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Dan doesn't want Gregg Williams! (Title edited)


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Nobody knows jack, and each individuals perspective has the few facts going in ten directions of speculation and assumption........

The point dead on, simple isn't it.

Thank you Pete!

Now....just where is that Wailing Wall, I'd like to view those writings too.

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Dan Snyder just doesn't want Gregg Williams as the next head coach of the Washington Redskins...it is so obvious.

There was never a word about Gregg when Joe retired, not a word or vote of confidence, if they wanted him all they had to say was something, anything.

They could have announced it Friday after they interviewed Meeks. or they could have just interviewed someone on the staff if they just wanted Gregg.

They aren't saying a thing to the media about anything, and most people at Redskins Park know squat.

The writing is on the wall...Gregg Williams will not be the next Head Coach of the Washington Redskins!

Obviously this is opinion based on the signs Dan is throwing out there...but it just doesn't look good for GW

(Edited based on the fact that one part of the thread was a little too much...lol)

I agree with you. If he were the man, it would have been done by now. I think that if Mr. Snyder were impressed with how Coach Williams was in the interviews, he would have done enough interviews to satisfy the Rooney Rule and that would be it. The longer it drags on, the worse it will be for coach williams. If the redskins get Cowher, I will say this search and time was well worth it. If they don't, I don't understand what took so long. There would have to be a coach out there that would justify the amount of time spent to search for a coach. Interviewing Coach Williams four times isn't encouraging to me, because if you don't know how the guy is and he has been in your organization for four years, then something is wrong.

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Maybe Snyder is looking at different positions too not just head coach? Maybe him an Greg are working together to replace Saunders, and theyll announce all the new coaching jobs together. We really dont know anything...

I agree that we don't know anything, but I think that this not good. I think that they could go out and get assistants all they want. Once you get a head coach in place you can do the rest. Getting assistants isn't something that requires that greatest discretion. Yes, there could be nothing to this and Williams is the next coach, but I don't think that they take this long and not do have someone announced yet.

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threads and opening posts like this are proof that the 'Skins fanbase is beginning to lose it. The anticipation is simply becoming too much for some of us. Honest to god people settle the **** down! :D

We have no idea what Danny is up to! What I do know is that half of you are going to be wrong and the other half right. Which half? no idea! You can analyze everything till you're blue in the face...which I think some of you have...but that won't change that fact that YOU DON'T KNOW **** ABOUT WHO THE NEXT COACH WILL BE. :D

so let's get over ourselves soon please.

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threads and opening posts like this are proof that the 'Skins fanbase is beginning to lose it. The anticipation is simply becoming too much for some of us. Honest to god people settle the **** down! :D

We have no idea what Danny is up to! What I do know is that half of you are going to be wrong and the other half right. Which half? no idea! You can analyze everything till you're blue in the face...which I think some of you have...but that won't change that fact that YOU DON'T KNOW **** ABOUT WHO THE NEXT COACH WILL BE. :D

so let's get over ourselves soon please.

Im trying
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