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Synder and Scientology...


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Pretty sure Will Smith's IQ is higher than yours.

If Scientology says such harsh things about judiasm then why is Snyder sitting right next to their jesus?

And what makes you say that bold statement? For all you know, that guy has a Ph.D in Nuclear Physics.

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Pretty sure Will Smith's IQ is higher than yours.

Wow, thats a well infomrmed statement.

First of all IQ has been proven to only measure a person's cognitive ability.

Rainman had high IQ-that only means he can solve a math problem faster than me, but he couldn't tell me how to make a ham sandwich.

Just because a persons has a faster thought process doesn't mean that are smarter than others.

Secondly, when did you give Will Smith an IQ test, or me for that matter

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Because of your first sentence. ;)


Wow, thats a well infomrmed statement.

First of all IQ has been proven to only measure a person's cognitive ability.

Rainman had high IQ-that only means he can solve a math problem faster than me, but he couldn't tell me how to make a ham sandwich.

Just because a persons has a faster thought process doesn't mean that are smarter than others.

Secondly, when did you give Will Smith an IQ test, or me for that matter

Will Smith's intelligence is a thing of record. Are you saying that all genius level christians are autistic savants? I don't get it. This is religion. Anyone is susceptible to it. If you think Snyder isn't when he is standing right next to Tom Cruise when he has no business dealings with him, you're not taking account of the visual evidence.

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Folks, it's all true. They just got the details wrong.

Snyder is joining the First Church of Appliantology, founded by L. Ron Hoover.

When Gibbs went down to Florida to attend Taylor's funeral, Snyder asked him to meet him at a local church for prayer. Arriving at L. Ron Hoover's modernistic office / cathedral / warehouse / condominium complex, Joe was greeted by a pre-recorded message and a dramatically illuminated image on a wall-sized TV screen:

"Welcome to the First Church of Appliantology! The WHITE ZONE is for loading and unloading only!"

Needless to say, Joe was a little perplexed. Hoover soothed him by saying "Don't you be Tarot-fied, It's just a token of my extreme". Joe left shortly thereafter.

Snyder went after him, explaining that everything was going to be alright, and proceeded to explain his new business plan. Apparently, Snyder has bought a dental floss farm in Montana. He'll be raising it up, and waxing it down, in a little white box that he can sell uptown.

Gibbs wanted none of it, and decided to return to return to North Carolina, when he can work on his stock cars, down in Joe's Garage.

But you probably knew that already.

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You guys are downright crazy if you don't think Tom Cruise is trying to turn Snyder into scientology. He tries to do it with everyone. Every single person. He has taken on the role as their Jesus outright and publically.. you don't think this is out of the realm of possibility if Snyder is riding right with him? This church is very powerful, incredibly rich.. the things Snyder loves folks. All the celebrities are doing it and we know how Synder loves the celebrity, even the big name footballers.

You raise some good points, and I don't completely disagree.

First off, I think the email that Elliott supposedly read on-air is a crock. It could have been written by anyone who saw Cruise at the game and decided to stir up trouble, so I put no stock in it.

But having said that, I am nearly certain that Cruise is trying to get Snyder involved with Scientology. Scientology has become Cruise's life mission, and anyone who has been paying attention knows that.

Reportedly the business deal between Snyder and Cruise is off the table. So why was Cruise at the Seattle game? Anyone who believes it's because Cruise has some newfound love of football is very naive.

Cruise knows that Snyder has a lot of money. Money is what drives Scientology. I have no doubt that Cruise has been instructed by the leaders of Scientology to work hard on Snyder. The idea that Cruise could get as close as he has to someone of Snyder's stature, but resist trying to rope him in, is preposterous.

Scientology operates by not taking 'no' for an answer. They are relentless. Remember that.

Now, for all we know Snyder may see Scientology as a cult and a joke, and always will. Hopefully that is the case. And at this point, I have no reason to believe otherwise.

But as long as Cruise is near Snyder, going to games, etc., you can be assured that Cruise is working on him.

And as others have pointed out, many seemingly intelligent people have been taken in by Scientology, for whatever reason. Many otherwise intelligent people were taken in by Hitler too. Hard to explain, but it happens.

