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Classless In Seattle


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I was born in Philly but a grew up a die-hard Redskins fan. My last employer transfered me to Philly for a few months and I used to wear my Redskins hat and shirts. Never once was I harassed or threatned, just some freindly trash talk.

I have seen some awful behavior from Philly fans, but the stuff I am reading from Seattle seams to be much worse.

Dude if those ******* had touched my wife I swear I would still be in jail right now!

I gove you props for keeping your cool. If I was there, I would have had your back.

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As the girlfriend, I am glad he did not lose it. It would have been a much worse experience if that had happened as there were about 10 dudes behind us who were the drunk***holes. We acted like it did not get to us to the best of our ability, so in my mind, we won. I vow to always show class.

Reminds me of that scene from Crash when the officer pulls over the couple and abuses his power....I seriously have to commend you for not doing anything....I just feel that as a guy, I am there to protect/defend my lady if she (or us) is being disrespected. Why you all didn't have them removed is beyond me. You messed up there. Too forgiving/too tolerant. I just know in one of those situations where my girl is being TOUCHED or spat on, I would have flipped out...you know what, I am sure other Seattle fans would have jumped in on your behalf...those disrespecting you probably were annoying to MANY people sitting in your area...I really feel bad for you two.

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Well, I really think that you could travel to San Francisco (I've been there) or Arizona next year and likely have a much better experience. Candlestick is harmless, I went there a few years ago with a 49er fan and we tailgated a bit with other fans and they were all very polite to me, despite me rooting for the Skins.

From what I've heard, Seattle fans rival Philly fans, if not surpass them in their rudeness so they're building quite a reputation.

Arizona fans are not any better. I was a skins/cardinals game were a near riot broke out. Cards fans in the upper deck were throwing full plastic bottles of beer into the section were many Skins fans were sitting, a mass of people rushed at each other and blood started flying, took security forever to get there. This was more scarry then any abuse I took in Seattle in 06 0r 08.

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Enough of the big man "I would have kicked there a**" comments. No one knows what they would do until it actually happened. This guy is comepletly sober and surrounded by hundreds of drunk people. He starts a fight he gets put in the hospitol......I commend him.

I agree! No one knows what it was like unless you were there. And security was no where to be found once the game started. I am a big girl, I don't need my boyfriend to "defend" me. I would rather him keep his cool and show me that he has the class that they are missing.

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I don't agree. I went with some friends from Philly to the Vikings game up in Minneapolis and nothing bad at all happened. I mean, literally, nothing beyond a few comments.

I wore my Green jersey and people told me how great Darrell was or maybe asked why I was wearing a jersey of a team that wasn't playing.

Even looking around at the Tailgate parking lot, there was an Eagle RV and two 'super-fans' standing on top of a truck 'facing off' but it was all in good fun.

Not threatening at all.

The people in Minnesota are probably some of the nicest people you'll ever meet in the country. My sister went to school there and loved it, everyone is nice despite the cold weather. So it doesn't surprise me Minnesota fans are classy.

The NFL needs to ban all Alcohol at its venues...FAT CHANCE but its needed....

it happens at FEDeX as well as most Stadiums. its Pretty bad. Glad i get private suite tiks now....

They really should. I mean, when I was in England and went to a soccer game, you can't buy alcohol there because of how bad the riots can get. But then again, we have these huge beer companies sponsoring the league so it might be tougher ... :doh:

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I am angry as I hear this because we should not be ****ing travelling to Starbucks country to play these sorry ****s. They should be coming here so we can lay waste to them from the comfort of FED-EX field.

The Redskins have to do their part in this bargain which is to win and give us some home playoff games. We have to do our part as fans and make Fed-Fex a nightmare for opposing teams like they do in Seattle.

I am not advocating we behave like Seattle fans in terms of dealing with visitors but I am saying we need to rock fed-fex like RFK rocked. Their is no reason why Fed-Ex cannot be a pit of despair for opposing teams.

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They've got big heads cause they've convinced themselves the won the super bowl two years ago despite the actual outcome. The sad part is a lot of people still think they are in the AFC even though they've been high profile enough to be in the playoffs. The truth is even with their accomplishments, the Hawks are an irrelevant team. If they were to win the super bowl for real, they would be on of the only teams in the league who do NOT get a bunch of band wagon fans riding them the next season because basically no one wants to root for a team situated in the sphincter of America.

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Reminds me of that scene from Crash when the officer pulls over the couple and abuses his power....I seriously have to commend you for not doing anything....I just feel that as a guy, I am there to protect/defend my lady if she (or us) is being disrespected. Why you all didn't have them removed is beyond me. You messed up there. Too forgiving/too tolerant. I just know in one of those situations where my girl is being TOUCHED or spat on, I would have flipped out...you know what, I am sure other Seattle fans would have jumped in on your behalf...those disrespecting you probably were annoying to MANY people sitting in your area...I really feel bad for you two.

