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Eric Rivera Jr's R.I.P Shirt in Court


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This is the alleged 17 year old shooter of Sean Taylor in court. I couldn't help but notice the tee shirt he is wearing. It says R.I.P and has someone's photo on it. I enlarged it and it doesn't look like Taylor. Anyway...

(Sorry if this is a dupe thread. I've been getting back MySql errors on searches lately due to traffic.)

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There was a thread on this a few days ago. Evidently it's of a friend who was killed, forget the kids name. A bit hypocritical if you ask me.

Sorry for the dupe thread. The article was from today so I mistakenly assumed the picture was today as well. He will have plenty of time on his hands now to mourn his friend. What a waste...

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I dont get why they are letting him live or stopping him from committing suicide. i know that sounds terrible but the man is a waste of space. 17 and robbing/killing and carrying guns? he is a failure to society in my opinion and he needs to NOT be a waste to my tax dollars too.

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I dont get why they are letting him live or stopping him from committing suicide. i know that sounds terrible but the man is a waste of space. 17 and robbing/killing and carrying guns? he is a failure to society in my opinion and he needs to NOT be a waste to my tax dollars too.

agreed 100%

let the little pussbucket off himself

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This is Lil Pakistan's Page

There are several messages up there saying "Free Wardlow" and such. I have to admit I can't understand these people and the way they talk, but I get the impression that street credibility was involved and Taylor's sister is mentioned as a sexual conquest. Seriously, this MySpace page makes me very sad indeed. The amount of pure sickness in their friends' hearts is depressing. I don't know if Melbo was a good man or a bad man... my guess is from his pose he's one of the gangstas from their group. I think we're gonna need to build a lot more jails for these future criminals.

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what I really dont get in all of this is...

why in the hell is he allowed to wear something outside of just a jail uniform? Since when are inmates allowed to wear personalized t-shirts? That doesnt seem like it is very thoughtful towards the family of the man who just died.

I dont have access to Myspace at work and it is probably a good thing since I would end up getting all mad over this if I read something about my favorite player being killed over some sexual conquest.

street cred my ass...those boys are flipping on each other faster then fish out of water. thugs turned sissy as soon as the hammer drops.

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Message from lil big sis

Ok, I reread Lil Pakistan's message from lil big sis. You can't miss it since it is in huge text. She is apparently murderously upset that people are turning their backs on Charles Wardlow even though they grew up together. She uses come colorful language to say it. I hate to even familiarize myself with this kind of trashy garbage, but I guess I need to understand at some level.

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Wardlow's nickname is CDub and on the "Free Them" page you can listen to a rap song by him. The lyrics say "bullits ripping at your forehead... you don't want none of dat... wit a hundred round on the seat" The chorus is "if you gonna run it nig.. run it nig.. do some." This is just garbage gangsta rap music. The stereotypes fit very closely on these guys. I just didn't know how bad it was.

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