The longer Cruise hangs around Snyder, the more concerned I will become. Hopefully Snyder will resist whatever temptation the "church" throws his way. Just know that Cruise won't give up easily.

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Will Smith's intelligence is a thing of record. Are you saying that all genius level christians are autistic savants? I don't get it. This is religion. Anyone is susceptible to it. If you think Snyder isn't when he is standing right next to Tom Cruise when he has no business dealings with him, you're not taking account of the visual evidence.

All I'm saying is your statement relating Will Smith's having a high IQ, yet he still fell for Scientology, is flawed.

IQ has nothing to do with a person's belief system or their propensity to process "ideas"

Its merely a person's apptitude for thinking quickly, memorization, and such.

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The longer Cruise hangs around Snyder, the more concerned I will become. Hopefully Snyder will resist whatever temptation the "church" throws his way. Just know that Cruise won't give up easily.

Yeah Cruise is a bit of psycho.

But, until I see tangible negative effects on this teams b/c whatever The Danny and Tom have going on, I'm taking it for its worth: A very weird guy(Tom) hanging out with another kinda weird guy(Danny)

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I love how people join made up religions. Are they THAT gullible?

When you consider that 82% of Americans believe in a made up religion, I would venture to say "Yes".

Let's be honest with each other here. Most religions have some pretty ridiculous beliefs, it's just that they've been around longer than Scientology that no one questions it too much.

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You can't make this **** up. :)

A request to the membership: nothing written in the OP is FACT. It is rumor, conjecture, innuendo and quite possibly nothing more than pop culture fabrication that's good for ratings.

Please keep than in mind when responding.

Many thanks.

Scientology tithes. That means it's members have to give a significant portion of their income to the "religion". I can't see Danny doing that. Besides, Scientology is about study. You pay money and take classes to "assend" to different "rings" of enlightenment. With the top rings allowing you special powers like levitation, flying and spontaniusly healing...

I can't see Dan going in for any of that. Dan can already fly coast to coast on Redskins 1... Not many Scientologists can say that. It's more like Dan just enjoy's TomKat's company. Millionaire to Billionaire.

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When you consider that 82% of Americans believe in a made up religion, I would venture to say "Yes".

In reality, all organized religions are made up.

If you could present the basic tenets of both Scientology and Christianity to a neutral, intelligent human being who had no previous knowledge of either religion, I think that it would be difficult for that person to decide which one sounded more credible.

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Yeah, Will Smith turned down a scholarship to MIT. He's got a higher IQ than most people.

Is that true? Will Smith was about 4 million dollars in the rears with the IRS when he graduated from highschool. The IRS took his first two year of paychecks from Fresh Prince of Belaire.

I never heard he was accepted at MIT.. This is like a tailgate thread..

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In reality, all organized religions are made up.

If you could present the basic tenets of both Scientology and Christianity to a neutral, intelligent human being who had no previous knowledge of either religion, I think that it would be difficult for that person to decide which one sounded more credible.

Exactly. I was asking someone a little earlier why Scientology is so ridiculous but Christianity is not. I'm not bash either religion. I just think it's funny that people automatically discredit Scientology but hold Christianity on such a high pedestal ... or any religion for that matter. I use Christianity as an example because it's the more popular religion in this country.

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You can't make this **** up. :)

A request to the membership: nothing written in the OP is FACT. It is rumor, conjecture, innuendo and quite possibly nothing more than pop culture fabrication that's good for ratings.

Please keep than in mind when responding.

Many thanks.

How can you be sure, do you know this Synder fella? Any relationship to Cinderella?

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Exactly. I was asking someone a little earlier why Scientology is so ridiculous but Christianity is not.

That movie Battlefield Earth...

All I'm Sayin' :laugh:

If you want to know the answer to this, well, the reasoning why Scientology is rediculous regardless, you should ask Erin about it.

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All I know is that there are an awful lot of people converting to Scientology. Didn't Will Smith just cross over?

A whole lot or rich people, the membership fees are outrageous. Especially once you get to Tom Cruise status in Scientology, you are paying a lot of moola for a lot of crap.

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Yeah, Will Smith turned down a scholarship to MIT. He's got a higher IQ than most people.

I thought MIT only awarded scholarships based, not academic merit, but on financial need which Will Smith hardly met.

But why let another fact get in the way of this fantasy thread.

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