Don't feel "bad" for me dude. We didn't get hurt, did we?? I am a social worker, and I don't support violence...no matter what. I am happy my boyfriend respects me enough to know that. Kill them w/ kindness, at least I know what kind of people we were.

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There are fights in every stadium and there's always a few unruly fans but we've never carried ourself that way at Fedex or RFK. Just hearing what you've written enrages me because that could easily be any one of us. I use alot of self control now that I'm older but with my temper I don't believe I could have controlled myself especially with folks in my face and/or spitting.. I would would have gone crazy...but at the same time who knows what would have happend to me if I did retaliate. Even if I hurt one or two of them, being severly outnumbered I'd be dead, severely hurt, or in jail. I don't think I've ever hated a cowboy fan as much as I'm hating the classless seattle fanbase right now.

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Enough of the big man "I would have kicked there a**" comments. No one knows what they would do until it actually happened. This guy is comepletly sober and surrounded by hundreds of drunk people. He starts a fight he gets put in the hospitol......I commend him.

I agree with you there. If anything, starting a fight with a bunch of drunken morons would have encouraged them to escalate their behavior. As tempting as it is to retaliate in those situations, sometimes the best policy is to ignore them.

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Don't feel "bad" for me dude. We didn't get hurt, did we?? I am a social worker, and I don't support violence...no matter what. I am happy my boyfriend respects me enough to know that. Kill them w/ kindness, at least I know what kind of people we were.

Talk about following the NASW Code of Ethics to a T, huh? ;) Hopefully I'm getting my MSW next May.

What you and your boyfriend endured is what 99% of us could only hope to have the strength to go through.

Thank you both for showing EXACTLY what Redskins fans are like and why I am so proud to wear our colors.

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See my post on page one...... The out do Philly fans, trust me, I've been to Philly:doh:

I second that, I don't think words can adequately describe what these wretched people are like.

Another example is I had at LEAST 30 different people come up to me a scream awful things about Sean Taylor that I will not repeat.

What would motivate anyone to do this I was wondering throughout the day. They are truly miserable people, and I guess that is the only way they know how to act.

To be fair I know "most" of the fans out there are not like this, it is just that they have so many jackass fans that the good people apparently don't feel they can shut up the assclowns (otherwise they would).

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that is ridiculous.. i am so sorry for you. thank God we have a better fan base.

We don't. The same **** goes on at all of our games every week. I wish there was something we could do about the environment at games, but it is a societal problem. It is difficult to change people's hearts. In fact, to quote Joe Gibbs, only one thing that I know of is capable of doing that.

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I'm sorry you had to go through all that, especially with your girl with you. I know I would have been p'd off. I don't know if I would have been able to restrain myself for punching one of those seatle seahawk scum bags in the face. Its kind of why I don't really go to any away games. Granted, I wouldn't worry about it because I usually role up to games with my brother and a couple of friends so if anything goes down we'll be able to handle ourselves. I'm not sure about a whole stadium full of scumbags though. But I think once the spitting started I would have gouged someone's freaking eye out their freaking skull.

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Talk about following the NASW Code of Ethics to a T, huh? ;) Hopefully I'm getting my MSW next May.

What you and your boyfriend endured is what 99% of us could only hope to have the strength to go through.

Thank you both for showing EXACTLY what Redskins fans are like and why I am so proud to wear our colors.

I appreciate that! The only people we have control over, is ourselves.

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Don't feel "bad" for me dude. We didn't get hurt, did we?? I am a social worker, and I don't support violence...no matter what. I am happy my boyfriend respects me enough to know that. Kill them w/ kindness, at least I know what kind of people we were.

as long as you feel good about who you are, then it's all good with me....no one should have to go through what you did in Seattle. I would have handled the situation differently, but it is what it is....I don't think anyone would have questioned your "class" if you would have reacted differently. I just don't understand how you could have let these people STAY in the stadium after being blatantly disrespected over and over again....

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as long as you feel good about who you are, then it's all good with me....no one should have to go through what you did in Seattle. I would have handled the situation differently, but it is what it is....I don't think anyone would have questioned your "class" if you would have reacted differently. I just don't understand how you could have let these people STAY in the stadium after being blatantly disrespected over and over again....

We paid good money to see a game, and that is what we intended to do. That's it. Do you really think having 2 of the 10 guys behind us thrown out would have helped? Then, you take the chance of the remaining ***holes retaliating for having their buddies thrown out. And.. the other 50 ***holes in the section would also be there still. Again, if you weren't there, it does not matter what you would do.

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