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This is Why I Can't "Let Go" of Joe Gibbs...I Just Can't


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To be honest, I really don't mind him leaving after this year if that's what he decides he wants to do. Truth is, I didn't mind him leaving the first time. Little did I know that the next 11 years would be crap :doh: If Williams takes over and we get into playoffs and beyond... fine... who could argue success? But if not, I would like for us to get someone who understands what winning means to us as much as Joe Gibbs does... Russ Grimm.

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2. Team has character, plays hard, and always seems motivated. In that regard, I still think Joe has leadership skills.

Kleese, honestly.......aside from Spurrier being a slacker, was this really an issue in the years between Gibbs' coaching stint? It seems like what you're saying is just a catchphrase people use to further defend Gibbs.

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Thanks for putting it the way I couldn't.:cheers: Except I'm on this ship for better or worse, and since I don't call the shots I go where it goes.

As we all should be, because we all bleed burgundy and gold. Thats why we all feel the frustration.

These last couple of games though, just seeing changes in the players. Generally upset after losses. Not like the laughing in the locker rooms we had before. I don't think anyone would have stepped up and said we could have blocked better for Norv?

Alas like it was said before we don't call the shots and JG's tenure already may be decided for us. I for one though think the players are finally on board and believe in the team after 4 out of 5 coaches with some esteemed football pedgriees.

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yea I am on the ship no matter what.....w/ Gibbs. Its his call when he leaves....

In Gibbs we trust. There are lessons here bigger than football and Gibbs has built a foundation we can move ahead with...when he decides.

So if your calling for Gibbs head now in his darkest weakest hour, when he and our team need our support the most....f u.

He always says we have the greatest fans in the world....act like it.

We are hammered by injury physically and emotionally....we were set for nice playoff run and no coach could recover from the way this season has unfolded....

we may still make a run and my best thoughts, prayers and wishes are with this team and coaches.

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It still amazes me that people criticize Gibbs for being conservative and not trusting his players? Let's see, 4th and a inch, false start. How many times have we seen that? Dropped balls, fumbles, wrong routes. He is trying to WIN. Yes there are things that can be improved but d@mn the players have to step up.

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I'm not ready to let go and I'm not even old enough to really remember the glory days. Joe Gibbs is THE head coach of the Washington Redskins. I want him to stay for the last year (at least).

Yes he has faltered but the people around him have made his margin for error incredibly small. Time for the players to play for Coach Gibbs.


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Honestly, I think it is time for Joe to ride into the sunset. I love him for everything he has done for this franchise, but it is becoming increasingly apparent that this stint as coach is not working out. I really think he is going to resign at the end of this year. He looks drained. The old fire just doesn't seem to be there. But that is okay. Joe will always be a legend in Washington, no matter his record this time. I will always appreciate that he came out of retirement to save the Redskins, even if the job is incomplete.

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First the respect he has been shown is the fact that fans didnt give up on him after last year and the hanging on to Mark B deal as long as he did. I want him gone, I want to win, I want him to hear it so he leaves after this year! If he comes back it is a selfish move that doesnt have anything to do with the players or fans or Redskins but rather himself!

If you believe this you have no credibility because you obviously have no idea who Joe Gibbs is. Joe is not selfish. Joe is not about himself. Joe is not about his ego. Joe Gibbs will never hurt this team for himself. Never. In fact THAT is why he should stay as long as he wants. He would never stay and hurt this team for himself. Never.

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Joe Gibbs not only knows more than I do about football, he knows more than I do about life and how to overcome adversity -- both from without and from within.

So as long as he's at the helm, as others have said, I'm on board with him. I'm not saying there's no one better; I'm saying that I'm not qualified to tell him that he doesn't know how to do his job.

So I won't.

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Joe Gibbs not only knows more than I do about football, he knows more than I do about life and how to overcome adversity -- both from without and from within.

So as long as he's at the helm, as others have said, I'm on board with him. I'm not saying there's no one better; I'm saying that I'm not qualified to tell him that he doesn't know how to do his job.

So I won't.

Very well put. :notworthy

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Joe apparently doesn't even read the nfl rulebook to learn the most basic of rules. Simple, football foundations.

Joe also apparently doesn't even consult with our head defensive coach prior to the game. Joe said he "had no idea" that we were going to start only ten men Sunday as a tribute to ST. He wanted to talk to Gregg after the game to find out "exactly what was going on."

Joe also hasn't learned the 2 minute offense.....and he doesn't know that teams punt, and not kickoff after safeties.

