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Practice this week


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I can't remember what source I heard this from, since we've been inundated with news all week, but I heard somewhere that the Skins would only be able to practice once before the Bears game. That doesn't seem to add up.

If the funeral was Monday morning, wouldnt they come back Monday afternoon or evening. Then, couldnt they practice on Tuesday (or is that their regular day off ?), then Wednesday, and why not early Thursday, since it's a home game ? It seems like they have 2-3 potential days to practice.

What am I missing ?

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Believe it or not I think we ll end up wining because of no practicing...

Probably because of the theory that a lot of guys that look good in practice, don't look good in games....so if they don't get a chance to practice, they'll have it reserved for the game.....or maybe not

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I remember a game on Thanksgiving Day against Dallas in 1996 where Norv had his Redskins go to work the following day after a game and they practiced everyday until that game.

I hope the "walkthrough" did the Redskins some good. These guys have been playing all season so they're already in football shape.

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Why practice?

We are on a huge roll right now.......and the paychecks still cash at the bank.

these guys are professionals. Yes practice is overarted at this point. All they need to do is study the game plan and walk through it.

They have been practicing anywhere from 19-35 years now. What is one more day gonna do?

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these guys are professionals. Yes practice is overarted at this point. All they need to do is study the game plan and walk through it.

They have been practicing anywhere from 19-35 years now. What is one more day gonna do?

Just ask yourself three questions:

1. How many days of focused practice do you believe they had last week? Now add that to this week........and tell me if it totals more than 2.

2. If this were the New England Patriots, how many days do you think they would practice?

3. How many days do you think our opponent, The Bears have practiced in the last two weeks?

One way to achieve success is to do what successful people do. In the football world--that would be New England right now.

Maybe the golly-gee, everyone played their hearts out, we're all in this together, we do this as a team, we let the players tell us when they are healthy, sure you don't have to practice or play in preseason games--it's cool with us thing isn't working. Maybe we need a leader that asks a little bit more of his players and coaching staff.

Without practicing this week......we have no ability to correct our mistakes on the grass. We also have no new plays coming into this game.

Seriously......raise the expectations a little.

We are allowed to win. We should want to win. Don't believe that just because the Capitals, Bullets/Wizards, Nationals, Orioles, and about every college football progam in the area sucks, that you shouldn't expect the Redskins to win.

Losing is a disease. It is absolutely not acceptable.

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Just ask yourself three questions:

1. How many days of focused practice do you believe they had last week? Now add that to this week........and tell me if it totals more than 2.

2. If this were the New England Patriots, how many days do you think they would practice?

3. How many days do you think our opponent, The Bears have practiced in the last two weeks?

Quite frankly these questions are asinine.

The Redskins best player was murdered last week and buried this week. No team is going through a similar circumstance. To compare the practice schedule of the past two weeks is beyond silly.

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Ya I am sure that teams would be able to have focused tryouts when arguably their most talented player died for a unjust cause and was taken away from that. Football is only a game and friendship is by far more important than the result of these games. Yes Football is your career but you just dont resume it like nothing happened

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