, which is the most reasonable thing to do.


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If Snyder feels that this team really is going in the right direction, then Williams (or saunders, although Williams has the tenure) is the move that makes the most sense IMO. Keep the current continuity and add and improve upon our weaker parts (ie. pass rush, healthy corners, healthy/bigger WRs etc)

However, if he feels that this team needs to start over or be significantly tweaked, then it would be prudent to bring in a fresh face and try to start over.

If it's not Williams, I would like one of the coordinator candidates to get a shot, as I've said before; I want a guy who's going to be able to work his ass off (ala Gibbs 1.0) and have the desire/hunger to win a Superbowl and prove something to the NFL (again ala Gibbs 1.0). Oh and want to be here beyond a brief 4-5 years. It would be nice to have a HC last more than 4-5 years here.

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I believe this has been mentioned before, but ...

Is it possible that Dan has been delaying the hire so that he may legitimately coax Bill Cowher into an interview -- the delay being because he knows Cowher will be done with his network TV obligations after yesterday?

This is exactly what I said too. Also keep in mind that JG lives in Charlotte which is not that far from Raleigh. IMO, JG has been assisting Snyder and Cerrato with this decision. If Snyder doesn't want GW, then I'm sure they all want to agree on who the best possible replacement for JG may be. I also think Snyder probably asked JG again to come back one more year. I think we will have an answer by the end of this week.

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Dan Snyder just doesn't want Gregg Williams as the next head coach of the Washington Redskins...it is so obvious.

There was never a word about Gregg when Joe retired, not a word or vote of confidence, if they wanted him all they had to say was something, anything.

They could have announced it Friday after they interviewed Meeks. or they could have just interviewed someone on the staff if they just wanted Gregg.

Patience is a virtue which you obviously do not posses. Just wait a week or so and you'll have your answer, is that so hard?

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Dan Snyder just doesn't want Gregg Williams as the next head coach of the Washington Redskins...it is so obvious.

There was never a word about Gregg when Joe retired, not a word or vote of confidence, if they wanted him all they had to say was something, anything.

They could have announced it Friday after they interviewed Meeks. or they could have just interviewed someone on the staff if they just wanted Gregg.

They aren't saying a thing to the media about anything, and most people at Redskins Park know squat.

The writing is on the wall...Gregg Williams will not be the next Head Coach of the Washington Redskins!

Obviously this is opinion based on the signs Dan is throwing out there...but it just doesn't look good for GW

(Edited based on the fact that one part of the thread was a little too much...lol)

im pretty sure that gw's name was mentioned after joe retired- a whole bunch of times...

vote of confidence?...the players want gregg- thats all you need to know

interviewed four times? who cares...usually a follow up interview is a good thing- and so what if they were short...i think dan knows enough about gregg to not have to have full interviews

and so what if dan's taking a long time to announce the coach...time really doesnt matter...

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Gregg Williams has been molded for the position when Joe Gibbs came in. He has learned Joe's thought process and even sounds like Joe during his interviews. Snyder and Joe stated, " If it isn't broke, then don't try and fix it." Same coaches, same players...with additions, better results, Washington Redskins home field advantage next year will get them over the hump to a Super Bowl. Be patient....have the faith "WE BELIEVE".

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I'd merely say that Dan is doing his due diligence! This will be The Face of the franchise for a number of years. This will be the guy to take the team forward, not backward. I applaud Dan for taking time to make certain that he chooses the right guy for the job! We all know how GW has been as a defensive coordinator. We also all know how GW did as a HC a few years back. Dan is making sure that GW doesn't offer a repeat performance as a HC.

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Riggins did say today on his show that Danny has normally taken 10 to 12 days to hire, tomorrow is 14.

I personally feel he is waiting for someone else, who that is I have no clue. I do think GW is the fallback plan, but he will never admit that, and he shouldn't.

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Not a very convincing argument...even if the case is Dan doesn't want Gregg. Repeat interviews could just as likely be negotiations, not just money but for power...I want my guys taken in the upcoming draft, I want these free agents pursued and not pursued (and I want to know who you want to pursue and a say about it before you do it), I want these current players unloaded, extended, renegotiated, etc. VERY important issues to settle before taking a contract, when all your negotiating power is gone. And that goes double for Gregg who prides himself on being a hard ass. Dan would continue to interview people for no other reason than to improve his negotiations with Gregg in the next interview.

AS the sig shows I don't think Gregg is that strong of a canidate personally. But you've done nothing to convince me.

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Wow, been thinking about the hiring process lately and GW seems to be the guy then he doesnt. The thing that intriges me the most is that Al not Gregg have interviewed or been mentioned in any HC chatter around the leauge. You can take this as the leagues view GW as the frontrunner for the RS job or hes washed up. You cant be washed with a defense as the RS had this year thus he need and deserves another chance to be a HC somewhere. Al I think will stay on but if DS thinks he can hire a D minded coach to come in and spark the team he wrong he has the spark already on the beach and GW would be more that greatful to step into JG shoes for the upcoming year. But once again I must say its taking to long, two know one else is talking about the RS coordinators for HC jobs, three....they'll be jobless if DS hires some one other than the two and last but not lease if DS hired outside of what we have now it will set the skins back 2 years min. and all that J. Gibbs accomplished would be flushed down the drain.

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