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Snyder doesn't want the spotlight


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i dont see what the big deal with an owner going to the sidelines at the END of a game. if he is there the entire game, then yeah, its a problem. but going to the end when you are winning, to me, shows that he just wants to be there to congratulate the team, to be the first one to do so.

i dont have a problem with that at all.

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First, there is no such rule that he cannot be filmed at FedEx. I see him practically every home game on TV. He does avoid the media and seldom gives interviews....but that's his choice (rightfully so).

And Dan showing up on the sidelines is not new. He has done it often since he became owner of the team. Just because you do not see something on TV, does not mean it does not happen. I've been at many games and have often seen him on the sidelines.

And my :2cents:, Snyder is an excellent owner. His first two years showed impatience but I would rather have an owner willing to put up his cash to help my team get to the Super Bowl than a Bidwell type owner. He's made mistakes but he has learned from each of them.

Yeah...the marketing and prices suck....but the same thing goes on at most other stadiums in the league. Just visit a few NFL stadiums and you'll know before complaining about Danny and his pricing/marketing.

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Hmm...seems like the majority liked seeing him go down to the sideline. It's just weird how when Jerry Jones does it, everyone criticizes him. Maybe because he appears to be too close to the action and getting in the way of the coaches, whereas it looked like Snyder kept his presence to a minimum.

I hate it when Jones does it, and I did not really like it that Snyder did it. But Snyder just wanted to be there to congratulate his team when it was in the bag, Jones tends to meddle.

The bottom line is, they own the franchises and they can really do whatever they want, regardless of my opinion.

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Did anyone else notice that whenever the TV cameras turned to Snyder's box, he turned around and walked away? He's learned that he is not the story on this team; the players are. He doesn't want to be in the spotlight anymore, since he's learned that the game is not about the owners.

He never really has wanted the spotlight. You see many owners on television a whole lot more than Snyder. He really gets a bad rap sometimes in my opinion. I met him a few times the year that he bought the team. He struck me as a down to earth, normal guy that just happened to have a lot of money and a immense love for the Redskins. He made most of his money in marketing, so we have to deal with more ads and sponsorships than some other teams, but screw it. It is that revenue that makes us one of the richest and most powerful franchises in the sports world.

He has made bad decisions in the past, signing marquee players that added a lot in name value, but not necessarily on the field. He ran the franchise for a few years as a fan would, like a lot of us would, not really seeing the big picture and looking toward the future. It was a billiopns dollar fantasy football team. But now he is letting our football people make the decisions and we are seeing some results. A lot of people just want to constantly bash him because of what he has done in the past, or what they read about him in the paper or hear on TV. That stuff is not necessarily true. He has done some good things in the last few years, both on the field and off.

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Yeah that was cool when they showed him cheering on the sideline at the end.

I thought so too, If i was the owner, i would be down there all the time! I would also sign myself and play a couple downs.....guess thats why I am not the owner...HAIL

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Dan is a great owner. I have thought so since he purchased the team He IS a Redskin fan!!! That makes him motivated to win...not the glory and cash. Yes, he had alot to learn...but has made great strides. He loves the players on this team and is willing to do what it takes to win.

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Did anyone else notice that whenever the TV cameras turned to Snyder's box, he turned around and walked away? He's learned that he is not the story on this team; the players are. He doesn't want to be in the spotlight anymore, since he's learned that the game is not about the owners.

I've been really impressed with Snyder this season. It's amazing to see how much he's learning about running the team, from giving the offense and defense separate jets for Sean's funeral, to keeping his hands out of the football end of things, and everything else. I'm confident that he's gotten past the early "meddling owner" phase and is going to be a great leader of this organization in to the future.

Agreed - he has changed over the past couple of years.

I respect him for the things he's done for this franchise.

In the past his decisions where made with his heart.

:cheers: to Snyder! :applause: :applause:

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This whole season has changed my opinion of Snyder. He has never wanted the spotlight and some of his decisions haven't always worked out (big FA spending)

The whole ST situation and how he handled it for the organization was first class. I also think he has realized the importance of the draft and his philosophy is changing. I still cringe at some of the prices of tickets/concessions/parking, but thats how pro sports are now and everything else in the DC meto area...EXPENSIVE!!

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