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Vigil at Redskins Park (6PM to 8PM tonight) Mod edited title

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Folks, while we all want to express our well wishes for Sean, The timing isn't the best right now. Odds of getting sent away are pretty good with the increased security if you show up there. I would suggest giving it 24 hours for things to simmer down at Redskins Park.

Hopefully something will be able to be planned later tonight for tomorrow if the team doesn't have a problem with it.

Understood. I'm a partner in a local shopping center. I'm going to see if it's feasible to open up our parking lot. (in Chantilly)

Realistically, that would probably be tomorrow also.

This evening I'm going to pray for Sean and his family at St. Veronica's in Chantilly. Maybe we can just all go to our respective churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, etc in smaller groups.

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I have no connections and I am way too far removed, (geographically as well as historically), from the area to say what you can or cannot do there. However, if the road leading into the Park is one that is ublicly accessible,(not something that is private), is there a reason why you just couldn't hold one right there outside the Park if that's what you want to do? If so, then take off the question mark in this thread, use it, the chat feature, and pm's to get things organized and get yourselves ready to be there an agreed time. :)

Or one could be really smart,ignore the knucklehead mod, and just wait for Pez and Huly to work things out with the team and get back to you on things.


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I'd love to come, though it may be a bit of an event figuring out how to get there. I'm on campus without a car, but I can try to grab the Metro or a bus to try and get where I need to go.

Just keep me updated.

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I hope a vigil can be planned for tomorrow night.. I would go tonight, but I got work at 5 and that only leaves me an hour to call out. It's all about timing.

Also, having it tomorrow It will allow more time for the public to be informed.

So, I'll be there if it's tomorrow for sure.

Tonight... not-so-sure, all depends on timing.

Either way my thoughts and prayers have been with ST all day.

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I personally think something should be done tonight... he is clinging for his life...we don't know what tomorrow will bring. I understand the organization has concerns but with something as critical as this waiting may not be the answer. If we can't do it a Redskins Park maybe somewhere else.

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Also, I've sent some of the mods a PM asking them if there's an address that people can send cards to ST and his family .... Art is looking into it and should let us know.

Great! I was going to send flowers earlier today, but wasn't sure of the address.

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Hey Pez. For those of us that are out of state. Can you put together some kind of thread for those who can't be there. Can someone keep a lap top with them so the rest of us can feel closer to all of you that will there. The press probably will not show much of the vigil, but I would sure appreciate being there in some kind of way. I'll keep praying here at home. My prayers again to Sean, his family and all the redskin faithful. God Bless.

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