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2007 Season ended today on 11/29/2007!


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Face it folks, there is no real race anymore.

The only thing left that is of worth to watch is the Patriots and their run for an undefeated season, but that's a team thing.

Watching NFL from now on is like watching a movie for the second time. We all know what's coming.

We know who'll win in the NFC and we know who'll win in the AFC and we also know who will win the Superbowl.

So I ask you, what is the point anymore?

Goodell once again screws it all up.

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Get rid of the salary cap and this league would be awesome. A third dominant teams, a third mediocore teams and a third ****ty teams - just like it should be. This bull**** salary cap is producing like 5 dominant teams, 22 mediocore ones, and 5 terrible ones. This parity crap is getting old.

You would really start to see player transfers then.

Something that happens in european soccer. Their problem is in every national league it's a 2 or 3 horse race to the end every single year, and it's the same teams year in and year out.

Would you really want to see the Redskins pay 150 million dollars to have some player as their own?

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You would really start to see player transfers then.

Something that happens in european soccer. Their problem is in every national league it's a 2 or 3 horse race to the end every single year, and it's the same teams year in and year out.

Would you really want to see the Redskins pay 150 million dollars to have some player as their own?

I think its only like that in European soccer because the team owns the rights to the player from the day they sign until eternity. In the NFL you only get 5 years after their drafted. If they got rid of the salary cap, the NFL would turn into the MLB - where the big market teams compete and the other teams have a snowballs chance. No thanks.

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Goodell just became commissioner relatively recently.

What the hell are you talking about?

Did no one remember the 80s? Giants, Niners, Redskins, occasional appearances by BEars and Cowboys.

Tha's it.

IF I Broke down 00s, Eagles, Bucs, Seahawks, Cowboys are making it back (though yet to a title game) New Orleans, Bears...I mean the list goes on.

THere's a lot more parity now.

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Get rid of the salary cap and this league would be awesome. A third dominant teams, a third mediocore teams and a third ****ty teams - just like it should be. This bull**** salary cap is producing like 5 dominant teams, 22 mediocore ones, and 5 terrible ones. This parity crap is getting old.
Boy, I sure wish this league was composed of one-third horrible teams. How much fun it would be for thirty-three percent of the league to be completely non-competitive.

:laugh: Yeah, pretty much the worst idea ever. :laugh:

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I'm not willing to give up yet.

Yeah...I am not either. This team has so much freaking talent its crazy. If our wide receivers play consistently and Campbell puts the ball in a good position and Portis runs well...the sky is the limit for this offense. The defense really has to step it up but I have faith in them. I love this team...Its so hard to give up on them for me.

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I used to hate the cap, but I don't so much mind it anymore now that I have gotten a little bit older and I understand it better. If they got rid of the cap, you would see the same teams on top year after year. The rich would get richer and the small teams would just get blown out of the water every year and not ever have a real shot at being a contender.:2cents:

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What do you mean by Goodell screws it up again? He's been doing a great job.

His punishment on Bill Belicheat was one of the saddest day in NFL history.

Basically, the NFL told its consumers that if a player cheats, he gets a 6 game suspension, but when a coach cheats, he gets fined chump change.

Goodell should have resigned after that debacle.

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worst season in about 12 years for me. The Pukes are going to the SB, the Pats will probably win it all again and we lose our best defensive player. Rotten year. I've given up on us and the season. Not worth it anymore. God continues to make my sports life miserable and there's nothing I can do about it. He continues to want to make me miserable and so far it's working. Football isn't fun to watch anymore. Seems like every team can improve but us. It's just not fair. I give up. Taking my ball and going home. Can't get 1 winner out of the bunch of s*** teams I root for. Eff em. No more.

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