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Texans' Fan kicked out for STANDING....


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Well I wouldnt want to spent my time in Gillette Stadium with a bunch of retarded Pats fans who are defending cheaters. As to this part of your post your telling me after a td those fans dont stand and cheer or on a critical down late in the game they dont stand before the snap? Well ive seen them do it so please watch a game at Gillette before you post about it. Oh and arent those the same fans that were throwing ice balls on the field in the Jets game and they had to suspend the game for a couple minutes. I watched that game and they are some of the dumbest fans ive ever seen. Hey lets trhrow snow in the air and hit other fans in the head but please dont stand lol what a joke.

UVA, the only game I would have gone to see at Gillette would have been this past season's Redskins vs. Patriots game, but there was no point in wasting money on tickets as the outcome was predetermined long before anyone ever took the field.

What I have been told, and I KNOW what was the situation at the old Foxboro Stadium is this.... Fans were not to be standing and blocking the view of other fans while the game was in progress. If somebody complained you got one warning. The second time you got removed from the stadium. I have it on relatively good authority from current season-ticket holders that this policy is still in place.

I also know that the Patriots are among the quickest teams in the league to pull Season Tickets from people who they have issues with at games. I don't doubt that some of those snowball throwers you saw against the Jets will probably not be getting renewal notices for their season tickets this coming spring/summer.

The Patriots attempt to make that facility as family friendly as they can. It's one of their stated objectives. Not being able to see the field, having to listen to vulgarities and deal with drunk morons isn't conducive to a family friendly atmosphere.

As for watching games at Gillette.... I don't watch ANY games that the Redskins aren't involved in, so I don't get to see many games from ANY stadium except FedEx, so I have to go largely based on the experiences of others.

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Well if a Pats fan is standing for no reason I can understand it but if they cant stand during a critical play in the game where the crowd needs to get involved then I can easily say the Pats organization is ****ing stupid.

I could be wrong on this, but I get the feeling the Patriots organization counts on its players making plays more than it's crowd noise to get things done in those situations. Just my uninformed opinion however.

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Why do people think they put seats in the stadium? :rolleyes: If people can't work out reasonable compromises with other fans so both can enjoy what they paid for, then those people are *******s.

For an example of ******* attitudes, Kilmer21, your "go and die" post about "fatasses" was a ridiculous remark from a 42 year old man. I'd come down on any 13 year old for making it. :doh:

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If you dont want to stand stay home! If it was up to me I wouldnt even have seats in a stadium. I am a season ticket holder, I have never once sat down at a Skins game, Im standing before it starts, offensive, defense, halftime the whoooole thing. When I went to St, louis 2 years ago, I sttod the whole time. When I went to Indy last year, I stood the whole time. Packers this year, yup you guessed it, I was standing. If they dont like then they can try to kick me out but I aint leaving on my two feet. I may be selfish but **** it its football, go watch tennis and get over it. :finger:

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Perhaps you were not aware, but they put seats in RFK Stadium as well, yet no one had a problem with standing. I could care less Jumbo old boy how you categorize or interpret my remarks nor do I have to seek your permission to hold them.

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If you dont want to stand stay home! If it was up to me I wouldnt even have seats in a stadium. I am a season ticket holder, I have never once sat down at a Skins game, Im standing before it starts, offensive, defense, halftime the whoooole thing.....

Here you have a prime example of why I'm not going out of my way to make it down to FedEx Field to watch a Redskins game. If this is anywhere near the general attitude of the fanbase at FedEx it just would not be an enjoyable experience for me.

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If they dont like then they can try to kick me out but I aint leaving on my two feet. I may be selfish but **** it its football, go watch tennis and get over it. :finger:

It's another ******* attitude, IMO, but you're willing to accept consequences and that's a good thing. I believe in taking an active role in consequences.

But this is nothing new. People who wanna be *******s and think its "justified" because "its football" are gonna be that way. And people who are whiners and gripe about every little thing at a game are gonna be whiners. I just handle it if it happens.

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I could care less Jumbo old boy how you categorize or interpret my remarks nor do I have to seek your prermission to hold them.

A. That couldn't have possibly been more predictable.

B. It is silly to point out you don't need my permission to "hold" your remarks; but saying something that obvious for effect continues to support your juvenile vs. adult appearance here.

C. Don't call me "old boy".


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No fool like an old fool, right old boy? Never been to England so I will assume you are unfamiliar with the expression "old boy" which has nothing to do with age. Your remarks are exactly what I would expect from someone holding your views. Please continue to shovel the ocean regarding fans standing at games, and don't tell me what to do you a..

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No fool like an old fool, right old boy? Never been to England so I will assume you are unfamiliar with the expression "old boy" which has nothing to do with age. Your remarks are exactly what I would expect from someone holding your views. Please continue to shovel the ocean regarding fans standing at games, and don't tell me what to do you a..

This is just not necessary. It's the internet man, relax.

If you want to act like a jackass, go over to cowboyszone or something.

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No fool like an old fool, right old boy? Never been to England so I will assume you are unfamiliar with the expression "old boy" which has nothing to do with age. Your remarks are exactly what I would expect from someone holding your views. Please continue to shovel the ocean regarding fans standing at games, and don't tell me what to do you a..

I've been to England, and I excel at communications, so I have been fully understanding of your tone and manner in parts of this thread. It reminds me of this post of yours when somebody Pm'ed me that you might be a troll:


I told them "no, I think that's just who he is" and now I am even more sure I was right and that you're not a troll. :)

BTW, "Old boy" is meant to be a polite or friendly term, and politeness was not in play, nor are we friends, which is why I told you not to use it. I knew you were trying to "subtly" mock me, which is fine. I appreciate you sparing me the "Wimbledon and strawberries" cleverness, since I have no use for watching tennis. :laugh:

However, you'll note that I never called you an ******* or any other name. I did describe your attitude per my opinion of it. I also described your level of discourse here in developmental terms because they fit so well. However at the end here you do call me an "a", which we all know means "*******" and that's not ok in a couple of different ways.

So I suggest you read up on the rules so you know where you went astray, just to protect your ability to log on and/or post.

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You are correct, I do not think it would be a very enjoyable experience for you, which is why I suggested Wimbledon or some other "family-friendly" venue.

Thanks for the suggestion, then. I'm not a big tennis fan and have no interest in ever traveling outside the United States so Wimbledon isn't going to be on my list, but I'll spend my entertainment dollars at local arenas (AHL, Arena Football, Minor League Baseball, etc...) where I know I can get a reasonable experience for my money and leave places like FedEx to you and your friends the Goths, Mongols, and Norse.

Though I will be somewhat interested to see what you (and many others) do if the idea of the more family-friendly stadium environment that is promoted in Foxoboro every comes to FedEx or (Heaven Forbid) becomes standard NFL policy.

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You have me mistaken for someone who is worried. Not a thought, just an observation.

Seriously brother, calm down. Nobody is out to get you :laugh:

I didn't boot him or do anything. Didn't want him to miss the Seattle game :rolleyes: . But maybe we'll make him "sit-down" (read-only) for it. :laugh:

That post of his I linked may be a keeper. :)

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Jumbo, I bet you are starting to regret taking the ATN assignment a little bit by now.

Dude, that "assignment" goes back to 2005 :) and we go everywhere. I like reading the BBall forum but not interacting because it'sd like a time-out :laugh: What's interesting is the difference in the levels/types/characters of running themes and interactions going on in here 2005-6 and this season, because those who think it was "the same" much like it is now in specifics, would be wrong. ;)

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