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Eric Rivera Jr's R.I.P Shirt in Court


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that would be great, or how 'bout a death to the 4 and all their "friends". I am of the over 30 crowd and don't do Myspace or I would help.

Sounds fun to me.......we need this little scumbags to know how wacked they are, that their boyz are goin away for good and that they are goin to be killed where there goin and to show how much ST meant to us......

heck i will help fund the trip to Fl for any DC gangbanger......Come on boys step up and help us out. We need this scum removed from the street.

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I know...this made me laugh thank you...but I had to post it...I know its hilarious but hey maybe somebody knows somebody and to me this is fricken war!

I know the spirit this is being offered in, but it isn't funny. I don't care about cyberwar with them, but no more violence please. I'll ask the moderators to shut down threads like that in the future. This isn't what we are about.

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Sounds fun to me.......we need this little scumbags to know how wacked they are, that their boyz are goin away for good and that they are goin to be killed where there goin and to show how much ST meant to us......

heck i will help fund the trip to Fl for any DC gangbanger......Come on boys step up and help us out. We need this scum removed from the street.

GCF, I know you are hurt and angry about what happened, but starting a gang war is another matter. I am just as guilty as you are in hoping that some justice is done to the criminals who support these guys, but we have to back off on more violence. What if someone from DC does go down there with the wrong information and hurts someone who is innocent? It's fun to talk about, but we cannot be serious about this. Please think about what you are posting and the effect.

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I'm glad his friend is dead. Hope his whole family dies as well.

Man... feelings run deep on this issue. I'm sorry for starting this thread now. here's a quote from the police report that will help the thirst for blood on this: "Smith, who represents Mitchell and Rivera, simply said the suspects were terrified." These guys are terrified and their doped up friends in Fr. Myers haven't figured out yet that people are going to nail them if they don't shut their mouthes. I don't want the bad karma of starting an avalanche, so I am out of this. Further violence is not the answer here.

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I dont get why they are letting him live or stopping him from committing suicide. i know that sounds terrible but the man is a waste of space. 17 and robbing/killing and carrying guns? he is a failure to society in my opinion and he needs to NOT be a waste to my tax dollars too.

Probably the best post I've seen...

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Free Wardlow, Rivera et al Myspace Page (Police Take Notice Please)

Police may want to familiarize themselves with some of these future criminals. This is some very sick stuff. Looks like Jena changed her myspace page into a "free them" site.

I hope they are all set free. With a lethal injection. Then we should round up the entire group of myspace friends and have them forcibly sterilized. These animals and their creed should have no place in our society.
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what I really dont get in all of this is...

why in the hell is he allowed to wear something outside of just a jail uniform? Since when are inmates allowed to wear personalized t-shirts? That doesnt seem like it is very thoughtful towards the family of the man who just died.

I dont have access to Myspace at work and it is probably a good thing since I would end up getting all mad over this if I read something about my favorite player being killed over some sexual conquest.

street cred my ass...those boys are flipping on each other faster then fish out of water. thugs turned sissy as soon as the hammer drops.

Think about it: he's wearing that shirt because that's what he had on when he was apprehended. It's just that simple, and disgusting.

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If anyone does a myspace page on this as a result of this thread, please please do not make this a call for a gang war or violence. These people are ignorant and they have a lot of innocent people around them that don't deserve to be put into danger. If you find information that will lead to the arrest of criminals then please turn it over to police. There is a treasure trove of information on the myspace pages of all their friends. There are also other myspace pages these people have in sections like the music section. I want full disclosure and for the police in Ft. Myers to shut these people down for good. Like Pedro said, he wants there to be some good to come from Sean's death. Violence and vendettas for Sean are not what he meant. The police should be made aware of anything we find out about. I can't understand the way these Floridians talk, but I see evidence of drug deals and theft on their messages. I think busting into Lil Pakistan would be very interesting, but I'm not going to do it myself.

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Think about it: he's wearing that shirt because that's what he had on when he was apprehended. It's just that simple, and disgusting.

I dont think that is the case. he is wearing his jailhouse garb on underneath of that. and once you are booked officially you get your civilian clothes taken from you. unfortunately i just exposed myself for having been booked before.


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Word to the wise, all.

ES will NOT become a bulletin board for the encouragement, promotion or celebration of violence. Righteous anger is one thing. Advocating vigilantism is another. It won't happen here.

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.

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