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NY Times: Taylor’s Heart of Kindness Might Have Left Him Vulnerable


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I think this article stinks. Yes, it's supposed to be moving and telling of exactly the kind of guy that Sean was, but underneath all of that, it's saying that Sean Taylor was killed because he was such a nice, naive guy.

Look, guys...The reason Sean Taylor is dead right now is because some thugs broke in to his house and shot him. That's it. He's not dead because he was so nice. He is dead because of the actions of some evil men. These men are scum and they killed a decent human being for no gain whatsoever.

In short, this article is just doing the same thing that the WP columnist did. It's putting the blame of the murder on the victim.

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What a miserable waste...I cannot find anything else to say about this entire situation. What a damn shame. I think most skins fans suspected sean was really a good guy, we never fully knew cause he never trusted the media...now we know but can only celebrate his good qualities in memoriam. Hopefully his family can reconcile their obvious beefs to have something positive come from sean's death, especially in relation to his sister's unborn baby who was fathered by a relative of the Wardlow kid.

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This article points out, again, that these guys knew him, at least in a sense that they knew who he was. They knew where he lived, knew it was his house, and had met him before. And yet, they say it was unpremeditated murder and just a burglary gone wrong despite the fact that these men went in, took nothing, went straight to his room with a gun, and shot him? I just don't buy that. I'm in tears everytime i read another article or see another video about him, and I just don't believe those men didn't set out to physically harm him.

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This article points out, again, that these guys knew him, at least in a sense that they knew who he was. They knew where he lived, knew it was his house, and had met him before. And yet, they say it was unpremeditated murder and just a burglary gone wrong despite the fact that these men went in, took nothing, went straight to his room with a gun, and shot him? I just don't buy that. I'm in tears everytime i read another article or see another video about him, and I just don't believe those men didn't set out to physically harm him.

Moondog, I am not excusing what the ****s did but they didn't think anyone would be home. Sean wouldn't have normally been home and the article said that Jackie and his daughter Jackie usually stayed at her parents house. This article does make me very angry because it points how the media grossly mischaracterized Sean intially.

I mean the true mark of a nice person is they do things whether they get recognized for it or not. Sean was doing all these great things, taking care of his family, forgiving his mother, taking care of his family, etc. He could have been on TV shouting from the rooftops about all things he was doing, but he didn't. He did these things because it was in his heart and it makes me that more upset that his life was taken by a group of thugs that tried to steal from instead of earning their own way. :mad:

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