To the points you mentioned--Joe supposedly is the head coach of those players that are making mistakes. It is his job to coach them up, to make them accountable, and to INSPIRE them.

"We aren't good enough to blow anybody out," and calling a double timeout isn't exactly INSPIRATIONAL.

Enough is Enough already. Do you want a football coach or not?

Your right. Joe Gibbs doesn't know anything about football. Somebody better call Canton and let em in on it.

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I'm one of those fans that believes In Joe Gibbs, but I have to say this......

You're making a damn good argument for letting him go!

The only problem I have, is that you need to state who you're replacing him with, and it better be somebody competent otherwise your argument will lose its credibility!

I disagree with you slightly, but the point is well taken. I don't think the argument looses credibility if you cannot name a replacement. Joe needs to step down at the end of the season as head coach. I'm not saying there's not a place for him in the front office, but he doesn't belong in the stress filled gameday atmosphere anymore. How about giving Rex Ryan a shot as head coach?

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Kleese, don't let emotion get in the way of reality. We all love Joe, but evertime I see a thread like this, it reminds me how some of us like to bury our heads in the sand. Joe Gibbs is an outstanding human being with a great heart. He is not, however, an effective football coach anymore. If that timeout fiasco on Sunday didn't prove it, I don't know what will.

He's way too conservative, and he doesn't show enough faith in his players. He coaches like he always expects the other shoe to drop, and consequently, it does. This team is STILL its own worst enemy, and that smacks of ineffective coaching.

So, I'd rather not go down with the ship. I'd rather see Gibbs win his final game, retire gracefully, and go off into the sunset. This team needs new, young, invigorating blood on the sidelines.

I don't want Joe Gibbs to quit NOW, but I'd like him to gracefully retire after the season is over. He's not the same coach who led us to four Super Bowls and three world championships. Redskins fans do not demand a Super Bowl team every year, but we do want to see improvement and a team that truly fights. A team that doesn't punt or kick a field goal when it's fourth and one and knows how to get in the end zone when they are inside the 20. I don't want fans to think Canton made a mistake inducting this man into the Hall of Fame, and I don't want Redskins fans to act like Penn State fans a few years ago. Joe Paterno managed to turns things around in State College---I'm not sure that I can say the same about Gibbs.

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I'm ready to let go but I'm willing to wait one more year to do it.

If however, he decides to voluntarily throw in the towel at the end of this year which is a real possibility given the horrendous season he and the team has suffered through, then so much the better.

If he wants the fifth year he can have it. What I would really hate is an everlasting arguement that Gibbs2 was never given a "fair" shake. It still irks me that the Marty experiment was never fully realized for the same reason. We are left to always wonder what Marty could have done with those 3 years wasted on that other loser!

To perfectly honest, I'm not looking forward to this offseason because it's going to be an endless circle-jerk of "if only's" and "yeah, but's".

Perhaps it's too unrealistic but I like black and white with my grey areas a little more defined. '05 we were good and we knew it. '06 we sucked and we knew it!

Bottom line is that I would like Gibbs2 to end on his terms with no "yeah, but's" or "what if's" to argue about for eternity.


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I'm ready to let go but I'm willing to wait one more year to do it.

If however, he decides to voluntarily throw in the towel at the end of this year which is a real possibility given the horrendous season he and the team has suffered through, then so much the better.

If he wants the fifth year he can have it. What I would really hate is an everlasting arguement that Gibbs2 was never given a "fair" shake. It still irks me that the Marty experiment was never fully realized for the same reason. We are left to always wonder what Marty could have done with those 3 years wasted on that other loser!

To perfectly honest, I'm not looking forward to this offseason because it's going to be an endless circle-jerk of "if only's" and "yeah, but's".

Perhaps it's too unrealistic but I like black and white with my grey areas a little more defined. '05 we were good and we knew it. '06 we sucked and we knew it!

Bottom line is that I would like Gibbs2 to end on his terms with no "yeah, but's" or "what if's" to argue about for eternity.


It'll be hard to do that given the magniture of some of the mistakes made during Gibbs II. Speaking from a purely personnel standpoint, some of the decisions (Lloyd, Arch) have been horrendous. You look at the successful teams in this league and you notice something immediately: they draft well and the NEVER make mistakes in free agency. We have made some great free agent signings, but the downside of our signings has been greater than the upside. Those decisions haunt you, and they continue to haunt this franchise. Compound that with few draft picks over the last four years, and the product we've seen on the field should hardly come as any surprise.

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